MAKE UR CHIO HAIR COLOR LAST LONGERRR (swipe!!!) with @liesesg Hair Color Supplement. If not y’all spend so much money and time sitting in salon to do chio hair color but it’s gone in a few wash. It’d fade into this yellowish, brassy dull mess 😣 Especially the chio ash colors omg, fade super fast!!! 😠
#LieseHairColorSupplement is super easy to use, just use it after shampoo and wash off!!! 😱👍🏻 It uses European salon technology which helps prevent brassiness, which is the unwanted yellow tones that occurs when hair color fades after hair has been dyed and washed for a few times. And honestly how often we head to the salon to dye hair? Once every 3 months for even the hardworking ones? The rest once every 6 months or some lagi best.. Once a year for CNY only 😳 We are just very busy people lah.
But nice hair color usually gets good attention. It’s the most noticeable “accessory” we put on ourselves. Like if i see someone with nice color i really will take a second look haha. Plus faded dirty orangey yellowish hair makes someone look very tired and haggard 🙊
Use 1-2 times a week and you will get awesome results!!! They have three different products for all the different hair colors group! They have brown, ash and pink! For me i used pink for my super pretty pink latte hair. The first week i didn’t use the supplement. It faded into an orangey pink brown. 2nd week i use the Liese Hair Color Supplement twice and it regained into a pink brown! Results after is less vivid and much lighter than the original hair color i did in salon, but 100% percent better than the orangey pink brown my hair faded into before i use the supplement!!! 😍😍😍💯💯💯
Y’all should definitely get it!!! If not all the chio hair color say byebye before we can even show it off enough 😌☺