喜歡看電影的人都曉得,最動聽的一些交響樂曲目來自銀幕。昨晚我參加了辛辛那提大眾管弦樂團的好萊塢之夜,指揮家約翰.莫里斯.羅素帶領樂團表演了一些大家耳熟能詳的電影主題曲,包括艾瑪.伯恩斯坦為西部電影《豪勇七蛟龍》所作的振奮人心的旋律,接著是《不可能的任務》以及配樂大師約翰.威廉斯經典作品的組曲。另外,小提琴家林昭亮完美地演繹了《辛德勒的名單》的主題曲,最後有三首安可曲,包括了《王牌大賤諜》系列中那首明快有力的Soul Bossa Nova。 --- 梅健華 #FromAITDirector
Everyone who enjoys the movies knows that some of the best modern orchestral compositions were composed for the silver screen. Last night, I was delighted to attend the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra’s tribute to Hollywood film soundtracks. Conductor John Morris Russell led the Symphony through some of the most famous of film theme songs. The orchestra began with a rousing rendition of the most recognizable tune from movie Westerns, Elmer Bernstein’s theme from ‘The Magnificent Seven,’ and took us through ‘Mission: Impossible’ and a medley of John Williams’s classics. We also heard a beautiful rendition of the ‘Schindler's List’ theme by guest violin soloist Cho-Liang Lin and three encores, including the punchy ‘Soul Bossa Nova,’ from the ‘Austin Powers’ movies...km