I apologize for not mentioning beforehand, but I had a successful operation at Kobe University Hospital.
Unlike the previous endoscopic surgery, I had the osteochondral transplantation and the microfracture due to cartilage damage of the tibia and femur and the meniscal repair.
For someone who never caught a cold during the 6 years on the tour, it was my second time to catch a cold this year when I was scheduled to have the surgery. When I went into the hospital, I had a fever, headache and a terrible cough. The temperature rose to 37.6°C the night before the surgery and I was told that if the temperature hits 38°C, the surgery may be postponed. It made me worry, but luckily the temperature settled the next morning and I was able to go into surgery.
After the surgery, I saw the swollen knee which I couldn’t move and realized what a major operation it was compared to the previous one. But I had made my decision after giving a serious thought about the choice I had of taking this operation or not, and this helped me from getting too depressed.
I made a firm decision and finally reached this point, but I know the worse is yet to come. I am preparing myself for the long painful rehabilitation and at the same time to maintain a strong determination.
Rehabilitation began the day after the surgery. Weekends are off, but after each therapy, I can feel a gradual improvement. However, spending most of the day in bed doing nothing, I got frightened to see my muscles quickly weakening.
I then have to start from zero again.
I just wanted to express my thanks to all of you who sympathized and supported me all this time. Also, I’m grateful to Dr. Saito who has given much thought about what is best for me.
And furthermore, it was Dr. Kuroda at Kobe University Hospital who I entrusted my knee.
I met Dr. Kuroda for the first time on April 5th when I went to the hospital to get a second opinion. Immediately, he put himself in the position of an athlete and considered the best option for my condition.
I told Dr. Kuroda that I entrusted him totally, but his response was, “Your future will be decided 40% by outcome of surgery, 40% by rehabilitation, and the rest will not be known until you, yourself, stand on the court.”
I took his words to heart and decided that I have no choice but to make the challenge myself.
Orthopedic Department at Kobe University Hospital including Dr. Kuroda and his team doctors, rehabilitation therapists, and nurses all had provided the best arrangements and environment for me.
Although Kansai is a familiar place for me, I did feel a bit insecure being in the hospital all alone, but friends came to visit and I rarely had to stay in my room alone since the hospital staff supported me completely. When I look back on it, I can actually say that I enjoyed my stay. I appreciated my friends for coming all the way to see me at the hospital, too.
I will be released from the hospital tomorrow as I was able to get permission for the earliest release possible, and I will transfer to JISS.
It will take another 5-6 weeks before I can put weight on my legs. It looks like I will not be able to function around the house, so I decided to spend some time at JISS and concentrate on rehabilitation.
When will I be able to stand on the court?
Who knows? Everything is a first-time experience so I can’t say when, but I know for sure that I will take a big step forward.
Anyways, this is what I have been up to recently. Considering many factors, I let a very few people know about my surgery so I hope you will understand that this major news for me has become an ex post facto report.
best orthopedic 在 湯士萱物理治療師 Suzanne Tang Physiotherapist Facebook 的最佳貼文
「幫助大家以更有效率的方法使用身體、動得更好、自在完成想做的事,並達到更好的運動表現!教授KC,TPM, MSP等課程,提升動作相關專業人員能力,使大家能幫助更多的人」這就是我的工作!
除了擔任一對一物理治療師外,我也是一名「動作訓練員」,教授彼拉提斯 (Pilates) 以及脊椎螺旋運動 (GYROKINESIS®);除此之外,也是亞洲首位KC(Kinetic Control) 及 TPM(The Performance Matrix) 官方國際認證講師。
在這裡分享關於「物理治療治療」、「彼拉提斯 (Pilates)」、「螺旋律動( GYROKINESIS®)」、「肌肉骨骼健康」、「舞者肌肉骨骼健康」等進修與教學筆記、心得。
“Move Smartly! Move Comfortably! ”
「動得更輕鬆,過得更舒適」 !
「內在更健康,外在更美麗」 !
"Move better, feel better, live better and perform better."
►亞洲首位 英國 COMERA MOVEMENT SCIENCE - Kinetic Control 課程認證國際講師
► 亞洲首位 英國 COMERA MOVEMENT SCIENCE – The Performance Matrix動作健康與運動表現提升檢測系統 國際顧問 (Performance Matrix Consultant)
►英國 Kinetic Control 認證動作治療師 (Kinetic Control Movement Therapist)
►國際脊椎螺旋運動指導員 (GYROKINESIS® Certified Instructor)
►康卓健康 Optimal Control Wellness Center 創辦人
►誠星物理治療所 物理治療師
►國際課程即時口譯:Kinetic Control 2016、2017;SANCTBAND 2016 ;Flossband 2016
►前 許醫師復健科診所 物理治療師 (一對一物理治療)
►前 中正高中舞蹈班 兼任教師
►前 德建康肌適能中心 動作指導員 (一對一動作訓練)
前 音樂童年 GYROKINESIS® 指導員
►前 Vivafit 歐洲女性快速健身中心 彼拉提斯指導員
►前 AS YOGOA 彼拉提斯指導員
►前 Dr. 白淳升 MotionDr. 動作分析研究室 特別助理
►前 音樂童年文教事業 舞蹈教材研發講師
►英國 Kinetic control: 人體動作控制訓練 ——動作解決策略1~3 (The Movement Solution 1~3)
►英國 Kinetic Control:肌筋膜激痛點療法 (Solution for Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy)
►英國 Kinetic Control:以控制疼痛為目的之動作控制貼紮法(Movement Control Taping for Pain Management) / 創新的關節鬆動術(Innovative Articular Mobilization)
►英國 The Performance Matrix 動作健康與運動表現檢測系統- The Performance Solution 1
►澳洲 Manual Concepts: 脊椎徒手調整技術 (Spinal Manual Therapy)
►德國 The Schroth Best Practice Program 施特羅脊椎側彎治療
►澳洲 Dynamic Tape:動態貼布貼紮技術 1 & 2 (Dynamic Taping - Level 1 & 2)
►澳洲 Perfect Form Physio:舞者物理治療 (Dance Teacher & Health Professional Intensive Workshop-level 1)
►美國Therapeutic Movement Seminar:臨床骨科動作專家認證課程-第一階段-Segment 1-4 (Orthopedic Movement Specialist - Part I - Segment 1-4 )
►美國 Polestar:結合皮拉提斯與施羅特方法的脊椎側彎運動
►美國 Balanced Body®:彼拉提斯墊上運動指導員 (Pilates Mat 1 & 2)
►美國 Balanced Body®:彼拉提斯器械運動指導員 (Pilates Trapeze Table, Chair, and Barrels 1,2 & 3)
►美國 Balanced Body®:核心滾筒指導員 (MOTRTM)
►美國 The Upledger Institute:頭顱薦椎徒手調整技術Ⅰ & Ⅱ (CranioSacral Therapy Ⅰ & Ⅱ)
►美國 GYROTONIC®:GYROKINESIS® Level 1 Pre-Training Course, Level 1 Foundation Course, Level 1 Final Certificate Course, Breathing Course Intensive, Lotus Blossom-Program 1 Course
►美國 The Upledger Institute: SomatoEmotional Release 1,2
►美國 The Upledger Institute: SER: Mastering the Inner Physician
►美國 The Barral Institute:內臟筋膜鬆動術1 -腹腔1 (Visceral Manipulation 1: The Abdominal 1)
►美國 The Barral Institute:內臟筋膜鬆動術2 -腹腔2 (Visceral Manipulation2: The Abdominal 2)
►美國 The Barral Institute:內臟筋膜鬆動術 3-骨盆腔 (Visceral Manipulation 3: Pelvis)
►美國 The Barral Institute:內臟筋膜鬆動術 4-胸腔 (Visceral Manipulation 4 :Thorax)