【!!!憑什麼 我就是台灣人!!!】
我一直都不統 我們的護照要寫republic of china..
不同護照、不同護照顏色、口音不同、政府的形式不同、只能用自己的social media、還沒能選自己的總統
身為國際生 我一直在解釋我來自哪裡
甚至還得解釋我是台灣人 但是為什麼要解釋?
有一次 替我填退稅單是店員直接在國家寫上China
我當下很不開心 直接跟他說我是台灣人
但是他依然不予理會 說沒錯因為護照是這樣寫
去到哪 別人聽到說中文的 就Chinese Chinese的說
但是在聽過我解釋這一切的朋友 都支持台灣是一個國家的想法
這些絕對跟政治無關 因為政治方面並不是我們能夠改變的
我現在很努力的 告訴身邊的人 問我的人
說我是台灣人 說台灣在哪裡 說為什麼我們跟他們不一樣
或許我得一直解釋 這三年我也解釋過無數遍
但是我想 這就是我唯一能做的吧
不過 我們也要讓別人看出我們確實是不同國家的人
把自己的素質提高 做一個能為台灣發光的台灣人
I am Taiwanese, I don’t know why we always have to explain we are Taiwanese.
We have different passport even colour is different, accents are different, we can use all the social media and never been blocked by our government, and we can also vote our own president. Due to all the differences, I think everyone can see that it is absolutely we are different country!
I cried so hard on the plane this early morning, cause they called me Chinese, and I really want to be taiwanese.
I don't know when can I be a real Taiwanese instead of Chinese Asian girl come from weird country which called Republic of China.
Before boarding the flight from Costa Rica to Florida, I was asked to have another security check by the side of entrance, and my seat is not given. I really don't know what it means. It's weird, it's really weird. It just likes an insult. The worker joked around, spoke in Spanish saying that this is a Chinese girl. And I said I'm Taiwanese not chinese. Even I said like this, They still asked me like why? Once again the endless conversation in this trip was why Taiwan is not China, why your country name on passport is China, what the difference between Taiwan and China. I'm really sad. At least 20 times of this kind of situation happened in this 38 days trip, and at least 100 people called me Chinese. I tried to explain everytime, although I don't know what change can I bring. I hope there's one day I can have a Taiwan passport and be a real Taiwanese.
boarding at意思 在 主播 路怡珍 Facebook 的精選貼文
一、出國準備時 Prepare for traveling
1. 護照 passport
2. 旅行社 travel agency
3. 手續費 service charge
4. 簽證 visa
二、預訂機票時 Make flight reservations
1. 單程機票 one-way ticket
2. 往返機票 round trip ticket
3. 頭等艙 first-class section
4. 商務艙 business-class section
5. 經濟艙 economy-class section
6. 靠窗的位子 window seat
7. 靠近走道的座位 aisle seat
A: I’d like to make flight reservations to Hong Kong on May first for three. What is the departure time of the flight to Hong Kong? ( 我想預定三張在五月一日飛往香港的機票。航班是幾點起飛?)
B: Sorry, we only have a seat available on the flight for Hong Kong at 10:30 a.m. ( 很抱歉,我們只剩一張早上十點半飛往香港的機票。)
A: Would you like one-way tickets? ( 您是要單程機票嗎?)
B: I’d like one one-way ticket and one round trip ticket, please. ( 我要一張單程票,一張往返機票。)
A: I’d like to confirm my ticket reservation. My name is … , and my flight number is… (我想確認我的機票,我叫做….,我要乘坐的航班號是…)
B: You are leaving for Hong Kong at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Is that correct? (你是要飛往香港,起飛時間為十點半,對嗎?)
三、抵達機場時 At the Airport
1. 航廈 terminal
2. 航空公司服務櫃台 airline attendant
3. 小型推車 Luggage cart
4. 行李 baggage (多為美國所用) / luggage (多為英國所用)
5. 隨身行李 hand-carry bag
6. 機場巴士 Shuttle bus
7. 跑道 runway
You have to renew your passport before it expires. 在有效期限到之前,你必須更換新的護照。
How many pieces of baggage would you like to check?您有幾件行李需要拖運?
※ 這裡的check有托運、託管的意思!
You have to pay extra charge for overweight. 你必須支付行李超重部分的費用。
When is the boarding time? 登機時間是何時呢?
What gate number should I go to board flight 343 to Paris? 飛往巴黎的343航班在幾號登機口登機?
Passengers in rows one through seven may now board. 座位在第一排到第七排的旅客現在可以登機
四、在飛機上 On board
1. 機長 captain
2. 副駕駛 copilot
3. 空服員 flight attendant
4. 救生衣 life preserver
5. 艙頂置物櫃 overhead compartment
6. 時差 time different
7. 時差症候群 jet lag / jet syndrome
8. 入境申請卡 landing card
9. 海關申報卡 customs declaration
※ Custom有習慣、風俗的意思,以複數形式來說,就是海關、關稅!
Can I have something to drink?可以給我喝得嗎?
Do you have pills for airsickness? 請問有暈機藥嗎?
Do you sell duty free goods on the flight? 飛機上有賣免稅商品嗎?
This headphone is out of order. 這個耳機壞了
Can I use the lavatory now? 我現在可以使用洗手間了嗎?
I have acrophobia. 我有懼高症 (=I have a fear of heights. )
boarding at意思 在 林輝:旅遊寫作人 Facebook 的最佳解答
Post 1
真係受夠啦!! cut晒D blanket啦!!
356個客俾7袋做來回兩sector, 邊個諗㗎!!痴線,on ground已經俾客鬧到冇晒心機,自己都覺得醜呀,轉營做廉航啦,仲扮咩premium airline姐!!!
Post 2
話light load 姐 都有成200幾人
你上4袋blankets 俾我!?
40幾人掙你一條污漕blankets, 你真係仲好意思話自己premium airline.
行去俾個婆婆時 佢用緊報紙cum住自己呀!
一D都唔好笑 我見到真係好傷心
你地D膠層可能真係冇grandma grandpa 同父母
我勸你地真係做小D陰質野 如果唔係第日報紙都冇得你cum呀!
Post 3
做班台北夜機,成個zone 120 個客只得 一包(8張)毛毯!
成個EY 三百幾個客得4包(32張)
未起飛已經say sorry 咗成百次。
Did a Taipei night flight with insuffient blankets.( as usual)
The whole EY cabin was full of apologies even before take off.
One Taiwanese lady asked for blanket at the early stage of boarding, I explained and apologized. She then asked for newspapers ----- to cover herself!