1. Wanita dilarang menarik brg berat tapi harus menolak.
Juga elakkan membawa brg2 berat.
Ini adalah krn urat saraf wanita yg cepat lemah.
...Continue ReadingHEALTHY INFO
1. Women are not allowed to pull heavy items but must refuse.
Also avoid carrying heavy items.
This is because of the nerves of women who are quickly weak.
2. Jln 50 steps to repair body bone.
Up 20 stairs fixing knee bones.
3. Coffee is not recommended for WOMEN,
Because it can cause osteoporosis and speed up monopause.
4. Boil 10 pieces of leaf greetings with 2 glasses of water,
Drink everyday for 12 days to lower cholesterol and high blood.
5. Causes of high blood is deficiency of calcium.
Watermelon is the source of calcium.
Recommended yellow watermelon.
6. Pear juice + strawberry 4 pcs increase body durability.
7. Black wine strengthens the heart, green grapes slimming the body, red wine spreads the veins not to be clogged.
Acting as anti cholesterol.
8. Yellow pumpkin is good for sharpening children's remembering,
Eating by pregnant women is better.
For grown men,
Useful pumpkin to produce quality sperm.
9. Bananas for those who often cramps and threatens.
10. Mangg is the best for bones.
11. Peppers cure diabetes,
bone pain and anti cancer.
12. Apple + beans in juice together can be pancreatic / diabetes medicine.
13. Eating greens daylight,
Acting as an anti stroke.
14. Veggies ensure protein doesn't become cancer.
15. Veggies make sure carbs don't become diabetes.
* Health Guide *
01. 🍴 Eating before sleeping can cause gastric cancer because the intestines cannot rest.
02. 🍴 Can only eat 4 eggs 🍳 a week.
If it's better not.
03. Chicken Tungkings 🐔 containing carcinogens,
cause of cancer.
Don ' t ✋ eat chicken limb.
04. Eating fruit 🍇🍒🍉🍓🍑🍈🍌 should be before eating,
not after eating.
05. period time don't ✋ drink tea ☕ more green tea,
better eat something that can add blood.
06. ✋ Reduce drinking peanut milk and don't add eggs and sugar to your drink.
07. ☝ Eating tomatoes during or after eating.
Don't be empty stomach time.
08. ☝ Every morning waking up drinking 1 ⃣ glass of white water can prevent hempedu stone.
Two glasses to activate internal organs.
09. 3 hours before sleeping 😴 don't eat can be fat.
10. ⛔ Don't drink milk tea or (tug tea / buble tea) because of high calories of high fat non nutritious and high blood & diabetes.
11. ⛔ Don't eat bread that's fresh out of the oven or oven.
12. ⛔ Charger don't be near the bed,
Must be 30 cm more.
13. ☝ Drinking water every day 🔟 glass can avoid diabetes.
14. 🌞 Noon need to drink a lot of water
🌚 at night need a little water drink.
15. ☝ Drink coffee don't be more than 2 ⃣ cup a day,
can cause insomnia which is difficult to sleep and gastric.
16. ☝ Don't eat food that's high fat because you need 5 ⃣ ⃣ 7, digestion hour,
It resulted in blood centered in digestion and resulted in sleepy 😴 because the brain lacks oxygen.
17. ☝ After 5. pm don't ⛔ eat a lot because our body doesn't need many calories.
18. ☝🔟 healthy food types:
Deep sea fish, banana,
Bali lime,
bread full of wheat,
vegetable spinach,
garlic, pumpkin,
low fat milk,
chicken meat,
19. ☝ Lack of sleep can weaken the brain.
20. 🍋🍋🍋
Hot lemon kills cancer cells.
Hopefully it will be useful 😊👍