《Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection》發售將近一個多月,相信有玩家經已把6款作品全都通關,但當中可能也有因無法通關《Mega Man Zero》而放棄的玩家。但是,請放心!我們將會為大家送上自公開以來一直大受好評的BOSS攻略的第2彈及第3彈唷!事不宜遲,快去看看吧!
[Mega Man Zero攻略第2彈TIPS#1/5] Sage Harpuia
當以跳躍斬對他造成傷害時,他會降落回地上,但隨即會使出三連發Sonic Boom,及後在回到空中時再送一擊Sonic Boom。一定要避開這些攻擊。
當他回到空中後就重返第一步,以跳躍斬給予傷害,並避開落地後的Sonic Boom攻擊。基本上就是重覆這樣的攻擊方法。
We’re sure some of you have finished all six games in Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, but we have a feeling some users may be having a harder time with the first Mega Man Zero game.
Don’t fret! We’ve put together another set of boss strategy for you, this time focusing on Blizzack Staggroff and the Four Guardians of Master X.
[Mega Man Zero BOSS TIPS Vol.2 #1/5] Sage Harpuia
Sage Harpuia is allegedly the most popular of the Four Guardians of Master X. The first step in defeating this adversary is ambushing him with attacks while he’s in midair. If you damage him with a jump slash, he’ll drop to the ground and immediately unleash three Sonic Boom attacks. When he starts to fly again, he’ll release another bonus Sonic Boom, so make sure you get out of harm’s way.
Once Sage Harpuia is airborne, you can repeat this process – damaging him with jump slashes and dodging his Sonic Booms. One thing to note is that Sage Harpuia will slowly close in on Zero. If he’s less than half the screen away, book it in the opposite direction and reset the playing field.