Campo Pequeno Bullring, Lisbon
里斯本 Campo Pequeno 鬥牛場
Campo Pequeno (Portuguese) // Small Field (English) // 小場地 (中文)
不知各位可知道, 葡萄牙都有鬥牛比賽? 在首都里斯本, 就有一座建造宏偉的鬥牛場 (葡萄牙文: Praça de Touros do Campo Pequeno)。
Do you know that there are bullfights held in Portugal too? Located in Campo Pequeno of Lisbon, there is a grand bullring structure (Praça de Touros do Campo Pequeno).
建於1890年, 只用了兩年時間就建成的這座鬥牛場, 建築是北非摩爾風格 (葡萄牙跟西班牙都曾被北非摩爾人所統治), 整個外牆都用橙色磚所建, 顏色奪目。每年從復活節到夏天, 都不定期舉行鬥牛表演; 其餘時間, 場地作為大型音樂演唱會和其他表演之用。
Built in 1890, the bullring completed construction in just two years. The imposing orange brick structure is strongly influenced by North African Moorish design (Both Portugal and Spain were once under the rule of the Moors from North Africa). Every year from the Easter to the summer, there are bullfights. During the rest of the year, it is occasionally used for live concerts and other performances.
值得一提的是, 有別於西班牙的鬥牛比賽, 在葡萄牙, 鬥牛在比賽中和完結時, 是不會被殺的, 這是從國王 King Dom Miguel I (1828-1834) 以來傳下的傳統。
One thing which worths mentioning is that there is at least one difference between the Portuguese bullfighting and the Spanish bullfighting. In Portuguese bullfights, the bull is enraged, but it is not killed in the ring during and at the end of the show. This has been a tradition since the time of the King Dom Miguel I of Portugal (1828-1834).
不過始終, 對很多人來說, 鬥牛是一項殘忍的活動..
Nevertheless, bullfighting is still considered by many people as violent to the animals.
*** How to visit (如何前往參觀) ***
Campo Pequeno, Uptown Lisbon
Campo Pequeno metro station (on the yellow line)
Campo Pequeno 地鐵站 (黃色線)
*** Some words about Portuguese bullfights (有關鬥牛的葡文詞彙) ***
cavaleiros (Portugese) // horsemen (English) // 騎士 (中文)
Tourada (Portuguese) // bullfight (English) // 鬥牛 (中文)
(註: 第四張相片來源: