最後同大家update:#林作英式英文口語教室 最後方案詳情目前接近完工,有幾款選擇。基本上我地會進行2小時一堂、一對一或一對二嘅集中式訓練。我俾稿你、亦同你睇一啲英國名家嘅講話讓你模仿,最後以音標教學幫你糾正。至於最少可以上幾堂,我地會盡快決定。未聯絡我嘅同學請盡快 PM我。由於需要如此小班教學而目前我地已經有多於50人確認報名,我地會根據報名前後優先處理。
//As I have said in the opening statement in Chinese, we have always upheld our political neutrality. Ever since the secretariat has come into existence, we have always worked according to this principle. We have dealt with very controversial issues. We always endeavour to use our best professional judgement and independent thinking to serve the Council and all its committees. What we have done last Friday was to issue a letter to the Security Bureau hoping to clarify a number of questions relating to the details of the Bill. As everybody would understand from the list of questions, those details are important to be thought through. //
#陳維安 #逃犯條例
bureau發音 在 林作 Facebook 的最佳貼文
有人話我唔應該恥笑陳偉霆啲英文。就咁,我已經話過,佢紅唔係因為英文好,我接受,我係唔明 Chanel 廣告團隊點俾呢段片喺冇修正下出街。我亦唔係針對口音問題,係發音錯誤。之但係William 哥讀 St Jo 再加耀中,都幾名校出身。
//As I have said in the opening statement in Chinese, we have always upheld our political neutrality. Over the past many many years ever since the secretariat has come into existence, we have always worked against this principle. We have dealt with very controversial issues. We always endeavour to use our best professional judgement and independent thinking to serve the Council and all its committees. What we have done last Friday was to issue a letter to the Security Bureau hoping to clarify a number of questions relating to the details of the Bill. As everybody would understand from those list of questions, those details are important to be orally thought through. //
Political neutrality - not po-litical. 我會拍一段正確發音片段解釋。
Worked against this principle. - 佢癲咗,話秘書處一直反對政治中立呢個原則。佢係想講 worked according to this principle. 反轉咗黎講,自打嘴巴,呢個高官level,實在係seven。
'Over the past many many years... 港式英語 「過去好多好多年」。英文角度黎講係又多餘 (redundant) 又繁瑣 (cumbersome)。Delete。
Very controversial - very not fery. 香港人有發唔到 v 音邊漏風嘅 f 音問題。必須狠狠地咬住下唇。Con-troversial is wrong. 我會拍片解釋該如何發音。
'Those list' is grammatically wrong。係 those lists。單數複數都未識分。
'Orally thought through' makes no sense。呢個唔係語言問題係邏輯問題。翻譯成中文:「口頭考慮一下」。啲官究竟係想點....
#林作英式英文口語教室 #陳維安 #立法會 #秘書處 #政治中立 #秘書處原來一直反對此原則 #workedagainstworkedaccordingto傻傻分不清楚