由美國知名劇作家溫蒂·凱瑟曼所改編,全世界最出名的日記小說《安妮的日記》,將在這個週末由蝴蝶效應劇團 Butterfly Effect Theatre Co.盛大搬上舞台!誠摯邀請粉絲們與AIT、紐約導演何俊希、及來自13個國家的卡司陣容,齊聚華山烏梅劇場,重溫安妮的生命故事。相關訊息請見: https://www.facebook.com/betheatretw/
American playwright Wendy Kesselman’s adaptation of the world’s most famous diary - The Diary of Anne Frank - will be performed live on stage this weekend by Taipei’s Butterfly Effect Theater. Please join us, New York Director Brook Hall, and 13 international cast members as we rediscover Anne’s story at Huashan 1914 Creative Park. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/betheatretw/ #ButterflyEffectTheater #AnneFrank # DiaryofAnneFrank