*【拜登簽署短期支出法案 以免美政府停擺】
參議院週四採取了第一個程序性步驟,以推進一項獨立法案,該法案將在 2022 年12月之前取消聯邦借款的法定限額,儘管在共和黨的阻撓議案中幾乎肯定會失敗。
#美國司法部表示,正在追訴州長 Greg Abbott禁止在該州學校戴口罩的禁令。
#大多數非洲國家未能實現為其 10% 的人口接種疫苗的目標。
#授權後近兩個月,泰森食品 91% 的員工都接種了疫苗。
#根據歐洲疾病預防控制中心的一份新報告,如果在未來幾週內放鬆對 Covid-19 的限制,疫苗接種覆蓋率不足的歐洲國家,很可能會出現新的冠狀病毒病例和死亡人數激增的情況。
#研究發現同時接種流感和 Covid 疫苗沒有任何問題。隨著流感季節的到來,這些結果對於緊張的醫護人員來說是個好消息。
加州要求所有醫護人員接種冠狀病毒疫苗,主要衛生系統報告稱,種率提高到 90%以上。紐約本週開始強制數千名醫院和療養院工作人員接種疫苗。在幾家大公司,高管們報告說,在增加要求後,疫苗接種率激增。
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過244萬的網紅メンタリスト DaiGo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🟢20日間無料🟢 DaiGoが作った知識のNetflix【Dラボ】→https://daigovideolab.jp/ ※クレジットカードがない場合はバンドルカード(プリペイドカード)でも登録できます 🟢今なら1冊無料🟢 通常3000円のメンタリストDaiGoのオーディオブックが今なら無料→ht...
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這篇來自NY Times上的文章,帶我們看到人類學家如何關注美國在川普與拜登擔任總統時期的語言使用差異,以及所帶來的種種影響。這也帶我們進一步去反思台灣政治人物的語言使用及其所帶來的作用力。
「拜登正試圖奪回歐巴馬政府時期的美國願景,一個更加多樣化、在宗教上更寬容、更能包容不同性別傾向和性別呈現的願景,」加州大學洛杉磯分校(University of California, Los Angeles)人類學教授、《川普時代的語言——醜聞與緊急情況》(Language in the Trump Era: Scandals and Emergencies)一書的作者之一諾瑪·門多薩-丹頓(Norma Mendoza-Denton)說。
門多薩-丹頓表示,川普在其動盪的任期內尋求「通過語言重塑現實」。在她與布蘭迪斯大學(Brandeis University)的珍妮特·麥金托什(Janet McIntosh)合著的這本書中,麥金托什寫道,前總統「改變了人們對總統語言的一些最深層次的期望,不僅是在風格方面,還包括詞語和現實之間的關係。」
「總統對我們所有人明確表示,語言很重要、語氣很重要、禮貌很重要。」白宮新聞發言人珍·薩基(Jen Psaki)說。「讓這個國家團結起來,重新回到我們在全球談判桌上的席位,這意味著在行動上翻過這一頁,同時也意味著翻過上屆政府的分裂和過於頻繁的仇外語言這一頁。」
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📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】
📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事 — 墨西哥治安 🇲🇽
📰 Mexico Reports Slight Decline in 2019 Homicides
Nation’s murder rate remained at highest level in decades despite fall in number of killings
MEXICO CITY—Mexico registered 209 fewer homicides in 2019 than a year earlier, the first decline in five years, though the murder rate remained at its highest level in decades, the National Statistics Institute said Wednesday.
📌 這篇文章討論墨西哥 (Mexico) 的殺人罪 (homicide) 數字的微小下降(slight decline)。nation是國家的意思,在這裡是指墨西哥,這是常用修辭方法之一。作者也用同義詞提高文章的可讀性: homicide vs murder vs killing。
The country registered 36,476 homicides last year, down from 36,685 in 2018, according to preliminary data based on death certificates. The homicide rate was unchanged from 2018 at 29 per 100,000 inhabitants, the highest level on records stretching back 30 years.
📌 這段交代有關數據,register (登記)、down from (從...下降)、according to preliminary data (根據初步資料) 和 unchanged (不變的)是常見用語。
“The important thing is that the government doesn’t rest on its laurels by saying we’ve slowed the rise in homicides,” said Cassius Wilkinson, a security analyst at political-risk consultancy Empra. “A plateau at historic highs still isn’t good for Mexico’s public security.”
📌 這段引述一位保安分析員 (security analyst) 的意見。rest on one’s laurels (不求進步) 是道地用語。plateau的原意是高原,在這裡引申指有關數字維持於高位不降。
Monthly police reports for 2020 show that homicides were up 1.5% in the first eight months of this year from a year earlier, although the numbers have been overshadowed by more than 74,000 deaths of people infected with the coronavirus.
The drop in the preliminary number of homicides for 2019 will likely become a small increase when final data are released at the end of October, said security analyst Alejandro Hope. “The good news is that it’s not growing, the bad news is that it’s not falling,” he added.
📌 這兩段繼續分析有關數字的走勢。overshadowed by (因為...失色的) 是生動的用語。preliminary 跟 final 是異義詞,the good news is that…the bad news is that… 是平行結構,也是很好的修辭方式。
Lowering the level of violence, much of it by organized-crime groups, is among the main concerns of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador whose strategy has been to reduce direct confrontation between security forces and heavily armed criminal gangs.
Since taking office at the end of 2018, Mr. López Obrador has disbanded the Federal Police and replaced it with a National Guard drawn mostly from the ranks of army and naval police. The National Guard has close to 100,000 members, and is expected to increase to 140,000.
📌 這兩段介紹墨西哥總統其中一項主要關注 (main concern) 就是降低暴力的水平 (lower the level of violence)。他的策略 (strategy) 是減少保安部隊 (security forces) 和犯罪集團 (criminal gang) 之間的直接對抗 (direct confrontation)。
Homicide rates last year fell in 15 of the country’s 32 states, including Baja California Sur and Quintana Roo—home to tourism hubs Los Cabos and Cancún—and Mexico City.
Among the most violent states was Guanajuato in central Mexico, which has been the site of fighting between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and a gang of fuel thieves called the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. Authorities arrested José Antonio Yépez, the alleged head of the fuel theft gang, in early August.
While violence increased in Guanajuato, the homicide rate fell last year in neighboring Jalisco state. The number of murders could be masked by an increase in forced disappearances in the state as the Jalisco cartel consolidates its control of the area, said Mr. Wilkinson.
“A lot of the states that lead the rankings are leading for different reasons,” he added, noting increased killings in northern states such as Sonora and Chihuahua. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the 2020 numbers are much higher.”
📌 這四段詳細分析墨西哥不同州的殺人罪率 (homicide rate)去年的情況。the rankings的意思就是排名。在旅游樞紐 (tourism hub)的州殺人罪率下降,個別州份因爲幫派的打鬥變得最暴力的。
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Anthony Harrup
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Marina about China/HK’s situation:
China ~ is going to go to globalism - that’s what they say, and they are also going to have two riots, it’s going to be right in front of people’s faces. Chinese, they say, are not to be messed with. Their culture that are big in pride and when they are being attacked, they will fight, especially the section of Hong Kong because there was more opening, more freedom, more freedom of thinking, they were not suppressed. This is the reason why the stuff that is happening from Hong Kong, you don’t see in another region because the other regions were suppressed through the regime, whatever that was, Hong Kong was almost like a free-thinking, almost like England, and that’s why when you try to suppress the consciousness that was free, they’re much more aware of what’s really happening because of the information and this is the reason why it’s happening from there, from there, it’s going to be like a snowball for the entire country, it’s exposure and showing the pure evil of communism, socialism is not really socialism. it’s communism and fascism , those three are connected to each other, they say. And it’s just the “interlocking”, they are talking about interlocking bylaws that are implemented very sneakily they say in a governmental structure, not only through China, but including through the government of the US. And they say pay very close attention to California. because their “bylaws” that were interlocking with that type of regime, this was based on agendas for global control, this was not based on agenda for serenity and sovereignty to US. This was based on a global agenda. This bylaws - so anybody that looks at California, and what’s happening there, you’re going to see it.
we should watch her channel on her website - Freedom Awakening
The platform of the codes of the matrix are on track, the new modality of the increasing of the frequency already coming through the fields, so escalation will happen because the more the frequency is spinning in the quantum structure more people who is with balance or off balance is going to come information so don’t be surprised when you see all these fights that is happening and all these manipulation is happening because it’s somebody’s else’s survival even if it’s coming from completely different way of thinking. Again not a judgement for anybody but we should just be patient and do your research. Do research on Freedom Awakening in my sub channel of the Harmonic Reactor, there is a Freedom Awakening channel, scroll down, you are going to see it and one after the other your have proofs and the commentaries and whistleblowers that talk about stuff that I already know to be true from my reality, I do not post or support something that I am not already done. I post stuff that I am 100% sure that I got information on that already. Otherwise you will not see them posted.
中國〜將走向全球化 - 這就是他們 (他們指The Council of Nine)所說的,他們也將發生兩次騷亂。他們說,中國人不應該被搞砸。他們為自己的文化自豪,當他們受到攻擊時,他們會戰鬥,特別是香港的部分,因為有更多的開放,更多的自由,更多的思想自由,他們沒有受到壓制。這就是為什麼香港發生的事情,你沒有在另一個地區看到因為其他地區被政權壓制,無論如何,香港幾乎像一個自由思想,幾乎像英國,這就是為什麼當你試圖壓制自由的意識時,他們會更加意識到由於信息而發生的事情,這就是為什麼它從那裡發生的原因,從那裡開始,它就像一個雪球整個國家,它暴露並表現出共產主義的純粹邪惡,社會主義並不是真正的社會主義。他們說,這是共產主義和法西斯主義,這三者是相互聯繫的。它只是“互聯”,他們談論的是互聯章程,他們在政府結構中非常狡猾地實施,不僅通過中國,而且包括通過美國政府。他們說要非常關注加州。因為他們的“章程”與這種政權相互聯繫,這是基於全球控制的議程,這不是基於對美國的寧靜和主權議程。這是基於全球議程。這條章程 - 任何看過加利福尼亞的人,以及那裡發生的事情,你都會看到它。
The Harmonic Reactor https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaW-6KuhVvEIX-oRG7cBZQ

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School unions persistently donate to legislators, track thousands of bills each year, and never forget those who help or cross them. Good government supporters ... ... <看更多>
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