[Pastry news / 甜點新聞] Barry Callebaut Group reveals the "Ruby Chocolate" / 巴芮巧克力集團推出「紅寶石巧克力」(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)
The world's leading chocolate manufacturer Barry Callebaut unveils "Ruby chocolate", the 4th type of chocolate next to dark, milk, and white chocolate. This chocolate, to our surprise, is naturally fruity and reddish without any artificial colorants or flavourings added.
This chocolate is from unique "Ruby cocoa beans" sourced from different regions of the world, and Barry Callebaut has managed to unlock its specific characteristics through a series of innovative process which remain confidential. This chocolate said to be naturally berry-fruity and lusciously smooth, and thus offers an intense sensorial delight. The group foresees new consumer needs and marketing initiatives regarding the product development of this chocolate.
❣️ Barry Callebaut press release: https://goo.gl/jF7KZD
❣️ Ruby chocolate event in Shanghai: https://goo.gl/V4ZqHe
前幾天全球甜點圈最引人注目的新聞,莫過於全球最大巧克力集團Barry Callebaut Group(旗下有Cacao Barry可可巴芮與Callebaut兩個知名的專業巧克力品牌)宣佈推出「紅寶石巧克力」了。這不是你想像中加了紅色色素或紅色水果的巧克力,而是睽違80年、繼黑巧克力、牛奶巧克力與白巧克力後發明的第四種巧克力產品。這個巧克力是由一種特殊的「紅寶石可可豆」經特殊方式處理、展露可可豆本身的顏色與風味而成,絲毫沒有任何人工添加物,是該集團秘密研發了13年的成果。
細緻優雅的玫瑰色下,這種巧克力有著什麼樣的風味呢?根據Barry Callebaut的說明,雖然未添加任何莓果,但是卻有著強烈的莓果風味與細膩柔滑的奢華口感。他們預期紅寶石巧克力將會帶動全球的巧克力消費、也會發展出更多嶄新的應用與行銷利基點。
❣️ Barry Callebaut官網新聞:https://goo.gl/jF7KZD(目前官網影片連結失效)
❣️ 紅寶石巧克力發表會現場影片:https://goo.gl/V4ZqHe
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