📢The latest L-Style Champagne Flight is here! Thank you boss for giving me some sample to try! The material is a bit different than the usual L-Style flights as it has more of a glossy appearance and it is very convenient because it don't need to use an extra champagne ring!
最新的L-style Champagne Flight!謝謝老闆給我試用這幾個最新的鏢翼!這個新的鏢翼已經包括了Champagne ring 所以不用另外再裝上去,真的好方便,而且插在鏢桿的時候也會比較緊一點喔!除此之外,這幾組鏢翼都是亮的,除了黑白顏色,而且還有透明粉紅,紫和黃色!大家一定要試試看喔!世界各地都差不多開始發售了!❤️❤️
#Lstyle #champagneflight L-style