So happy and proud of my mom for this special “Life Achievement Award” she received at the #haudingaward #thetripodaward #华鼎奖
Nobody in this world deserves it more than you. You are such an inspiration to so many people from your talent to your generosity towards others and being such a loving mother. I love you so much! Cheng Pei Pei
#marshayuan #marshayuanchengpeipei #原子鏸 #郑佩佩 #鄭佩佩 #specialaward #lifeachievement #lifeachievementaward #motherdaughter #proudofmom #tvaward #chineseactress #chineseactressinhollywood #greatachievement #congrats #congratulations #welldeserved #famouschineseactress #queenofmartialarts #bestchineseactress @ AsiaWorld-Club