Creative way of using 360cameras.
By @karenxcheng
When you wanna get the shot but still save money 🤷🏻♀️
What a time to be a filmmaker. Shots that used to take tons of expensive equipment and rigging can now be done much more easily, thanks to some developments over the last year - cameras getting much better built-in stabilization and 360 cameras allowing you to reframe shots in post. This is a compilation of the videos I’ve been working on over the last few months
Director: @karenxcheng
🎬 Low Budget Fight Scene - The camera is strapped to a chest mount. Shot on @Insta360 One X with @getlostwithbrooks @bonam at Clarion Alley Murals
🎬 Low Budget Dolly Zoom - There’s no gimbal in this shot, so I’m relying on the optical stabilization of the camera itself. The dolly zoom effect was done digitally in post production (zoom in while walking backwards). Google “digital dolly zoom tutorial” to learn how. Shot on @Insta360 Go with @_theboon_ @katmeowz @fannnqie @wafffleco at Venice Beach Canals
🎬 Low Budget Stairwell Shot - You might’ve noticed the camera is spinning, but the footage is stable. That’s because I’m using a camera that is doing a bunch of gyro and optical stabilization, made possible because it’s a 360 camera. Shot on Insta360 One R with @getlostwithbrooks @bonam at @hotelvertigo
🎬 Low Budget Interstellar Shot - This shot is inspired by the famous ocean wave scene in Interstellar. The reverse tiny planet effect was actually edited on my iPhone! With the Insta360 One X app (and corresponding One X camera) at Pacifica beach
🎬 Low Budget Drone Shot - The camera is on a 10-ft stick, and all the tilts and pans you see in camera are actually added in post-production, since the camera is 360 and afterwards you can edit to make it look in any direction. Shot on Insta360 One X + Insta360 extended edition selfie stick, with @theryanmcdowell at Sutro Baths
This is not an ad for Insta360, even though most of my cameras are from there, thanks to the Insta360 team for sending me the gear!!
#insta360 #insta360onex #insta360oner #insta360go #360camera #gopro
clarion alley 在 Nicolle尼可 矽谷Bonjour Facebook 的最佳解答
舊金山最令我傾心之處,在於俯拾即是的創意靈感。其中,The Mission的Clarion Alley壁畫巷,如同現代版浮世繪,每一幅都有不同層次的視覺、心靈震撼;入口處的大眼貓頭鷹,以現代版寓言之姿揭開序幕,愈往裡面走,題材愈辛辣,包括反戰、毒品、反資本主義等議題。
轉出巷子,到街角的Smitten,點一球藍莓酒液態氮冰淇淋,然後鑽進旁邊的可愛書店Dog Eared Books,聞聞紙本書的味道、淘淘寶,和老闆聊聊最近新進了什麼特色書籍。
The Mission!一個永遠讓我挖掘不完的藝術街區。騷動的靈魂呀,你一定能在這找到屬於自己的角落。
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Clarion alley整條巷子兩旁全都是塗鴉
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