美國在台協會很榮幸與2020台灣國際民族誌影展合作,在台東大學舉行美國紀錄片「部落正義」放映會。在映後座談上,AIT文化官馬明遠與觀眾就片中,兩個美國加州的原住民部落如何克服面臨的挑戰,進行深度的討論,並分享他對於台灣與美國原住民的社群差異性的觀察。這部獲獎無數的紀錄片,提出了一種正面積極的司法模式 - 以社群的價值倡議為出發點,秉持「人本」重於「律法」的信念創立一種部落法庭的新制度,進而實現修復式正義。馬明遠文化官也利用此次出訪,拜會了台東縣政府文化局、台東美術館、南島文化中心、東糖文創園區、鐵花村、阿尼色弗兒童之家、均一國際教育實驗高中以及公益平台基金會台東辦公室等地,親身體驗台東豐沛的在地文化能量。
台東經常被譽為台灣的夏威夷。你最喜歡台東的那些景點? 歡迎在下方留言推薦給我們!
In partnership with the 2020 Taiwan Int’l Ethnographic Film Touring Festival, AIT was honored to feature the American documentary film “Tribal Justice” at Taitung University. After the film, AIT Cultural Affairs Officer Luke Martin joined the audience in a discussion about the film and overcoming challenges in two of California’s native American tribes, and offered thoughts on the differences facing indigenous communities in the United States and Taiwan. This award-winning documentary presented a positive model of using community-based advocacy to create restorative justice – putting “people” first before considering the “law” in their tribal courts. CAO Martin also had the opportunity to experience Taitung’s rich culture by visiting the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Taitung Fine Arts Museum, the Austronesian Cultural Center, the Sintung Sugar Factory Culture Park, Tiehua Music Village, KidsAlive International, and the Junyi School of Innovation and Alliance Cultural Foundation.
It is said that Taitung is Taiwan’s Hawaii. What’s your favorite place in Taitung? Leave your recommendation for us to visit next time!
community arts partnership 在 尋蹤覓蹟 Facebook 的最佳解答
[Saluting a new chapter]
Comprised of three Declared Monuments—the former Central Police Station, Central Magistracy, and Victoria Prison—the Central Police Station compound has stood on Central for over 170 years, virtually in step with the history of Hong Kong since its founding. Within its walls, the compound harbours the oldest and largest cluster of historic buildings still extant on Hong Kong Island, with 16 heritage buildings all told. Its scale is exceptional among revitalised historic buildings in Hong Kong, while its historic integration of police station, magistracy, and prison is rare not only locally but indeed around the world. As an important part of Hong Kong’s history, the Central Police Station compound has also borne witness to momentous chapters of historical and social transformations.
Through the partnership between the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and The Hong Kong Jockey Club, the Central Police Station compound has been conserved and revitalised, laying the ground for a new chapter where it keeps up its story with the people of Hong Kong. The revitalised Central Police Station compound has adopted “Tai Kwun” as its trading name, echoing the nickname used by the public—especially in the Central community—when referring to the former Central Police Station and the entire compound. In a way, this, too, embodies something of value socially and culturally.
Tai Kwun will be presenting a wide range of heritage, contemporary art, and performing arts programmes to the public. Check out our official website: www.taikwun.hk/en
community arts partnership 在 NYDeTour Facebook 的最讚貼文
NYDeTour週末何處去:2/10-2/11 (Sat & Sun)
*2/10 (Sat ) Madison Street to Madison Avenue 2018
慶祝狗年農曆新年,「華埠發展共同機構」和East Midtown Partnership以及Madison Avenue BID等組織星期六在Madison Avenue中程部分多項慶祝活動。11點在Madison Ave & E. 76th St的活動開幕儀式有舞獅和舞龍表演。 隊伍將往南行進至E. 54th St&Madison Avenue,那裡將有許多有趣的活動,如"狗年"攝影和臉部彩繪。所以也歡迎養狗人時帶著家裡的毛小孩一起參加!
地點:Madison Avenue (Start from E.76th St to E. 54th St)
時間:2/10 (Sat) 11am-3pm
*2/10 (Sat) Chinatown Soup Zine Fair
對小眾出版媒體,自媒體和雜誌有興趣的朋友星期天在下東城的Chinatown Soup有雜誌展,可以前往交流觀摩。
地點:Chinatown Soup, 16B Orchard Street, New York, NY
時間:2/10 (Sat) 11am-5pm
*2/10 (Sat) UrbanGlass Open Studios: Glow
地點:UrbanGlass Studio, 647 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY
時間:2/10 (Sat) 1pm-5pm
*2/11 (Sun) BAM Black Comix Expo
有被新上映的superhero電影Black Panther吸引嗎?星期天在Brooklyn Academy of Art(BAM)有一項以黑人為主題的漫畫展。活動包括漫畫展,討論會,小朋友的研習營和superhero cosplay等。這是慶祝二月Black History Month最佳活動之一!
地點:BAM Rose Cinemas and BAMcafé, 30 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn
時間:2/11 (Sun) 11am-5pm
*2/11 (Sun) Pioneer Works Second Sundays Open Studios
除了可以去看之前介紹過展到3/11 Anthony McCall的Solid Light Works外,這星期天在Red Hook的Pioneer Works還有open studios活動,有六個藝術工作室將開放展示他們的工作空間和作品。是陰雨星期天的好活動。
地點:Pioneer Works, 159 Pioneer Street, Brooklyn
時間:2/11 (Sun) 4pm-9pm Suggested donation: $10.00
*2/11 (Sun)Taiwanese Cultural Festival at Children's Museum of The Arts
「紐約市兒童美術館 (Children's Museum of the Arts)11日(周日)將舉辦台灣文化日,展現台灣傳統藝術創作。台灣活動日上有以台灣自然景觀為基礎的「黏土吧」,讓參觀的孩子了解台灣的高山與河川。另設有「馨音站」,介紹台灣獨有戲曲音樂。當日還設立「藝術創作區」,引進三位台灣藝術家:幾米、楊金池、陳浚豪的作品,讓小朋友們可以對環保回收有新的認知,也對台灣的城市風景有一層更新的體悟。(世界日報)」家有小朋友的朋友別錯過這個很棒的活動!
地點:CMA, 103 Charlton Street, New York, NY
時間:2/11 (Sun) 10am-5pm
*2/10-2/11 (Sat & Sun) Lunar Market at Artists & Fleas in Soho
昨天介紹過,是為「王嘉廉社區醫療中心( Charles B Wang Community Health Center)」募款的臨時市集,以亞裔手作業者和亞洲文化為主的工藝手作物件為主。不論是農曆新年或是情人節都很應景,
地點:Artists & Fleas in Soho, 568 Broadway, New York, NY
時間:2/10-2/11 (Sat & Sun) 11am-8pm
*2/11 (Sun) Sweethearts Bazaar at Grand Bazaar NYC
每個星期天在UWS的紐約最大跳蚤市場Grand Bazaar這星期天有迎接情人節特別舉辦的Sweethearts Bazaar。除了原有各種有趣的跳蚤市場攤位外,還有應景情人節的手作甜點和禮物。喜歡甜食的朋友可以去逛逛,反正接下來幾天大概免不了也要吃不少巧克力~
地點:Grand Bazaar, 100 W. 77th Street, New York, NY
時間:2/11 (Sun) 10am-5:30pm
*2/11 (Sun) Winter of Love Valentine's Market at Greenpoint Loft
星期天還有一個市集是專為情人節舉辦的,那就是在Greenpoint的Winter of Love Valentines Market。這個市集的攤位我都還蠻喜歡的,除了現場音樂表演外還可以算塔羅牌,免費指甲印花和藝術指甲等其他服務。Greenpoint Loft挑高的空間也非常舒適,蠻推薦去看看逛逛!
地點:Greenpoint Loft, 67 West Street, Brooklyn, 5th Floor
時間:2/11 (Sun) 1pm-7pm
Have a great weekend, my friends!