"Welcome to visit Taiwan. "
---> Welcome to Taiwan. It is our honour and privilege for you to visit our nation.
"May I introduce myself. "
---> that's a sentence fragment
"I have no intention to share what I did as Minister of Health with you now."
---> Nobody gives a flying fuck anyway
"What I like to say is your country have many best schools of medicine and schools of public health such as University of Michigan where I get my PHD."
---> "The United States has numerous prestigious medical and public health insitutions, such as the University of Michigan"
---> where i RECEIVED my PHD
"Then, how terrible your country deal with this conovir-19 pandimic ."
---> "However, there is grave concern regarding America’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic"
Edit: "pandemic" 他拼錯, 還有本來以爲我學藝不精 ”conovir-19"是我沒看過的用法,結果發現只是neologism
"You have the most patients and deaths in the world. "
---> 幹你公衛人可以講出這種話????? 用number count???
"Only one week ago your President Trump still keeps saying mask is useless and during the predential campaign not to ask supporters to wear masks"
---> Except for the Tweet where Trump said masks were patriotic
" All we know this will end up more kids get infected without symptom and bring virus back to familys and sociaty."
---> FAMILIES and SOCIETY (Community is a better word)
"During 2009 - 2011 H1N1 out break, we closed the class with two cases and close the entire school if more than two classes closed."
Edit: 有粉絲提醒這是楊部長任內事情,但是他第一段就說他不要提他任內做的事情...
---> OUTBREAK is one word
---> "our protocol was the following: a class could be closed if there were two cases, and the entire school would be closed if two classes closed."
"Taiwan is regarded is one of the best to control H1N1 pandemic."
--> Taiwan was regarded as one of the better-performing nations with regards to controlling the H1N1 Pandemic
”Many people around the world know Mr. Trump is nuts.“
---> #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #KeepAmericaGreat #2020川普要贏
" So, if I were you, l will resign as Secretary as HHS here in Taiwan to put pressure on Mr . Trump to do and say things correctly."
--> I "WOULD" resign
---> who quits their job while overseas? who's going to reimburse his return flight? you?
Edit: 回美國以前要去吃個八方雲集,去洲際陪黃山君跳統一尚勇,再去林森北路實名制鬆一下
"To do this not only save American lives and economy. the whole world will also benefit from this doing."
---> to do this WOULD not only... fuck I can't do this
1. 彭文正要不要去查他的學歷
Edit: 我要收回我的質疑,這種敏感時刻發這樣的文章,只有真學歷的人敢
「concern with用法」的推薦目錄:
concern with用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
【 5/19 (六) 學習如何學習】英語搭配詞 + 核心字彙語法免費改變一生英文公開課
在短短90分鐘,你將學習到將英文學「好」、學「道地」的方法。Let's learn how to learn!
be able to 和 be capable of 的細微差異是什麼呢?
according to 和 in accordance with 有用法的差異嗎?
是 reply to an email 還是 reply an email 呢?
concern 怎麼用關心、怎麼用當憂慮、怎麼用當關於呢?
英文要學好,有一大塊跟「詞彙」的使用有關係。「文法和詞彙」是緊密不可分的兩個東西。我們常常字的意思背了,但是總是差臨門一腳不知道如何正確使用。怎麼說呢?一個學習英文15年、或是留美過的人,還是可能講出 "I suggested him to go to see a doctor." 如此的錯誤英文,也代表 "suggest" 這個動詞學了,但沒學「好」。
如果你對於英文怎麼 (how) 學「好」、學「道地」有興趣,歡迎來參加週六改變一生核心字彙語法、搭配詞公開課喔!
時間: 5/19 (六) 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
地點: 創勝文教 (台北市朱崙街60號2F, MRT南京復興站)
王梓沅 (TOEFL 117, 雅思滿分)
美國哥倫比亞大學應用語言學碩士 (主修:第二語言習得)
concern with用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
<單字深入探討單元- “regard”>
(1) 把…當成
[to consider or think of in a specified way]
* regard A as B 把A當成B
例: I regard every assignment as a challenge.
例: They regarded his behavior as childish.
(2) 關心
[to relate to; concern]
例: The news does not regard the explosion.
(3) 尊重; 顧慮
[to have or show respect or concern for]
* to regard highly 器重
(4) 看重
[to think highly of; esteem]
(5) 觀察; 觀看
[to look at; observe]
例: She regarded him with amusement.
(6) 對於..抱持..(的感情)
[to look upon or think of with a particular feeling]
例: to regard a person with favor 對一個人抱持著喜好的態度/情緒
(7) 注意
[to pay attention] (used without object)
(8) 凝視
[to look or gaze] (used without object)
例: The bird regarded me with suspicion as I walked up to its nest.
(1) 注意; 考慮
[thought of, attention to or concern for something]
(2) 關係
[reference; relation]
例: to err with regard to facts
(3) 論點; 特定面向
[an aspect, point, or particular]
例: quite satisfactory in this regard
(4) 尊敬; 尊重
[respect, esteem, or deference]
例; a high regard for scholarship
(5) 善意
[kindly feeling; liking]
* friendly regard 情意
(6) 問候
[regards, sentiments of esteem or affection]
例: Give them my regards. 請代我向他們問候
(1) as regards 關於; 至於 [in connection with]
例: There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.
(2) with /in regard to = referring to = concerning 關於; 有關
例: With regard to the new contract, we have some questions.
(1) regards (n.) 問候
例: Please give my regards to your mother.
(2) regarding (介系詞) 關於; 有關
例: I have some comments regarding your presentation this morning.
(3) regardless (adv.) 無論; 不管; 儘管
regardless of + 疑問子句
例: I’ll follow my dreams regardless of whether you support me or not.
regardless of + 名詞
Mary plans to travel Europe regardless of her parents’ objections.
* regardless of = in spite of = despite
(4) disregard (V.) 不理會; 漠視
例: Please disregard the information in the previous email.
(字典參考: dictionary.com | dictionary.cambridge.org | google.com)