向蔡總統致就任賀詞的 #美國國務卿 蓬佩奧(Pompeo)
為台灣譴責 WHO 的官方文件
The United States condemns Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Assembly. At a time when the world continues to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, we need multilateral institutions to deliver on their stated missions and to serve the interests of all member states, not to play politics while lives are at stake.
-condemn: 譴責
-multilateral: 多邊的(前篇文章也有出現的字!)
-at stake:處於危急關頭,此譯為生死交關
despite its close proximity to the original outbreak in Wuhan, China
*despite (prep.) 加名詞的用法又再次出現,後加its close proximity to,its是台灣的所有格,直翻為台灣與中國武漢的接壤、鄰近,稍加潤飾就成為譯文那樣
WHO’s Director-General Tedros had every legal power and precedent to include Taiwan in WHA’s proceedings
The PRC’s spiteful action to silence Taiwan exposes the emptiness of its claims to want transparency and international cooperation to fight the pandemic
-to silence:使…安靜、噤聲
-spiteful: full of spite, ill will, 充滿惡意的
-emptiness: empty的名詞,空泛、空洞的
condemn用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 說明
闡明 elucidate ; illuminate
詳細地說明 elaborate ; expound
* elucidate (V.)
to make (something) clear; explain
同義字- illuminate, clarify, unravel, interpret, explicate, gloss
* illuminate (V.)
to help to clarify or explain (a subject or matter)
同義字- clarify, elucidate, reveal, demystify, exemplify, illustrate
* elaborate (V.)
to develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in detail
同義字- embellish, embroider, amplify
* expound (V.)
to explain the meaning of
同義字- interpret, explicate, elucidate
2. 反對
反對 object ; oppose
反駁 argue against ; counter/ contradict
駁斥 refute ; repudiate
否決 deny ; veto
質疑 question ; cast doubt on
抨擊 bombard ; vigorously/ vehemently attack
藐視 belittle ; scorn ; defy
*object (V.)
to say something to express one’s disapproval of or disagreement with something
同義字- oppose, condemn
*oppose (V.)
to actively resist or refuse to comply with (a person or a system)
同義字- resist, challenge, dispute, [FORMAL正式用法] gainsay
*refute (v.)
to deny or contradict (a statement or accusation)
同義字- disprove, debunk, discredit, invalidate, confute
*repudiate (V.)
[1] to refuse to accept or be associated with
同義字- renounce, abandon, disown, [FORMAL正式用法] forswear, abjure, [Literary文學用法] forsake
[2] to deny the truth or validity of
同義字- deny, contradict, controvert, rebut, dispute, dismiss, [FORMAL 正式用法] gainsay
[3] (法律) to refuse to fulfill or discharge (an agreement, obligation, or debt)
同義字- revoke, rescind, reverse, overrule, overturn, invalidate, nullify, disregard, flout, disaffirm, [FORMAL正式用法] abrogate
*deny (V.)
[1] to state that one refused to admit the truth or existence of
同義字- contradict, controvert, repudiate, challenge, counter, contest, oppose, rebut, [FORMAL正式用法] gainsay
[2] to refuse to give or grant (something requested or desired) to (someone)
同義字- rebuff, repulse, decline, veto, dismiss
*veto (V.)
to exercise a veto against (a decision or proposal made by a law-making body)
同義字- dismiss, prohibit, forbid, interdict, proscribe, disallow, embargo, ban
*question (V.)
to feel or express doubt about; raise objections to
同義字- query, challenge, dispute, doubt
*bombard (V.)
to assail (someone) persistently, as with questions, criticisms, or information
同義字- inundate, swamp, flood, deluge, besiege, overwhelm
*belittle (V.)
to make (someone or something) seem unimportant
同義字- disparage, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, trivialize, minimize, pooh-pooh
*scorn (V.)
to feel or express contempt(鄙視) or derision for
同義字- deride, disdain, mock, disparage, slight, dismiss
*defy (V.)
to openly resist to refuse to obey
同義字- disobey, flout, disregard, ignore, break, violate, contravene, breach, infringe
condemn用法 在 <英文寫作必用!「說明、闡述」與「反對」動詞組(附英英解釋 ... 的推薦與評價
同義字- oppose, condemn *oppose (V.) ... 同義字- resist, challenge, dispute, [FORMAL正式用法] gainsay *refute (v.) ... <看更多>