- 連續性噴嚏
- 多流清鼻涕
- 眼紅,多流眼水
- 鼻塞,經常張口呼吸、發出鼻鼾,甚至影響睡眠質素,以致日間容易疲倦
- 眼鼻痕癢,不時用手捽眼與鼻
- 黑眼圈,因為鼻三角血液循環不好而形成
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Identify infant nasal allergy
Nasal allergy is common, as one in every four children in Hong Kong suffer from this problem. Some are congenital, while some would acquire this problem as they become older. If either of the parents has allergy problems, the children would have 1/3 of the chance of inheriting it. If both parents also have the same issue, chances for their children to inherit this health condition would be more than 75%.
The most common symptom of nasal allergy is runny nose, but since the nasal mucosa of a toddler has yet to fully develop, it is weak and sensitive. Hence, a sudden temperature change and dusty environment can cause the toddler to have a runny nose. How do we know if the baby has a nasal allergy? Parents would have to observe the child’s symptoms closely. If the condition persists, do seek proper medical treatment.
Symptoms of a nasal allergy:
- incessant sneezing
- clear-fluid runny nose
- red and teary eyes
- nasal congestion; the baby has to breathe through his or her mouth, keeps snorting, feels tired easily during the day, and unable to sleep well
- itchy eyes and nose; constantly scratch them to relieve the itch
- dark circles due to poor blood circulation around the nose
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, children’s internal organs are tender and are yet to form completely. Hence, their lungs, spleen, and kidneys are still very weak, making them an easy victim of the nasal allergy. With proper care and diet (consume less raw and cold foods and drinks), parents should be able to help the children reduce the negative effects nasal allergy has on their lives.
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金桔 — 性溫,有理氣解鬱、消食化痰的作用,對於有胸悶氣結、心情鬱悶人士最為適合,同時可紓緩因肝氣鬱結而引起的食慾不振。要注意脾胃氣虛者不可多吃。
羅漢果 — 性寒,具解暑清肺、化痰止咳、潤腸通便功效,適合風熱型感冒引起的咳嗽、喉嚨痛,亦適合熬夜、煙酒過多、飲食過度而導致的喉嚨痛、扁桃腺發炎、失聲及便秘等症狀。但要注意風寒感冒、咳嗽及脾胃虛寒者不宜多服。
黃皮 — 性溫,具行氣、消食、化痰功效,適合風寒咳嗽、食積不化、痰飲喘咳患者食用。
橙 — 性涼,可和胃寬胸、化痰潤肺,也有解噁心嘔吐、胸悶腹脹的作用,但多吃則會傷肝氣,有風寒感冒、寒咳人士忌吃。
橘 — 相比於橙及柑較細小,形狀扁圓,顏色比橙較紅,果皮較薄。橘性涼,有潤肺開胃、理氣化痰及止渴的功效,消化不良及身體有偏熱症狀人士尤其適合。已熟透變紅的橘皮曬出的就是陳皮,青的橘皮曬過就是青皮。有氣滯人士可適當地食用橘子,有助理氣。
柚子 — 性寒,有清熱消滯、下氣化痰、消食醒酒的作用,適合消化不良、胃脹、噯氣、宿醉未解人士食用,亦適合風熱咳嗽患者。氣虛體弱、脾虛便溏者不宜多食。
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Choose the right fruit to regulate qi and clear phlegm
When we are coughing up phlegm, we tend to avoid eating fruits because we believe the sweetness would trigger phlegm production. There are actually some fruits that can regulate qi and clear the phlegm. This includes plants from the Rutaceae family, such as Chinese wampi, bergamot, kumquat, orange, citrus, and grapefruit.
If we are down with wind-cold type of cough (other accompanying symptoms include itchy throat, nasal congestion, and clear and watery nasal mucus), you can eat fruits that are warm in nature, such as kumquat, bergamot, and Chinese wampi.
If the cough is wind-heat type (other accompanying symptoms include thick and yellow phlegm, dry and sore throat, excessive thirst, sweat easily, and yellow urine), it is best to consume fruits that are cold in nature, such as monk fruit, orange, citrus, and grapefruit.
Kumquat - warm in nature, helps to regulate qi and relieve depression, aid digestion and reduce phlegm. It is especially suitable for those for those with qi stagnation and tight chest, and those in bad mood. They help to relieve lack of appetite due to liver qi stagnation. Note those with weak spleen and stomach should not eat too many kumquats.
Monk fruit - cold in nature, helps to relieve summer heat and clear lung, relieve phlegm and cough, moisten intestine and relieve constipation. Suitable for those with hot-wind related cough, sore throat, as well as night owls, those who drink and smoke, overeating related sore throat, tonsillitis, loss of voice and constipation. Note that those with cold-wind related flu, cough and those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach should not consume.
Chinese wampi - warm in nature; helps with digestion, promotes the circulation of qi, and clears phlegm. It can relieve wind-cold type of cough and is suitable for patients with indigestion and phlegmatic cough.
Orange - cool in nature, helps to neutralize the stomach, reduce phlegm and moisten the lungs, and relieve nausea and vomiting. But overeating it can hurt your liver qi and it is not suitable for those with wind-cold flus and cold cough.
Clementine - they are smaller than oranges, shaped like a flatter circle, redder in color than oranges and have thinner peel. They are cool in nature and can moisten the lungs and improve appetite, regulate qi, reduce phlegm and relieve thirst. They are especially suitable for those with indigestion and those with heat-related symptoms. If you take ripe clementines with their red peel to dry, you will make dried citrus peel and unripe green skin after drying makes dried unripe citrus peel. Those with qi stagnation can appropriately eat tangerines to regulate qi.
Pomelo - cold in nature; helps to clear heat and relieve stagnation, clear qi and phlegm, aid digestion and help drunk individuals to sober up. It is suitable for people with digestion, bloating and belching problems, as well as those with a hangover. Individuals with a weak body, deficiency issue with the spleen and loose stools should not consume excessively.
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Can bird’s nest and honey help to relieve coughing?
“The mother of my child’s friend told me she prepared bird’s nest with rock sugar to relieve her son’s cough. She even told me drinking honey can help relieve cough as well. I thought we should cut down on sweets when we are coughing?”
CheckCheckCin: According to Chinese Medicine theories, there are many different types of cough. In general, there are three main types: wind-cold, wind-heat, and wind-dry. Consuming bird’s nest with rock sugar and honey can help to relieve cough that belongs to the wind-dry type. Wind-dryness hurts the lungs, causing the organ to lose its moisture. Other accompanying symptoms include dry and sore throat, dry lips and nose, blood-streaked sputum, and nasal congestion.
To treat a cough, we must nourish the yin, hydrate the body, and induce saliva production to reduce phlegm. Hence, we should consume an appropriate amount of ingredients that can nourish the yin, such as bird’s nest, honey, lily bulb, radix ophiopogonis, snow fungus, fig fruit, and glehnia Root, to improve the condition.
Do note that bird’s nest would only be effective to relieve a patient’s cough when no other accompanying symptoms are present. At the same time, avoid taking hot, spicy, and dry food that can hurt the yin and accumulate heat in the body, such as pepper, ginseng, ginger, an assortment of nuts, deep-fried, and spicy food.
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