🇲🇾 Book Exhibition 10/17-12/19 🇲🇾
The Invisible Future, Facing the Visible Past : Photobooks of Malaysia
🎉 Opening will be on this Saturday (10/17) 14:00-20:00, join us at Lightbox to see, taste and hear Malaysia.
Through a collection of 20 photobooks, 100 extended works and 3 events, this exhibition invites its audience to dive into the intricate histories and diverse cultures of Malaysia. Following the path mapped by curators, the audience will see the changing of Malaysian society and landscape over the centuries, the situations of its people after independence, and the concerns of contemporary Malaysian artists for their country. Curated by Malaysian artists Jeffery Lim and Bernice Chauly, this is the very first international photobook exhibition Lightbox Photo Library co-hosts.
In the mid-twentieth century, Malaysia broke free from the British colonization and began the journey of recollecting its identity. How did Malaysians view themselves? What roles did photography play in the process of exploring, reflecting and presenting? With travel photography of early western explorers, images taken from the perspective of colonizers, and photography as art, propaganda and historical documentation, how can we, under the complicated context of history and ethnicity, find a way to face the past and imagine a future? Or, is there a way?
To answer these questions and to re-create the Malaysia in their mind, our curators have strived to collect a total of 120 photobooks, 20 of which have been highlighted as the main works of this exhibition, complemented by introductory texts penned by the curators. The remaining 100 books will also be exhibited as extended reading materials. Moreover, according to the content of the photobooks, this exhibition includes introductions to the society and history of Malaysia to help the audience get a clearer picture.
Who are we? What are the stories of our land that have shaped the society we live in and the people we are today? These are the questions that haunt all who wish to re-construct their self-identity. No matter how well or little you know about Malaysia, we sincerely invite you to participate in this rare event, to learn more about the southern neighbor of Taiwan, and to embark on a journey of discovery of self and the past through the photobooks of Malaysia.
〖 About the book exhibition 〗
*Date: 2020/10/17-12/19
*Time: Every Tue-Sat 13:00-20:00 (except for 10/24)
*Venue: Lightbox Photo Library (19, Ln. 269, Sec. 3, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei)
*Curator: Jeffrey Lim(林猷進)、Bernice Chauly
〖 About the events 〗
🇲🇾 10/17 Sat. Opening day
*Time: 14:00-20:00
*Contents: Provide Malaysian snacks ,music and exhibition guide (for 1hr in Mandarin, please sign up to join.)
🇲🇾 10/17 Sat. Exhibition guide (in Mandarin)
*Time: 14:00-15:00
*Sign up: https://forms.gle/bNvggRXrijaak9JD6
We will reserve seats for those who signed up.
* The guide would be live broadcasted.
* Please wear a mask during the guide.
🇲🇾 11/14 Sat. Curator's talk (in English)
*Time: 14:30-17:00
*Speaker: Jeffrey Lim(林猷進)、Bernice Chauly
*Moderator: 鄭文琦
* The talk would be live broadcasted.
* Please wear a mask during the talk.
* We will announce more detailed informations later.
contemporary photography book 在 Kevin Hollyvlog Facebook 的精選貼文
「英國策展人Ekow Eshun在新書《Africa State of Mind: Contemporary Photography of a Continent》開頭寫道:「這是一次對當代非洲攝影如何審視非洲意象的探索」。書中集結了過去10年間超過50位攝影師與影像創作者探索「非洲性」概念的作品,不僅是詮釋非洲的實體疆界,更是一種獨特的心理空間、心境狀態。」
去非洲旅遊是很多人的人生To-do list之一。
#KevinHollyvlog #africastateofmind #contemporaryphotography
Kevin Hollyvlog 重溫
RICOH GRIII墨爾本試拍 用街拍機皇拍攝人文氣息
澳洲海膽生蠔做早餐 晨早六點起身行行墨爾本
EP004 VLOGGING必備三寶 RX100VII補品開箱
EP003 教你如何靚樣開ZOOM 化妝師KK+攝影師Kevin
EP001 訪問拍攝奇遇記 出JOB拍片比人無理取鬧
contemporary photography book 在 VOP Facebook 的最佳貼文
新書抵達編輯室,今晚我們在台南,周六在台北,現場見 !
謝謝已訂購的朋友,我們會盡快寄出 ! 💪
▍購買 | http://bit.ly/zpsiv
=====|新書講座 Book launch & talk|=====
● 影溯群島 : 東南亞攝影概論
地點|成功大學光復校區國際會議廳B1第三演講室 (台南)
● 《東南亞攝影概論》新書分享會
地點|誠品R79 Underground書店藝文沙龍 (台北)
Photography in Southeast Asia: A Survey is a comprehensive attempt to map the emergence and trajectories of photographic practices in Southeast Asia. The narrative begins in the colonial era, at the point when the transfer of photographic technology occurred between visiting practitioners and local photographers. With individual chapters dedicated to the countries of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam, the bulk of the book spans the post-WWII era to the contemporary, focusing on practitioners who operate with agency and autonomy. The relationship between art and photography, which has been defined very narrowly over the decades, is re-examined in the process. Photography also offers an entry point into the cultural and social practices of the region, and a prism into the personal desires and creative decisions of its practitioners.
#東南亞攝影概論 #莊吳斌
Voices of Photography 攝影之聲