It's my honor 🌹
已為我哋出任「關愛大使」達十年嘅「玉女掌門人」 周慧敏 Vivian Chow 最近為我哋全新嘅電視電台公益廣告「了解愛 沒歧視」作聲音導航,佢表示十分喜歡「人生如戲」呢個主題,因為人生真係好似電影有一幕幕難忘嘅事,有順境、有逆境,而最重要係搵到對嘅人同你演出,仲有每個人喺愛面前都係平等,有追求愛情嘅權利。
Over the past decade, the Hong Kong famous artist Ms. Vivian Chow Wai-man has joined us as a “Caring Ambassador” to raise public awareness of HIV/AID.
As a narrator of our brand new TV Announcements in the Public Interest (API), Vivian said that she totally agreed with the theme of API, “Life is like a movie”, because as she believes, life is always a series of ups and downs, laughter and memories - whether good or bad.
Most importantly, being in love with your Mr. Right or Mrs. Right is always the greatest power to push us to live our lives to the fullest. She also believes that everyone has the freedom to love and be loved and we are all born equal.
In addition, Vivian recognised that HIV has become a treatable and chronic illness. If patients keep good adherence to the treatment, they can also live life to the fullest.
Our TV advertisement campaign themed “No misconceptions. No discrimination. This is what LOVE is”. The main point of it is to help audiences understand that people living with HIV are still able to have intimate relationships with their partners as long as their own "Undetectable = Untransmittable" level can be reached with HAART treatment and good drug compliance. Join hands with us to achieve zero AIDS discrimination!
#HongKongAIDSFoundation #HKAF #HIV #AIDS #VivianChow #HIVpositive #香港愛滋病基金會 #周慧敏 #lovewithsextitude #corporatephotos #hotline #熱線 #不能偵測不能傳染 #U=U #玉女掌門人 #behindthescenes
已為我哋出任「關愛大使」達十年嘅「玉女掌門人」 周慧敏 Vivian Chow 最近為我哋全新嘅電視電台公益廣告「了解愛 沒歧視」作聲音導航,佢表示十分喜歡「人生如戲」呢個主題,因為人生真係好似電影有一幕幕難忘嘅事,有順境、有逆境,而最重要係搵到對嘅人同你演出,仲有每個人喺愛面前都係平等,有追求愛情嘅權利。
Over the past decade, the Hong Kong famous artist Ms. Vivian Chow Wai-man has joined us as a “Caring Ambassador” to raise public awareness of HIV/AID.
As a narrator of our brand new TV Announcements in the Public Interest (API), Vivian said that she totally agreed with the theme of API, “Life is like a movie”, because as she believes, life is always a series of ups and downs, laughter and memories - whether good or bad.
Most importantly, being in love with your Mr. Right or Mrs. Right is always the greatest power to push us to live our lives to the fullest. She also believes that everyone has the freedom to love and be loved and we are all born equal.
In addition, Vivian recognised that HIV has become a treatable and chronic illness. If patients keep good adherence to the treatment, they can also live life to the fullest.
Our TV advertisement campaign themed “No misconceptions. No discrimination. This is what LOVE is”. The main point of it is to help audiences understand that people living with HIV are still able to have intimate relationships with their partners as long as their own "Undetectable = Untransmittable" level can be reached with HAART treatment and good drug compliance. Join hands with us to achieve zero AIDS discrimination!
#HongKongAIDSFoundation #HKAF #HIV #AIDS #VivianChow #HIVpositive #香港愛滋病基金會 #周慧敏 #lovewithsextitude #corporatephotos #hotline #熱線 #不能偵測不能傳染 #U=U #玉女掌門人 #behindthescenes
corporatephotos 在 周慧敏 Vivian Chow Facebook 的最佳解答
#Repost @hkaidsfoundation with @get_repost
「玉女掌門人」兼香港愛滋病基金會關愛大使 @vivianchowwaiman 聯同「神奇小子」香港拳擊運動員 @rextso ,除左為我哋拍左全新一輯廣告硬照,由今日起你仲可以喺多架新巴及城巴見到我哋最新嘅巴士車身廣告,周慧敏及曹星如呼籲市民定期進行愛滋病病毒抗體測試,「HIV抗體測試你做左未?」。我哋強調及早接受愛滋病病毒抗體測試嘅重要性,並把愛滋病病毒抗體測試納入恆常身體檢查。
立即致電香港愛滋病基金會護助熱線☎ 2513 0513,預約進行免費愛滋病病毒抗體測試。
Today our brand new bus body advertising of New World First Bus and Citybus, featuring Hong Kong diva and “Caring Ambassador” of the Foundation, Ms. Vivian Chow Wai-man and Hong Kong boxing star Mr. Rex Tso Sing-yu, was launched to promote the importance of taking HIV tests as part of a routine health check, so as to reduce the risk of infection. Be an A-Test Taker together.
Call our AIDS Helpline at ☎ 2513 0513 now to schedule an appointment for free HIV test.
#HongKongAIDSFoundation #HKAF #HIV #AIDS #VivianChow#RexTso #boxing #HIVpositive #lovewithsextitude #corporatephotos#hotline #supportservice #PLHIV #香港愛滋病基金會 #周慧敏 #熱線 #玉女掌門人 #愛滋病 #曹星如 #拳套 #神奇小子 #bus #巴士廣告
corporatephotos 在 周慧敏 Vivian Chow Facebook 的最佳解答
自2008年起,一直是香港愛滋病基金會的關愛大使。今年,除了早前為剛推出的電視公益廣告作聲音道航外,還為基金會拍攝了全新一輯以「Love with Sextitude」為主題的廣告硬照。
如有任何查詢或預約進行免費愛滋病病毒抗體測試,歡迎致電香港愛滋病基金會護助熱線2513 0513。
#HongKongAIDSFoundation #HKAF #HIV #AIDS #VivianChow #HIVpositive #香港愛滋病基金會 #周慧敏 #lovewithsextitude #corporatephotos #hotline #熱線 #不能偵測不能傳染 #U=U
「玉女掌門人」兼香港愛滋病基金會「關愛大使」 周慧敏 Vivian Chow 致力為本會宣傳預防感染愛滋病的訊息,除了早前為我們剛推出的電視公益廣告作聲音導航外,還為我們拍攝了全新一輯以「Love with Sextitude」為主題的廣告硬照。
如有任何查詢或預約進行免費愛滋病病毒抗體測試,歡迎致電本會護助熱線2513 0513。
Hong Kong diva and “Caring Ambassador” of the Foundation, Ms. Vivian Chow Wai-man, is devoted to raising public awareness of HIV/AIDS. She recently participated in our new corporate photo-shoot to spread the message of “Love with Sextitude”.
HIV has become a treatable and chronic illness. With good drug compliance, people living with HIV should be able to achieve the level of “Undetectable = Untransmittable”. Join us in our mission and show your love and care for those in need.
Call our AIDS Helpline at 2513 0513 now if you have any queries about sexual health and to book a free HIV test.
We will soon be launching more beautiful posters featuring our amazing supporters, including Ms. Chow, so stay updated by following our Page!
#HongKongAIDSFoundation #HKAF #HIV #AIDS #VivianChow #HIVpositive #香港愛滋病基金會 #周慧敏 #lovewithsextitude #corporatephotos #hotline #熱線 #不能偵測不能傳染 #U=U #玉女掌門人