難得行動亞洲ACTAsia 理事長蘇佩芬女士及其協會上海郭薴襄、澳洲Kylie 分部夥伴 3人短暫停留台北30個小時。於是我們臨時安排邀請了多年來總是以行動支持,愛護疼惜我們的聯合文學-張寶琴女士(Auntie Paula),還有來自香港熱愛音樂的攝影師夥伴Jan Lau等 知音同好ㄧ起晚餐!
A wonderful holiday Sunday filled with passionate & creative minds!!
We finally got to meet up with ACTAsia's founder, Su Pei-Feng, and her colleagues Kayla Kuo from Shanghai and Kylie from Australia!! These busy ladies only had 30 hours in town, and gladly gave us some of their time!!
Being such a special occasion, we also invited our greatest Auntie Paula of UNITAS Publishing, Jan Lau, a music lover and visual artist from Hong Kong to our amazing evening!!
There are no boundaries or limits when it comes to creation and arts...
Music is no exception to this ideology. In fact music could be considered one of the lasting forms of art that people cannot live without!
We are very excited and definitely looking forward to our future creations!!!
POLO Wang-Lau
Vicky MeiMei Chao
Unitas Publishing Co.,Ltd