這讓我時時提醒自己的工作有多重要,發自孩子內心的愛,與真摯的回饋,比起什麼教師評鑑或獎項,都要來得更深刻動人。 : )
Children may forget what we said,
children may forget what we did,
but never forget
"how we made them feel"...
純今年暑假去美國紐約念一所很不錯的大學了,這學校的中心思想就是─#Meliora,這是一個拉丁語形容詞,意思是Better/更好,也就是期許學生能 #貢獻自己讓社區更美好。💗
這孩子的申請論文寫道:她以後要成為 #為正義發聲的律師,未來夢想是當criminal justice的律師。(但媽媽想到還沒買房的 邱顯智,一直有點擔心孩子當人權律師會窮苦潦倒XDDDD)
教育,就是一個 #用生命影響著生命的工作。
還有雖不是老師,卻為著許多重要教育工作努力著的 新竹市政府教育處,謝謝🙏💗
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#コナミが発売したPCECD用ADV('92年)からのMCD(Sega CD)移植版。コナミ開発6部が開発、コナミが北米(Sega CD)と欧州(Mega CD)でのみ発売した。 主な変更点としては、グラフィックの減色、人物等のグラフィックの修正、STG場面のザ・ジャスティファイアー対応、舞台の年代...
criminal justice 在 Beauty美人圈 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#beauty美人圈 #韓劇 #某一天 #金秀賢 #車勝元
criminal justice 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
//An activist detained under Hong Kong’s national security law is planning to apply to the High Court to lift restrictions on the media’s reporting of her bail hearing on Wednesday.
In a message published on Tuesday, Gwyneth Ho argued that laws banning the media from reporting details of bail hearings failed to protect the interests of the accused. The press should be allowed to freely report what happened during those hearings, she said.
“After the defendants under the national security law were arrested and remanded in custody, the reporting restrictions on bail hearings have turned the process into a ‘black box’, and has created widespread fears in society,” she wrote.
“The public has no way of knowing the contents of the bail hearings under the national security law, especially the evidence used by the prosecutors and the courts’ assessment of the defendants.”
Ho is among 47 democracy figures charged with conspiracy to commit subversion, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. They are accused of plotting to subvert state power via an informal primary poll held last July. Only 13 of the 47 have been granted bail since early March.
After being detained for more than six months, Ho will make her bail application at the High Court on Wednesday morning.
She publicised her arguments a day in advance, saying the reporting restrictions set out under section 9P of the Criminal Procedure Ordinance were originally meant to ensure that defendants received a fair trial. The law limits media coverage of bail hearings to basic information such as the defendant’s name, the court’s decision and bail conditions.
Those regulations backfired because the lack of transparency had caused the public to doubt whether the national security law had been fairly implemented, Ho wrote, adding that Hong Kong society was worried about arbitrary arrests based on flimsy evidence.
“In reality, the reporting restrictions benefit the Department of Justice, as it no longer needs to publicly explain the basis of the charges and various political accusations,” she wrote.
“The restrictions have clearly contravened the principle of public justice, and if the courts still refuse to lift them, the public will inevitably suspect that the courts accept this unfair situation.”
The open administration of justice was a fundamental principle of Hong Kong’s common law system, and courts should be scrutinised by the public and the press, Ho said, quoting the city’s former chief justice Denys Roberts.
Hong Kong courts have mostly kept reporting restrictions in place for bail applications under the national security law, though some judges have issued written rulings explaining their decision to grant or refuse bail, which are typically published after a delay.
Earlier on Tuesday, the court again denied the bail application of former pro-democracy lawmaker Gary Fan, a co-defendant in the subversion case. Like most of the 47, Fan has been in custody for months with no trial date lined up as yet.
By Holmes Chan//
criminal justice 在 translation Youtube 的最佳解答
#コナミが発売したPCECD用ADV('92年)からのMCD(Sega CD)移植版。コナミ開発6部が開発、コナミが北米(Sega CD)と欧州(Mega CD)でのみ発売した。
ドライバ作成: 笠井治氏、荘司朗氏
作曲:中村圭三氏、安達昌宣氏、今井 一仁氏、大内正徳氏、山岡晃氏
Year: 1994.12.15(U),(EU)
Manufacturer: konami / konami DP6
Computer: Mega CD,Sega CD
Sound: YM2612,SN76489,CD-DA
Music driver programmer: Osamu Kasai, Akira Souji
Arranger: Keizou Nakamura, Masanori Adachi, Kazuhito Imai, Masanori Ohuchi, Akira Yamaoka
00:00 01.Signature
00:05 02.Bio Hazard / PROLOGUE DEMO
04:43 03.One Night In Neo Kobe City / オープニング
07:49 04.J.U.N.K.E.R H.Q
08:43 05.Theme Of Metal Gear
09:19 06.Creeping Silence / PURESUER PART1
11:11 07.Pleasure Of Tension / PURESUER PART3
13:07 08.Jamie's Theme
15:34 09.Follow Up The Scent
17:09 10.Danger Dance & Justice All / ACTION
18:28 11.Game Over
20:47 12.Innocent Girl
23:10 13.Merry X'mas Neo Kobe City (Jingle Bell 2042) / JINGLE BELL
25:23 14.Plato's Cavern
27:06 15.Decadance Beat
28:33 16.The Entrance To Hell / OUTER HEAVEN1
30:52 17.Theme Of Isabel / OUTER HEAVEN2
32:17 18.Criminal Omen / PURESUER PART2
34:18 19.Virtual Image / TRANSFORM RISA
35:05 20.Faded Memories (ZOOM track version) /
38:54 21.Endless Pursuer / PURESUER PART4
40:53 22.Theme of Jamie
44:33 23.Gillian's Apartment
46:15 24.Theme Of KATHARINE (Part 2) / KATRINE PART2
47:40 25.Theme of Snatcher (part2)
51:49 26.Goodbye Harry (Part 1)
52:29 27.Beyond Sorrows / EPIROGUE
01:00:42 30.BLOW UP TRYCICLE
01:02:16 31.Triumphal Arch
01:07:03 32.The Lair
01:08:29 33.Morg / MORTUARY PART1
01:10:12 34.RESTORATION
01:12:17 35.Face to Face
01:15:31 36.Eternal Promise (Part 1) /
01:18:26 37.Eternal Promise (Part 2) / Goodbye Random/
01:20:04 38.Cure
01:23:27 39.Red March
01:25:32 40.Cold Sleep
01:29:17 41.Metal Gear to the Rescue
01:30:24 42.Theme Of Elijah
01:33:32 43.Twilight of Neo Kobe City
01:36:43 44.Theme Of Snatcher
01:40:46 45.Tears Stained Eyes / エンディング

criminal justice 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳解答
|A0女神|30追求者全被Friend zone 靚女難拍拖? 心理學家:男賺女蝕性邏輯各位讀者身邊有沒有一些美女朋友,你以為她愛情經驗豐富,怎知拍拖的次數是零,或是很久都沒有拍拖呢?23歲的雍榕在美國的大學主修Business law(商業法),副修Criminology and criminal justice(犯罪學及刑事司法),可以說是一名「難攻不落」的A0女神,23年人生有近30人向她表白但全員慘被Friend Zone,她笑容可掬,活潑開朗,又……嗯,各位讀者直接看片好過用筆墨形容,但令人震驚的是雍榕竟然是A0(沒拍過拖)。「好多人以為我A380,其實我是A0。」雍榕苦笑道。
雍榕中學時唸女校,畢業後到美國唸大學,但她在橫跨半個地球後始終都沒有遇到絕配的戀人,最後「A住grad」(單身到畢業)。「印象中差不多有30人曾追求過我或向我表白,但追得非常賣力的應該有10多人。」首先雍榕的擇偶條件是要「高、比自己年長得多、樣貌就不要太帥」,她指自己追求的愛情是可以在過程中互相成長,每次交流都是「有養份」,儘管相對無言時依然感到氣氛舒服,而且手藝很好,向他求救時甚麼都懂得維修,這個理想中的對象清單深受她自己的爸爸所影響,「我爸爸都是一個頗完美的男人,除了外表方面是完全不符合我的理想。」因為雍榕即將修讀法學博士(Juris Doctor)並以律師執照為目標,所以希望她的另一半是與她完全不一樣專業的男生,「我上班已經常面對着這些,我喜歡與我擅長的東西不同以及有手藝的男人,我電話、電腦壞了他懂得砌好,我不擅長不懂的東西他全都會,這種感覺很有型, 比起那些送花來打動我是完全不同的。」
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criminal justice 在 translation Youtube 的最佳貼文
当時コナミに籍を置いていた小島秀夫氏がシナリオと企画を担当し、松井直樹氏らのチーム"TEAM METALSLAVE"が制作した。
Manufacture: 1988.11.26 konami
Hardware: PC-8801mkIISR
Sound: YM2608
Sound Effect: Iku Mizutani (I. Mizutani)
composer: masanori adachi,Masahiro Ikariko,mutsuhiko izumi,kazuhiko uehara,seiichi fukami,M.SIRAKAWA,S.MASUDA,iku mizutani
00:00 01.AD 2042 Neo Kobe City
02:30 02.Logo (Team Metal Slave)
02:51 03.Bio Hazard Snatcher (PROLOGUE DEMO)
06:54 04.Twilight of Neo Kobe City (THEME OF OPENING)
09:41 05.Evil Ripple (TITLE TELOP)
09:56 06.Theme of Snatcher (Part 1)
12:20 07.Theme of Snatcher (Part 2)
12:32 08.Theme of Snatcher (Part 3)
14:38 09.Squeak!! (SNATCHER TITLE)
14:52 10.Theme of Tara (Theme of Metal Gear)
15:47 11.Creeping Silence (PURESUER PART1 *小島氏作詞の歌詞が存在する)
17:12 12.Evidence
17:16 13.Midnight Science
18:33 14.Amazed
18:37 15.Criminal Omen (PURESUER PART2)
20:28 16.Shocked
20:33 17.Pleasure of Tension (PURESUER PART3)
22:34 18.Endless Pursuer (PURESUER PART4)
24:13 19.Follow Up the Scent
26:15 20.Innocent Girl (KATRINE PART1)
28:29 21.Theme of Katherine (Bathroom)
30:23 22.Theme of Katherine (Part 1 / KATRINE PART2)
32:26 23.Theme of Katherine (Part 2 / KATRINE PART2)
34:16 24.Theme of Katherine (Part 3 / KATRINE PART2)
36:03 25.Axia (WRONG ANSWER)
36:09 26.Decadance Beat (Outside)
37:15 27.Decadance Beat (JOY DIVISION)
38:22 28.Theme of Jaime (JAIME)
40:35 29.Merry X'mas Neo Kobe City (Jingle Bell 2042)
42:15 30.The Entrance to Hell (Outside)
44:02 31.The Entrance to Hell (OUTER HEAVEN1)
45:48 32.Theme of Isabella (OUTER HEAVEN2)
46:50 33.Theme of Junker (TITLE PART1)
49:09 34.Theme of Randam (TITLE PART2)
51:26 35.Faded Memories (TITLE PART3)
54:26 36.Peace of Mind (TITLE PART5)
57:47 37.Blow Up Tricycle
01:00:02 38.Morg (MORTUARY PART1)
01:01:39 39.Restoration
01:03:34 40.Eternal Promise (GOODBYE RANDAM)
01:04:09 41.Spreading Diehard (SEARCH LIGHT)
01:05:22 42.Virtual Image
01:06:10 43.Danger Dance... and Justice for All (ACTION)
01:07:37 44.Beyond Sorrows (EPIROGUE)
01:11:15 45.Lament for the Death (GAME OVER)
01:12:00 46.Master of Puppets Among the Disease (ENDING 1)
01:14:25 47.THEME OF ENDING (We Have to Struggle for Our Future Against Our Doubt *20分近くある)

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