我們相信所有的誤解都會在中文版的The Slaughter中被澄清,其中會包含未收錄在英文版中的序言,會直接回應柯文哲醫師的疑慮。
為了讓事情更明朗,我們必須要指出,對於書中225頁的理解,完全沒有英語語系的評論家,有著跟第一語言是華語的台灣讀者有著相同解釋。 在您給Gutmann先生的信件中,您對於255頁的敘述「所有器官都是來自於法輪功」有特別的疑慮。
相反地,多數讀者讚揚柯醫師對於調查的貢獻。審查人員們均一致地如此回應,就像是觀眾們在華盛頓特區National Endowment for Democracy中舉辦的The Slaughter書本發表會的反應一樣。
然而我們將全力確保在中文版的The Slaughter會越準確越好。
克萊夫 安世立
Re: Your Letter to Mr. Gutmann on October
Please excuse us for having exceeded by a few days the three week time period within which we had agreed to expand upon our earlier letter to you of November 4.
We take Dr. Ko's concerns very seriously and we have reviewed the relevant pages in his book together with our own records of interviews and notes on which those pages were based.
We have concluded that the entire misunderstanding and the reckless accusations which have appeared in the Taiwan media would appear to be based on language and cultural differences between the English in Mr. Gutmann's book, on the one hand, and the understanding of the relevant pages when the latter have been rendered into Chinese.
We believe that all misunderstandings will be clarified in the Chinese edition of The Slaughter, which will contain a special preface not included in the English edition. This preface will address Dr. Ko's concerns directly.
For greater clarity, we would like to point out that no English speaking reviewer of the book has understood page 255 in the way it has apparently been understood in Taiwan by readers whose first language is Chinese.
In your letter to Mr. Gutmann, you specifically mentioned the caption on page 255 reading "All the Organs will come from Falun Gong" as a particular concern.
This book was peer-reviewed by three expert readers and subjected to a lengthy internal editing process by Prometheus. This review included not only the text itself, but also the author's notes, interview tapes, and electronic communications.
No English-speaking reader has understood the caption or the text to mean anything other than that Dr. Ko was being given information, rather than making a statement about the availability of Falun Gong organs in some sort of personal "organ broker" deal.
No English-speaking reader to date has understood for one moment that Dr. Ko was acting as an "organ broker".
No English-speaking reader to date believes that Dr. Ko was trying to purchase organs himself or was in any way involved in any sort of profit-making venture.
On the contrary, most readers have praised Dr. Ko for his contribution to the investigation. Reviewers have responded similarly, as did the audience at the author's book launch at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington DC.
We believe that language, translation, and the heated environment of the political campaign for the mayoral race in Taipei may be playing a role in misconstruing the author's intentions and clouding the issue.
Nonetheless we are interested in ensuring that the Chinese edition of The Slaughter is as accurate as possible. In conclusion, we reiterate that we think the Taiwan media has been unfair in its treatment of both Dr. Ko and Mr. Gutmann. Mr. Gutmann believes, and we think his book demonstrates, that Dr. Ko has acted honourably, that he has never been an organ broker, that he has never sought profit through China's organ marketing, and that he has contributed significantly to the international effort to expose the medical crimes which continue to be perpetrated in China.
Yours Truly
Clive Ansley
date of issue中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
(English version below)
文 / 林恩宇 女士 Written by: Mdm Lim En Yu
一兩年前,自己遇到諸多不順心的事, 心情甚糟,迷失了自己,迷失了方向,生活過得一塌糊塗。偶然發現身邊的人蠻多都會做這類看家居風水、改名字、 看八字、流年運程的事情。心想生活既然糟透了,試一試也無妨。可我又很在意這準確性,真的不想隨便找個不知曉的師父。結果就在機緣巧合下,通過我姐的介紹,我有幸認識了玳瑚師父。
第一次正式接觸玄學是玳瑚師父爲我看八字的時候。我真的很震撼玳瑚師父能精准的說了無數有關我過去和現在生活的事情。比如說我會有婦女病,我有耳鳴,兩者都對了,因爲在遇見師父之前我做了身體檢查,發現子宮里有個瘤,然後耳朵也比較不靈敏。生活上僅僅的一些小習慣動態,比如我在Starbucks只會買綠茶,而不是咖啡,然後我偏愛吃辣和麵條,竟然也被發現了,當下給了師父一個掌聲鼓勵,瞬間覺得好厲害啊~!不論大小事情,說得簡直就像看透了你的人格,你的思緒,你的動向,讓你無所隱形,真的佩服師父的功力, 讓我深信玄學這奧妙的東西是真的。
另外師父也解說了,預先知道日後的事其實不必擔憂, 只要你跟隨命里的五行元素,用神,把它活化在生活當中,再正面迎對,它真的可以改變,你就可以少走許多冤枉路,從而光明在前,變得更好。於是我開始跟隨我的五行吃有利於自己的食物,穿屬於我的裝扮,瞭解自己好的一面,提點自己把壞的思緒,壞的個性改掉。生活經過師父的指引讓我突然驚醒,慢慢的走出了一個方向。
其實經過算八字,我對玳瑚師父在玄學這方面有精密深研的知識已是深信不疑的,所以很自然的讓玳瑚師父爲我母女取個符合我們八字的好名,然後跟著師父的指示換名,再把新名字運用在生活上。慢慢的從我女兒身上發現了很大的改變。像以前每次有人叫她時,她總不會回應, 我常會覺得那名字不符合她。新名字就真的點到她了,叫她時她就會回神看你,懂得回答,而且她還會把名字掛在嘴邊,朗朗上口,從不回應到開始說話唱歌都很多,會交流了。至於我自己,我隱隱約約覺得新名字正在糾正和改變著我的心情心態。心裡上有某種平靜的釋放,人變得比較放寬心,從而外在的整體氣色也變得比較有神。八字的運用和名字的改變,身邊的人感覺到我更有氣息,更有光澤和魅力了。
除了玄學風水,玳瑚師父也精通佛學。認識師父後多多少少也對佛學有了一點認識。很慶幸自己買到了師父出版的書 -《向善向上》,這是一本很值得擁有的書,讓我有機會接觸佛學的教誨。很感謝師父會經常在臉書發一些文章讓我們有機會閱讀,從而啓發提點自己必須多多益善。感謝師父的無私大愛,以佛法和玄學替人排解擔憂,讓我有幸成為收益者之一。也很感謝師父在我生活遇到忐忑不安的時候,願意接聽我的電話,給我一些指導。希望有緣人能向我一樣,遇見玳瑚師父。也希望和祝福師父能在佛學和玄學方面,更上一層樓,心想事成。阿彌陀佛。
I often hear of Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics, and due to my lack of knowledge in these subject matters, half of my heart dismisses it as superstition. Furthermore, I wonder if it is necessary to believe a complete stranger, who tells me how my fate will pan out. How much of it should we believe? What should we do even if we know so much in advance?
A couple of years ago, I encountered many obstacles in life and that seriously affected my emotions. I lost myself in the process and my life became a mess. It was by chance that I found out that many people around me had done home Feng Shui audits, change of their names, Bazi analysis, annual Luck Cycle analysis, etc. I thought since I had hit the lowest point in my life, there was no harm in giving it a try. But I was hesitant because I was particular about the accuracy of such readings, and did not want to look for any random practitioner unknown to me. A stroke of luck had me meeting Master Dai Hu through the recommendation of my sister.
My first actual experience with Chinese Metaphysics came in the Bazi Analysis session with Master Dai Hu. I was truly shocked that Master Dai Hu could accurately point out numerous details of my past and present. One of the 2 things pointed out correctly by him were the facts that I had women's health issues and also suffering from tinnitus. Prior to meeting Master Dai Hu, I went for a medical examination that revealed a tumour in my womb. And my hearing all along had not been well. Even my small living habits could not escape the eyes of Master Dai Hu. He pointed out that I only buy green tea and not coffe whenever I visit Starbucks, and that I have a penchant for spicy food and noodles. I couldn't help but gave him applause on the spot as a form of encouragement! He was incredible! Be it a small matter or a major issue, Master Dai Hu seemed to be able to see right through your character! My thoughts and plans have no place to hide in front of Master Dai Hu! I am in awe of Master Dai Hu's abilities, which led me to firmly believe that Chinese Metaphysics is indeed not a superstition.
Master Dai Hu also added, that there was no need to be worried about knowing the path ahead. As long as you follow the five elements and your favourable ones, and apply this knowledge in your daily life, you are well equipped to meet the challenges coming your way. He said my life will definitely change for the better, and I would not have to walk down so many wrong paths again, but only towards a brighter future. Therefore, I changed my daily living habits, employing my favourable elements in my diet, even my choice of dressing and make-up. I made an effort to understand my strengths and remind myself to eradicate the flaws in my thoughts and character. The patient guidance of Master Dai Hu was a sudden wake-up call for me, and with it, I gradually found a new direction in my life.
And then there is the name change. I had the thought to engage a Master to pen an auspicious name for my daughter when she was born, but I ended up giving her a name of my own whim and fancy. I felt uneasy because of that. When I met Master Dai Hu for my Bazi Analysis, he told me some brief info about my daughter based on her name. He was spot on. For example, he told me that my girl would be hospitalised before a certain age. Indeed a few months before Master Dai Hu's words, my daughter had already fell sick and warded in hospital.
After my Bazi analysis, I was already convinced by Master Dai Hu's deep and detailed knowledge in Chinese Metaphysics. Hence it was natural that I engaged him to pen a good Chinese name suitable for our Bazi, for both my daughter and myself. I followed his instructions to change my name and employed my new Chinese name in my daily life. The same goes for my girl, and not long after, I witnessed a major change in her. She used to be non-reactive whenever someone called her previous name, and I always felt that the old name was ill-suited. However, with the new name, she became responsive. She likes the name a lot and always say it out loud. She went from a non-responsive child to one that starts talking and singing more and becomes more sociable.
As for myself, I am beginning to feel the subtle influence of the new name on my emotions and mindset. I experience a release of tension and a sense of peace, and become more broad hearted. My overall appearance improved as well, looking much more spirited than before. With the new name and the newly gained knowledge of my own Bazi, the people around me noticed that I have became more lively, radiant and charming.
Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics aside, Master Dai Hu is also well-versed in the Dharma. Knowing him more or less gave me a bit of knowledge in Buddhism and its teachings. I thanked my lucky stars that I managed to buy his book Towards Betterment, Towards Kindness. This is a book worth buying as it gave me a chance to know the Dharma. I am thankful that Master Dai Hu often post articles on Facebook that inspire and remind me to do more good deeds, the more the merrier.
I am grateful for the selfless and encompassing love shown by Master Dai Hu, helping many people to resolve their woes, using Chinese Metaphysics and the Dharma. I am one of the fortunate ones. I am also thankful to Master Dai Hu, who answered my call and generously gave me advice over the phone when I was very uncertain in my life. I hope more people have the affinity to meet Master Dai Hu. I would like to wish Master Dai Hu good fortunes. May his spiritual cultivation and Metaphysics knowledge scale to the next level. May his wishes come true.
(Enclosed is a recent picture of my daughter and I. She likes writing her own Chinese name a lot.)
Lantern Festival Prosperity Tea Session
日期及時間:11 February 2017, Saturday, 8pm - 1030pm
地點:Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Marina Square
有意出席者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。為了表達個人誠意,玳瑚師父一概不接受透過別人代傳的簡訊報名。
When Spring comes around, on the Yuan Xiao Festival, Master Dai Hu would share his forecast on the micro and macro view of the world. This is his annual super bumper gift to his readers and fans.
Topics on the agenda include which countries will enjoy better prosperity, which countries are best for traveling, which countries are more prone natural disasters, the luck analysis of every family member, and even that of your own. You will get clarity on your own state of health, career, wealth, investment, relationship, etc, if you are among the fortunate participants.
Date & time: 11 February 2017, Saturday, 8pm - 1030pm
Venue: Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Marina Square
To reserve a slot, kindly send a text message personally to my assistant at +65 90212098. Requests sent on behalf of other people will not be accepted.
Information required:
1) Your Chinese name,
2) Your birth detail,
so that Master Dai Hu can advise you, based on your elemental needs.
I welcome people who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. Do register early to avoid disappointment! Please remember to bring a pair of mandarin oranges and a red packet to pay your New Year call to Master Dai Hu.
date of issue中文 在 鄺俊宇 Roy Kwong Facebook 的最讚貼文
感激Selina Kinyee Chau翻譯我的散文作品,讓香港及台灣以外的朋友都能看得明白,從中文走向英語,是我作品的大突破,感謝妳一字一句的用心翻譯:)
《WhatsApp and its USD0.99》
by Roy Kwong Translated by Selina Kinyee Chau
The WhatsApp software developer has informed its users to the app to be payable, triggering a fight between iPhone users and android users because iPhone users only pay USD0.99 once to enjoy life-long service but android users need to pay the same price every year.
Android users complain, “Why iPhone users only need to pay once but we need to pay every year?” iPhone users retort, “You didn’t say anything when we were being charged at the beginning. And now you are complaining.” So the two parties are stuck at whether the charge is unfair to Android users.
After the Two Ticks and Last seen on (Please refer to the previous article of the same writer), the WhatsApp started a fight again because of this USD0.99 issue. From between lovers to friends, now it has even extended to the whole user group of the two giant software developers. It should be named the Most Evil App of the Century.
The inconsistency of charging is of course WhatsApp’s fault. However, for those who can afford a smart phone that cost thousands dollars will be able to afford USD0.99 which is only the price of a can of coke, won’t they?
Some student users may complain, “I don’t have a credit card, I’m not able to pay at the App Store, WhatsApp are not considerate of us.” It is reasonable for users under 18 to complain if they don’t have a credit card. But if the charge is a disaster of WhatsApp, isn’t it just time for people to show their kindness? Friends who have a credit card can rescue others at this time, “I have a credit card. Let me pay it for you.”
Friends without a credit card will appreciate what you have done for them, although it is WhatsApp’s fault of the forbiddance of sending messages before the expiry date, reactivating the function for your friends by buying them a can of coke is meaningful, isn’t it? The USD0.99 of WhatsApp has created a chance to show your care to your friends, how nice as a social networking app!
Recall those days when we were still texting, it was actually not financial friendly at all. For the sake of keeping in touch with our friends, we were compelled to use the same service provider as theirs even its service was the worst in the world and we had to survived three times every day from losing connection just because to keep the text messages free of charge.
Still, the Two Ticks and Last seen on functions have created a lot of problem. But the invention of WhatsApp allows us to send messages for free, save us from paying for every text messages. It deserves to be granted a credit. And the simplified process by just clicking a few buttons to send pictures, videos and audios when we could only do so via email in the past. What’s more, WhatsApp had actually stated in the Terms and Conditions that charge may be applied after the first year.
So there have been so many complaints about WhatsApp being unfairness and has been given the name “a broken app” when it announced to charge? No one ever said something like that before the charging. After the charge applied, negative comments has swept over the Internet. Some suggested to use another communication app, Line, which is free of charge, and WhatsApp has become the public enemy. Despite the inconsistent charge, what’s wrong for WhatsApp to charge for using the app?
Have we become too comfortable enjoying free lunch without notice?
I still remember how hard I tried to save to buy a CD home and listened to it again and again when I was a kid. I had never been tired of it because it wasn’t easy. When there was a movie I liked, I saved hard to go to the cinema for it. If I didn’t have enough money, I bought the VCD when it was released. But VCDs were only available for movies not for TV shows. I had to start sitting in front of the TV before the show I liked started so that I wouldn’t miss any parts. And recorders became my good friend too. I really cherished the only-180-minute memory of every tape.
After I grew up, thanks to the advanced technology becomes able to store everything, the TV, computer, CD player, VCD player, game station and recorders, into ONE smart phone, only without the air conditioner. Want to listen to a song? Go to Youtube; want a movie? PPS, internet TV! A TV show? There are also apps you can watch live TV or play back. Want some games? From Angry Bird to Candy Crush, there are thousands of choices waiting for you.
However, The advance of technology has devalue our attitude towards making efforts. Because everything has become easy to get nowadays.
Have you noticed the songs nowadays are not as good as those in the past? That could be the problem of quality itself but more likely, it is because we have too many options. Now we just need to click a few buttons, thousands of search results will come out and we can listen to them right after. We are spoiled to be greedy unconditionally. We didn’t realize how long we hadn’t paid for a CD until the news of HMV’s bankruptcy spread out.
In the past we had to sit still and paid 100% attention to the movie to enjoy it, now we can just watch it from a few-inch-wide screen on a train. But the price is we keep being interrupted by the surrounding noise and people. When the character is saying something moving, we would just realize we’ve missed the stop and have to rush to get off. It may be free to watch a movie like this but I prefer paying to buy a ticket to go to the cinema.
We don’t need to worry about missing the best part of a TV show because our friends always share them on Facebook. We don’t need to watch every scene but you know what is going on in every story. But why is there still something missing? It turns out that we only keep the concentrated part of everything while the every well panned detail has been wasted. We don’t spend time building a connection with the characters in the story. However, if we don’t even spend time watching the the TV show by ourself, how can we feel the same way as the characters do, like we did in the past?
You don’t feel the pain losing something if you have never made any effort. It is just like we keep those old comics that we spent all our pocket money on even they are old and worn , but we are able to uninstall an app on our phone without a thought. Well, just take a couple seconds to download and we will own it again anytime.
While we are expecting making no effort, we are also destroying creativity. Creators lack of motivation. Creativity is worth nothing nowadays. People will search for replacement when one creativity starts to charge. This is not just about the USD0.99 of WhatsApp, it’s about our value on Give and Take.
Technology has changed our life, but we should never let it change our values.
We avoid Giving. But giving is vital for us to learn to cherish. Sometimes we get back more by giving than not giving, not just about money but also about love. Think about it, if we get what we want easily without paying any effort, comparing with that you devote yourself to a relationship while the other devotes to the relationship as much as you. Then none of you will give up on the relationship easily.
If you think WhatsApp is good, it deserves the USD0.99. Although I am still annoyed by the evil functions such as the Two Ticks and Last Seen on. WeChat is free but you have to pay your liberty of speech for it. One user once tried to send the name of Southern Weekly in Chinese, the system reminded him that “The message has involved sensitive words, please try again after making modification.” What’s wrong with the name of Southern Weekly? The even more ridiculous thing is, while I am writing this article, I get the news that WeChat now has tightened up the regulation that users have to use their real name, phone number when posting on the public forum and are even required to upload the photo of them with their ID card, like you have committed some serious crime.
To avoid paying USD0.99, you need to escape to somewhere that and be monitored. One day if you really encounter some sensitive issue, you will realize not paying actually pays more than paying. I believe most of readers are willing to pay for this USD0.99. We hope WhatsApp will open up more channels for payments.
Don’t let the wheels of Time make us forget the value of giving.
Writer for Yam Taiwan, Roy Kwong
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