Full Body Day •Try this out!
Remember to lift heavy but safely!
A1 Dead-stop Squats 4x10
A2 DB Bench Press 4x10
4x10 for each exercise and 30seconds rest Inbetween.
Make sure you come to a full stop on the squats, then drive with your heels up to a upright standing position keeping your chest high and chin parallel to the floor, squeeze your glutes and quads, come back down with a 4 second eccentric motion!
For the DB bench, keep your lower back on the bench, keep your shoulder blades tight while you push for a more isolated chest work and avoid using your delts!
B1 Romanian Deadlift 4x10
B2 DB Shoulder Press 4x10
Again 4 sets of 10 reps, with a 30 second break! Keep the lumbar spine engaged whilst executing the RDL’s unlock your knees, (but do not bend too much). This is a lower back exercise, when the weight reaches the bottom, drive back up by pushing your hips forward and locking in your lats!
DB shoulder press, keep your forearms vertical, and try lowering the weights until the weight reaches your shoulders. And keep your lower back on the bench! (If this is too hard on the form, then a machine shoulder press is advised)
For both of these exercises try to keep the tempo at 4 second eccentric, (lowering down the weight) 1 second contraction, and 2 second concentric!
C1 Tricep Push Downs 3x12
C2 EZ Bar Bicep Curls 3x12
Make sure the cable comes down vertically for the tricep push down, do no have movement on your shoulders and just isolate the elbows when exciting this exercise!
Keep your body upright, keeping your chest out, and only lift the bar whilst bending your elbows ( try not to jerk the bar up or cheat your reps)
D1 Leg Extension 3x12
D2 Leg Curls 3x12
Keep your back on the seat, then extend your knees making your sure toes are pointing upwards, again try squeezing your quads when u reach the top of this exercise!
Pull your heels as close to your glutes as possible, then squeeze your hamstrings! Try not to jerk these exercises and control the weight!
E Swiss Ball Pass Crunch 4x 15
Keep your upper body off the ground! When you crunch!
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