【Press release: Decanter World Wine Awards 2021 winners revealed】
新聞稿:2021 年 Decanter 世界葡萄酒大獎的頂級獲獎者揭曉
From ‘yellow wine’ to California Cabernet Sauvignon, hotly anticipated medals announced in biggest ever Decanter World Wine Awards 7 JULY, LONDON: Full results from the Decanter World Wine Awards 2021 have been released today(7 July), revealing big wins for established wine regions but also many hidden gems from producers making exciting wines across the globe.
從“黃酒”到加州赤霞珠,備受期待的獎牌在有史以來規模最大的 Decanter 世界葡萄酒大獎中揭曉 7 月 7 日,倫敦:2021 年 Decanter 世界葡萄酒大獎的全部結果今天(7 月 7 日)公佈,揭示了已建立的葡萄酒產區的巨大勝利,但也揭示了來自全球生產令人興奮的葡萄酒的生產商的許多隱藏的寶石。
This year marks the biggest ever Decanter World Wine Awards(DWWA), which is already the world’s largest and most influential wine competition thanks to a rigorous judging process overseen by international experts.
今年是有史以來規模最大的Decanter World Wine Awards(DWWA),由於國際專家監督的嚴格評審過程,該獎項已經成為世界上規模最大、最具影響力的葡萄酒大賽。
More than 160 expert judges, including 44 Masters of Wine and 11 Master Sommeliers, tasted 18,094 wines from 56 countries at DWWA 2021, making it a record year for wines tasted.
160多位專家評委,包括44位葡萄酒大師和11位侍酒大師,在DWWA 2021上品嚐了來自56個國家的18,094款葡萄酒,創造了葡萄酒品嚐記錄的一年。
Judging took place over two weeks in Canary Wharf, London, with strict Covid-19 safety protocols in place.
評審在倫敦金絲雀碼頭進行了兩週多的時間,並製定了嚴格的 Covid-19 安全協議。
Only 50 wines, or 0.28% of those tasted, were awarded a prestigious Best in Show medal. There were also 179 Platinum and 635 Gold medals awarded, making up 0.99% and 3.51% respectively of the total wines tasted.
只有 50 種葡萄酒,即品嚐過的葡萄酒的 0.28%,獲得了享有盛譽的最佳展示獎。還頒發了 179 枚白金獎和 635 枚金牌,分別佔品嚐到的葡萄酒總數的 0.99% 和 3.51%。
Spain had a particularly strong year, winning nine Best in Show medals, compared to four last year.
西班牙今年表現尤為出色,贏得了 9 枚最佳表演獎牌,而去年為 4 枚。
Spanish wines also won 20 Platinum medals and 63 Golds this year.
西班牙葡萄酒今年還獲得了 20 枚白金獎牌和 63 枚金牌。
There were also plenty of brilliant medal-winning wines from other top wine-producing countries and regions, from California to many parts of France, Italy, Australia, South Africa, Argentina, Chile and New Zealand.
DWWA has a track record of shining a spotlight on exciting, under-the-radar wines all over the wine world, too – and 2021 proved no exception.
DWWA 也一直關注著葡萄酒世界中令人興奮、鮮為人知的葡萄酒——事實證明,2021 年也不例外。
DWWA 2021: A year of firsts
DWWA 2021:首創之年
DWWA 2021 included a first Best in Show medal for a ‘Vin Jaune’ – or ‘yellow wine’ – a speciality of the Jura region of eastern France. The winning wine was Domaine Berthet-Bondet, Château-Chalon 2013, made from 100% Savagnin.
DWWA 2021 包括法國東部侏羅地區特產“Vin Jaune”或“黃酒”的首個最佳展示獎。獲獎葡萄酒是 2013 年 Château-Chalon 酒莊 Berthet-Bondet,由 100% Savagnin 釀製。
DWWA 2021 judges included in their tasting notes, “If you’ve never tried Vin Jaune, you couldn’t do better than begin with this 2013.
DWWA 2021 評委在他們的品酒筆記中寫道:“如果您從未嘗試過 Vin Jaune,那麼從 2013 年開始,您將做得更好。
“Pale but emphatically gold, it has aromas which evoke nuts, wild mushrooms, umami, yeast and cream, but in which some lingering sweetness of fruit survives, too (Savagnin for Vin Jaune is picked very ripe).”
“淡而強烈的金色,它的香氣讓人聯想到堅果、野生蘑菇、鮮味、酵母和奶油,但也有一些揮之不去的水果甜味(用於 Vin Jaune 的 Savagnin 採摘得非常成熟)。”
There was also success in Switzerland for the Savagnin grape variety, not to be confused with the similarly named Sauvignon Blanc.
Savagnin 葡萄品種在瑞士也取得了成功,不要與同名的長相思混淆。
Wine cooperative St. Jodern Kellerei in the Valais region already farms some of Europe’s highest vineyards, and it reached the summit of DWWA in 2021 after its ‘Heida Barrique’ 2019 won a Best in Show medal.
瓦萊州地區的葡萄酒合作社 St. Jodern Kellerei 已經種植了一些歐洲最高的葡萄園,並在其 2019 年的“Heida Barrique”獲得最佳展示獎後於 2021 年登上了 DWWA 的頂峰。
Judges said in their notes on the wine, “Heida is the name used in the high Valais (or Wallis) for Savagnin, and our judges were very impressed by the range and expressive uniqueness of Swiss Savagnin this year.”
評委在酒評中說:“Heida 是高瓦萊州(或瓦利斯)用於 Savagnin 的名稱,我們的評委對今年瑞士 Savagnin 的範圍和表現力的獨特性印象深刻。”
They added, “This is a refreshingly aromatic yet full-flavoured wine, striking and singular: a horn sounding in the clear Alpine air.”
DWWA 2021 also saw a first Best in Show medal for France’s Savoie region, awarded to a 100%
Roussanne white wine from Domaine Charles Gonnet for the 2020 vintage.
來自Domaine Charles Gonnet 的2020 年份Roussanne 白葡萄酒。
Friuli in north-east Italy made its debut in the DWWA Best in Show winners’ list, thanks to Muzic winery’s Stare Brajde ‘Collio’ 2019 white wine.
得益於 Muzic 酒莊的 Stare Brajde ‘Collio’ 2019 白葡萄酒,意大利東北部的弗留利首次出現在 DWWA 最佳展示獎獲獎名單中。
There were also two Golds for Ukraine, the first time the country has struck Gold at DWWA.
烏克蘭也獲得了兩枚金牌,這是該國首次在 DWWA 上獲得金牌。
Sarah Jane Evans, Co-Chair at DWWA 2021, said of the results, “You know that this is something that's been through a really rigorous judging process. We're not playing at judging here. This is blind tasting.
DWWA 2021 聯合主席莎拉·簡·埃文斯 (Sarah Jane Evans) 談到結果時說:“你知道,這是經過非常嚴格的評審過程的事情。我們不是在這裡評判。這是盲品。
We have absolutely no idea what the wines are and we're tasting them not only in panels together where we have to each discuss and think about them deeply, but then they go up to Regional Chairs who are experts in those countries.”
She added, “It's a very, very rigorous process, but it highlights fabulous wines at the end of it.”
Andrew Jefford, also a DWWA Co-Chair, said, “DWWA is the world's leading wine competition. I'm absolutely thrilled to take part in it every year because having tasted in a number of other competitions I know how well it's organised, how carefully everything is done. So if you get a medal from DWWA it really is worth having and everybody respects it internationally. We get entries from every corner of the wine world, so it is as it were the closest you can get to a universal benchmark.”
DWWA 聯合主席 Andrew Jefford 說:“DWWA 是世界領先的葡萄酒競賽。我非常高興每年都參加它,因為在參加過許多其他比賽后,我知道它組織得多麼好,一切都做得多麼仔細。因此,如果您從 DWWA 獲得獎牌,那確實值得擁有,而且每個人都在國際上尊重它。我們收到來自葡萄酒世界各個角落的參賽作品,因此它是您可以獲得的最接近通用基準的作品。”
More highlights from DWWA 2021
DWWA 2021 的更多亮點
Noteworthy highlights include two Best in Show medals for German Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, showcasing the country’s ability to make top wines with these classic Burgundian grape varieties. A 2011-vintage English sparkling wine also won a Best in Show medal.
值得注意的亮點包括德國黑比諾和霞多麗的兩枚最佳展示獎牌,展示了該國使用這些經典勃艮第葡萄品種釀造頂級葡萄酒的能力。 一款 2011 年份的英國起泡酒也獲得了最佳展示獎。
In terms of more unexpected wins, in North America, there was a Gold medal for a New York Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon blend produced in the North Fork of Long Island AVA, while in Canada Niagara Peninsula winery Hidden Bench won a Best in Show medal for its Felseck Vineyard Chardonnay 2018.
在更多出人意料的勝利方面,在北美,長島 AVA 北叉生產的紐約長相思賽美蓉混釀獲得了金牌,而在加拿大,尼亞加拉半島的酒廠 Hidden Bench 則獲得了最佳展示獎。 Felseck 葡萄園霞多麗 2018。
Russia won its second ever Platinum medal, while wines from Japan won two Platinums and four Gold medals.
Classic styles from well-known areas also performed extremely well at DWWA 2021, demonstrating why they enjoy such vaunted reputations among wine lovers.
知名產區的經典款式在 DWWA 2021 上也表現異常出色,證明了它們為何在葡萄酒愛好者中享有如此吹噓的聲譽。
The list of Best in Show medals includes Champagne, California Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir, Barossa Valley Shiraz and Margaret River Chardonnay from Australia, Rioja Gran Reserva from the lauded 2004 vintage, South African Cabernet Sauvignon, Vinho Verde from Portugal and Malbec from Argentina.
最佳展示獎牌名單包括香檳、加州赤霞珠和黑比諾、澳大利亞的巴羅薩谷設拉子和瑪格麗特河霞多麗、來自備受讚譽的 2004 年份的里奧哈特級珍藏、南非赤霞珠、葡萄牙的維尼奧維德和阿根廷的馬爾貝克。
Excitement surrounding the Barolo 2016 vintage in Italy’s Piedmont region was given a further boost after Diego Morra’s ‘Monvigliero’ 2016 was awarded a Best in Show medal.
在迭戈·莫拉 (Diego Morra) 的 2016 年“蒙維列羅”(Monvigliero) 獲得最佳表演獎之後,圍繞意大利皮埃蒙特地區的巴羅洛 (Barolo) 2016 年份的興奮度進一步提升。
In total, Italy won seven Best in Show medals, also including Prosecco and Brunello di Montalcino DOCG wines, as well as a Timorasso dry white from Piedmont and a Vin Santo di Carmignano sweet wine from Tuscany.
意大利總共贏得了七項最佳展示獎牌,其中還包括 Prosecco 和 Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 葡萄酒,以及來自 Piedmont 的 Timorasso 幹白和來自托斯卡納的 Vin Santo di Carmignano 甜酒。
Some Best in Show awards went to lesser-known styles from top producer nations. New Zealand is renowned for Sauvignon Blanc but it was Tohu’s ‘Whenua Matua’ Chardonnay 2018 that won a Best in Show medal at DWWA 2021. Chile’s La Causa, Cinsault-País-Carignan 2019 from Itata Valley also received this top accolade.
一些最佳展示獎頒給了來自頂級製作國的鮮為人知的款式。 新西蘭以長相思而聞名,但 Tohu 的“Whenua Matua”霞多麗 2018 年在 DWWA 2021 上獲得了最佳展示獎。智利的 La Causa、Itata Valley 的 Cinsault-País-Carignan 2019 也獲得了這一最高榮譽。
Elsewhere, Greece narrowly beat its strong performance at last year’s competition. A Greek Assyrtiko white wine won a Best in Show medal, and the country received six Platinum and 16 Gold medals at DWWA 2021 overall.
在其他地方,希臘在去年的比賽中以微弱優勢擊敗其強勁表現。 一款希臘 Assyrtiko 白葡萄酒獲得了最佳展示獎,該國在 2021 年 DWWA 上獲得了 6 枚白金獎和 16 枚金牌。
ps.你可以閱讀Olivia Mason July 7, 2021的報導:https://reurl.cc/lRpXrd ;或到:https://awards.decanter.com/DWWA 上查看完整的獲獎者名單
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過995的網紅Ray Shen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Buy the album on iTunes: http://bit.ly/ABAcoustic-iTunes Buy the Special Edition Book: http://bit.ly/ABAcoustic-DVD In the summer of 2013, Above & Be...
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<< 11/28 週六中午 12:30-13:10 直播預告 >> ‼️
超級開心,有機會邀請到知名的阿大老師 Adarsh Yoga 分享他多年的練習與教學經驗,還有在台灣教學與世界各地教學的有趣觀察,因為老師行程多所以只好排在週六請大家見諒,我們要來聊聊:
1. 瑜伽練習的本質為何 (Essence)
2. 所謂的順位是什麼 (Alignment)
3. 所謂安全的練習怎麼做 (Safety)
4. 給瑜伽練習者的建議 (Suggestion)
一定會很精彩,我們會準備Smart Stretch 線上課的折扣碼 🎁 送大家喔,歡迎大家準時收看與我們互動,向老師提問,老師本人會用英語,原則上我也是(廢話不然怎麼聊 XD),有要即時收看又真的非常需要我即時翻譯的同學請留言底下 +1,不然原則上我們就會用全英語直播摟(腋下濕),我們週六見!!!💕
關於 Adarsh Williams 老師
Ashtanga 串連瑜珈第二級認證 (KPJAYI - 2) 老師、美國瑜珈聯盟 E- RYT 500 師資培訓導師與、Mobility WOD 關節鬆動術教練、亦為美國Monterey Yoga 創辦人。
擁有超過二十年的專業經驗,曾在世界各地開設培訓課程與僻靜營,也常在台灣的 SPACE YOGA 和大陸的 SPACECYCLE 擔任客座老師。
身為 Pattabhi Jois 祖師爺的嫡傳弟子,在 2004 年獲得授證,並完成了許多各領域大師所開設的認證課程,除此之外,累積多元類型教學的他以細膩的調整手法為名,是個能量豐沛的老師,總能影響學生跟他一樣充滿了對練習和努力的熱忱;他也深深相信,任何人都能發展出自己的瑜珈練習。他的 YouTube 頻道在健身社群裡大受歡迎,也進一步催生了名為 Smart Stretch 聰明伸展技巧課程。
Adarsh Williams is an Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher (KPJAYI - 2), Yoga Alliance teacher trainer (E- RYT 500), Mobility coach, and founder of Monterey Yoga in California. With a diverse experience in the wellness field and over twenty years of professional experience, Adarsh has helped organizations and individuals develop programs around the world. He has led trainings and retreats in Europe, Middle East, US, and is currently the Program Director for SPACE, based in Shanghai.
A direct student of Pattabhi Jois, Adarsh received Ashtanga Authorization in 2004 and has completed numerous certifications with luminaries such as Richard Freeman & John Scott in yoga, Donald Scheumann in manual therapy, and Dr. Kelly Starrett in movement and mobility.
At SPACE, Adarsh has created and trained teachers in numerous innovative programs including Banded Mobility, Active Stretch, Sculpt Yoga, to name a few. His YouTube channel has become a popular resource in the fitness community and has led to the release of three feature-length instructional videos, Smart Stretch: Active Isolated Stretching, Smart Stretch: Assisted & Ashtanga Yoga: Strength, Mobility, Skill.
Highly regarded for his sensitive, yet deep hands-on style, Adarsh has experience working with a wide variety of students of diverse abilities, ages, and backgrounds. With a deeply held belief that anyone can develop a personal yoga practice, he is an energetic teacher who infuses his enthusiasm for practice and hard work in others.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/smartstretch/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adarshw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adarshw
Adarsh Yoga: http://adarshyoga.com
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/adarshyoga/
#感謝視覺設計 Jane's Wonderland
#beyourowngoddess #betheinspiration 🦋
#womenshouldlivefearlessly #brainpower #soulspeak
deeply翻譯 在 Ray Shen Youtube 的最佳解答
Buy the album on iTunes: http://bit.ly/ABAcoustic-iTunes
Buy the Special Edition Book: http://bit.ly/ABAcoustic-DVD
In the summer of 2013, Above & Beyond performed some of their best-loved songs acoustically as part of a 15-piece band, across four sold out shows at London's famous Porchester Hall which formed the basis of the Above & Beyond "Acoustic" studio album. The album was recorded in the spring and summer of 2013 and features a 24-piece orchestra.
"The acoustic project is a reconnection with the musicians that we were before we met", said Above & Beyond's Tony McGuinness. "The songs have been on an interesting journey to get here because we tend to write in a fairly acoustic way anyway. We don't just stick a bit of vocal over a dance track - that's not how we work. We try to start with a song and it's usually only later down the line that we take certain elements from that song and progress them into a more dancefloor-friendly version".
With Above & Beyond "Acoustic", the group are putting aside their CDJs and lighting rigs to showcase their deeply-rooted musicianship and classical training. A band first and foremost, Above & Beyond are songwriters as much as they are DJs. Working with three singers, a string quartet, harpist, drummer and bassist, Above & Beyond are pushing the boundaries of dance music. Tony McGuinness sings and plays guitar, mandolin and ukulele, Paavo Siljamäki plays the grand piano and cello, and Jono Grant plays the Rhodes piano, guitar and vibraphone.
Follow Above & Beyond:
Follow Ray Shen:

deeply翻譯 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
《Fate/hollow ataraxia》
holLow wORlD
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
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背景連結 / Background Album :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
In this place, I have to stay?
My memory wearing off. I lost my name
Is this dark haze that you said?
I walk like a lost child. I lost your face
If everything could be imaginary one
Can I be resigned to losing end?
Is this where I live? Or is this where I leave?
Eternal flame
The hollow world I see, the sorrow deeply I feel
Now they're perfectly burned out
Eternal flame just back in my hands. Like a double-edged sword
I don't care. It's time I have to go that way
Cause I got ready to break my endless days
In this place, I have to dive?
There's no time for guessing at. I lost the game
Is this your craze that you drive?
I'm confusing like a child. I lost your faith
If everything could be oblivious one
Can I get freedom from losing end?
Is this where I live? Or is this where I leave?
Eternal flame
The hollow world I see. So slowly cutting in the deepest
We're violently screaming out
Eternal flame just back in my hands. Like trouble with doubt
I don't care. It's time I have to go that way
Cause I got ready to break my endless days
Eternal flame
The hollow world I see, the sorrow deeply I feel
Now they're perfectly burned out
Eternal flame just back in my hands. Like a double-edged sword
I don't care. It's time I have to go that way
Cause I got ready to break my endless days
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :

deeply翻譯 在 Crescent Lament Youtube 的精選貼文
從2007/02/28成立至今,Crescent Lament 恆月三途正式走過十個年頭。感謝一路陪伴的各個夥伴與聽眾,也感謝無數貴人的相助,我們幸運的在音樂的道路上,一直向前行。
身為台灣本土的樂團,我們想要將台灣的故事傳唱下去;在歷經2008年的兩張EP & 2011年的首張專輯 “Behind the Lethal Deceit / 末路之召”,我們逐漸摸索出明確的定位,以成為台語歌德/民謠金屬樂團為目標,並於2015年發行了第二張專輯 “花殤 / Elegy for the Blossoms”。在今年啟動的第三張專輯計畫中,我們將繼續以台灣歷史文化為主軸,唱阮台灣人的歌。
在歷經大大小小的表演後,我們在成軍的第十年 – 2016年,踏上了比利時音樂祭Metal Female Voices Fest的舞台。在這個歐洲的大舞台上,我們用台語歌唱著台灣藝妲的故事,用台灣藝妲的故事感動著不同文化的聽眾。是的,在滿場熱情的歐洲聽眾前,我們以身為台灣樂團感到無比光榮!
Crescent Lament’s “10th Anniversary Documentary” is a visual review recording the most exciting moments we experienced in the past 10 years. Thanks to all friends and fans, without your support and encouragement, we wouldn’t be able to have so many beautiful memories.
As an indigenous band of Taiwan, our creations are greatly inspired by Taiwan’s history and culture, both musically and lyrically. After releasing 2 EPs in 2008 and debut album “Behind the Lethal Deceit” in 2011, we began to integrate traditional Taiwanese instruments with metal music. The result was “Elegy for the Blossoms” (2015), a conceptual album recounting the story of Taiwanese geisha in ancient Taiwan. Such a gothic/folk metal style will remain the principal theme in our future creations.
It is always a huge pleasure and honor to attend a gig or a festival. Through these domestic and foreign performances, we are deeply touched by the genuine enthusiasm from the audience. Here, we must show our immense gratitude to each organizers/staff of performance, cooperative band, photographer/videographer, and audience. Among those unforgettable performances we've attended, the Belgian festival "Metal Female Voices Fest" in October of 2016 is particularly worth mentioning. It was truly an amazing experience to play our Taiwanese-style songs on a famous European stage. We saw joy on people's faces, and were deeply flattered by their passions. It was a memorable milestone to celebrate the 10th year of Crescent Lament. Many thanks to Helcanen Val and everyone of MFVF to create this beautiful memory with us!
The journey of Crescent Lament will be continued.
Thank you all for being with us for these 10 years.
—【十周年全記錄】影音製作 / Making of this documentary —
★ 影像 / Video
- 腳本 / Scenario:周慕姿 Muer Chou
- 素材挑選 / Footage selection:許至維 Wick Hsu
- 影片剪輯 / Film editing:邱振華 Wat Chiu
- 英文翻譯 / English translation:周岳弘 Komet Chou
*特別感謝下列攝影師提供素材 / Special thanks to the photographers who providing the footage:Bongsoo Lee, Brian Chen, Ekim Lu, Hendrik Schroeder, Juergen Bardong, Kunio Huang, Lily Hsu, Nathan Lin, Rudi Marina Wauters, Rainer Kerber, Ton van Moll, 林布朗, 林峻, 吳旭曜(氫酸鉀), 周承翰, 周劭儒, 侯政宏 Horace Hou, 陳采瑩, 陳沐新
★ 音樂 / Audio
1.「煙花易寒」演奏版 / Once Blossomy (instrumental)
- 作曲 / Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
- 編曲 / Arrangement :周岳弘 Komet Chou & Jedi Yeh
- 客座演出 / Guest appearance:楊子儀
2.「十年一瞬」/ 10th
- 作曲 / Music:周岳弘 Komet Chou
- 編曲 / Arrangement:恆月三途Crescent Lament
- 錄音 / Recording:邱振華 Wat Chiu & Jedi Yeh
- 混音 / Editing & Mixing:Jedi Yeh
追蹤我們的最新消息 / Stay up to date on Crescent Lament
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament
Website - http://crescentlament.site44.com/

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