富智康採用谷歌機器學習 提高手機製造效率
2021-03-08 09:37 中央社 / 台北8日電
鴻海旗下富智康(FIH Mobile Limited)採用谷歌(Google)機器學習軟體為基礎的製程自動偵測系統,大幅降低智慧型手機零件缺陷遺失率、檢測時間也明顯減少。
根據谷歌公布訊息,富智康日前與谷歌雲端團隊開會,了解掌握目視檢測(Visual Inspection)軟體技術,包括自動化機器學習工具(Cloud Auto ML)在內,有助富智康提升製造流程的產品品質。
富智康主管指出,透過谷歌自動偵測系統,印刷電路板缺陷遺失率(defect escape rate)大幅下降到10%,平均每個零件的檢測時間明顯減少至0.3秒。
在手機事業,富智康也有新進展。美商索尼姆技術(Sonim Technologies)日前宣布與富智康合作製造品牌耐用型功能手機,相關產品將在富智康越南廠區製造,預估今年第3季問世。
除了手機,富智康持續布局5G、人工智慧(AI)、物聯網(IoT)、以及車聯網IoV(Internet ofVehicles)領域,今年持續招募技術專才,例如在中國廣東深圳廠區啟動2021屆春季校招,招聘機械、電子和電腦運算等全職工程師。
附圖:富智康。 圖/聯合報系資料照片
「defect rate」的推薦目錄:
defect rate 在 隆安動物醫院 Facebook 的最佳解答
***2018/8/4(六) 23:00正式招生(重新貼文.附上報名連結)***
影像學檢查是臨床獸醫師每天所面臨到的工作,動物因為焦慮或疼痛往往無法安靜配合獸醫師的檢查而造成拍攝過程的人員與動物的受傷或無法得到良好影像品質。鎮靜在小動物臨床醫學之應用十分普遍,但鎮靜用藥亦有心血管及呼吸系統副作用,且鎮靜之動物所能進行之生理監控與支持較為受限。臨床上選擇鎮靜計劃時, 藥物和特定的搜尋計畫中所潛藏的關係需被好好衡量。討論擬好的鎮靜麻醉方案和搜尋到藥物可能相應的藥理性質是很重要的。良好的鎮靜可以提供化學性保定,減少動物的焦慮,從而減少兒茶酚胺分泌和心律不整的風險,減少在強力物理保定下造成人員與動物的傷害。
課程大綱 - 主要將會著重於與狗不同之處及貓較特別的疾病
主題I 簡述掃描前準備及如何優化影像品質
主題 II 泌尿生殖系統超音波學
如何運用鎮靜藥物於影像診斷流程中 PARTI
主題 IV消化道系統超聲波學
主題 V胰臟超音波學
主題 VI腹腔淋巴結系統超音波學
如何運用鎮靜藥物於影像診斷流程中 PARTII
PART I: 11月17日(星期六)
PART II: 12月15日(星期六)
兩天皆為09:00 ~ 18:00,共16小時,上午超音波正課三小時,下午麻醉正課及實操兩小時,以及超音波實操三小時。
人數: 24名(四人一組,分六組實際操作)
費用: 含早餐及午餐(採登記制)
馥都飯店3樓(板橋區縣民大道一段189號 02-29658003)
帳號:玉山銀行. 新板特區分行(代號808) 0587-940-005608
戶名: 新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 蔡志鴻
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匯款google表單***2018/8/4(六) 23:00正式招生(重新貼文.附上報名連結)***
報名google表單 https://goo.gl/forms/WIccEjfrxn2N1tth1
匯款google表單 https://goo.gl/forms/OkGc2PFw0sG6xhSy2
陳冠升DVM, MVS, PhD, MANZCVS (Veterinary Radiology)
國立中興大學獸醫學系學士 1999
澳洲墨爾本大學獸醫影像學碩士 2003
澳洲墨爾本大學獸醫系博士 2009
澳洲暨紐西蘭獸醫專科學院考試認證合格 獸醫影像診斷學專科 2010-
國立中興大學獸醫學系助理教授 2011-2018
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主任 2011-
台灣大學獸醫系友會小動物超音波工作營 超音波學 講師 2012
中華民國醫用超音波學會 動物超音波研習會 講師 2013, 2014
台灣獸醫外科專科醫學會(TCVS) 進階影像學 講師 2014, 2015
第六屆 FASAVA電腦斷層影像學 講師 2015
第五屆 中國小動物醫師大會-海口 影像學 講師 2016
上海寵物醫療暨學術研討會 影像學 講師 2016
拜耳臨床獸醫學院 影像學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
高雄福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
第三屆 高雄福爾摩沙獸醫年會 影像學 講師 2017
國立中興大學獸醫學系副教授 2018-
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會 獸醫超音波臨床實操課程講師 2018
中台灣春季聯合國際學術研討會 影像學 講師 2018
國立中興大學獸醫系 副教授
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主任
1. Wu RS, Liu YJ, Chu CC, Heng HG, Chia MY, Wang HC, Chen KS*. (2017, accepted). Ultrasonographic features of insulinoma in six ferrets. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者.
2. Feng YC, Chen KS, Chang SC*. (2016, Nov). Reconstruction with latissimus dorsi, external abdominal oblique and cranial sartorius muscle flaps for a large defect of abdominal wall in a dog after surgical removal of infiltrative lipoma. J Vet Med Sci. 78: 1117-1121. (SCI)
3. Wu RS, Chu CC, Wang HC, Chen KS*. (2016, Jun). Clinical diagnosis and surgical management of diaphragmatic retroperitoneal peri-renal fat and kidney herniation in a pet rabbit. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 248:1399-1403. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者.
4. Chang AC, Cheng CC, Wang HC, Lee WM, Shyu CL, Lin CC, Chen KS*. (2016, Apr). Emphysematous pyometra secondary to Enterococcus avium infection in a dog. Tierärztl Prax. 44:195-199. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者.
5. Chou HI, Chen KS, Wang HC, Lee WM*. (2016, Apr). Effects of cranberry extract on prevention of urinary tract infection in dogs and on adhesion of Escherichia coli to Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Am J Vet Res. 77:421-427. (SCI)
6. Wang HC, Hung CT, Lee WM, Chang KM, Chen KS*. (2016, Jan). Effect of intravenous dexmedetomidine on cardiac characteristics measured using radiography and echocardiography in six healthy dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 57:8-15. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者.
7. Jen CC, Wang HC, Lin JL, Chen KS*. What is your diagnosis? (2015, Dec). Gastric dilation and volvulus. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 247:1233-1235. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者
8. Lin YL, Wang HC, Lin CC, Chen KS*. (2015, Apr). What is your diagnosis? Hepatic neoplasia. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 246:733-735. (SCI) 本人為通訊作者
9. Lin CC, Chen KS, Lin YL, Chan JPW*. (2015, Jan). Multiple subluxations and comminuted fracture of the cervical spine in a sheep. Tierärztl Prax. 2015; 43:44-48. (SCI)
王咸棋 DVM, MS, PhD
國立中興大學獸醫學系學士 1994-1999
國立中興大學獸醫研究所博士 1999-2005
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 住院醫師 1999-2004
美國俄亥俄州立大學獸醫學院 短期進修 2000.7
日本麻布大學 短期進修 2004.2
行政院農委會家畜衛生試驗所 博士後研究 2006-2007
中國醫藥大學分子醫學中心 博士後研究 2007-2009
日本酪農大學 短期進修 2010.1
國立中興大學獸醫系 助理教授 2009-
國立中興大學獸醫系 副教授 2015-
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科主任 2011-
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 小動物外科主任 2015-
台灣獸醫外科專科醫學會(TCVS) 理事暨外科會員
1. Lee, C.H., S.L. Lin, T.T. Chi, S.H. Chang, and H.C. Wang. 2013. Effect of Topical
Adminstration of 0.8% Nalbuphine on the Cornea in Dogs after phacoemulsification. J Vet Med
Sci. 75: 1041-1047.
2. Chan, F.T., G.R. Chang, H.C. Wang, and T.H. Hsu. 2013. Anesthesia with isoflurane and
sevoflurane in the crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela hoya): minimum anesthetic
concentration, physiological effects, hematocrit, plasma chemistry and behavioral effects. J Vet
Med Sci. 75: 1591-1600.
3. Liao, P.Y., S.C. Chang, K.S. Chen, and H.C. Wang. 2014. Decreased postoperative C-reactive
protein production in dogs with pyometra though the use of low-dose ketamine. J. Vet. Emerg
Crit Car. 24: 86-290.
4. Hung, Y.P., Y.P. Yang, H.C. Wang, J.W. Liao,W.L. Hsu, C.C. Chang, and S.C. Chang. 2014.
Bovine lactoferrin and piroxicam as an adjunct treatment for lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis
stomatitis in cats. Vet J. 202:76-82.
5. Lin, Y.L., H.C. Wang, C.C. Lin, and KS. Chen. 2015. What Is Your Diagnosis? - Gastric
gastrointestinal stromal tumor in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 246: 733-735.
6. Lin, Y.L., H.C. Wang, C.C. Lin, and KS. Chen. 2015. What Is Your Diagnosis? Chronic gastric
dilation and volvulus in a dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 247:1233-1235.
7. Cheng, Y.C., J.L. Lin, S. H. C. Su, P.C. Shih, K.S. Chen, H.C. Wang and W.M. Lee. 2015. Case
report: Efficacy of Combination of Electroacupuncture and Aquapuncture Using Vitamin B
Complex on Promotion of Ambulation Perception in 15 Dogs with Hansen Type I Intervertebral
Disc Disease Undergoing Hemilaminectomy . Thai J Vet Med. 45: 463-468.
8. Huang, H.Y., J.Y. Hsu, S.C. Chang, K.S. Chen, T.H. Hsu, and H.C Wang. 2015. Alteration in
Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Gelatinase Activities in Lymphoma-Bearing Dogs with
Chemotherapies . Thai J Vet Med. 45: 373-380.
9. King, H.H., H.C. Wang, K.S. Chen and W.M. Lee. 2015. Trivalent Chromium Attenuated
Corticosterone Secretion and Actions in Adrenocorticotropic Hormone-Stimulated. Pak Vet J. 36:
10. Wu, R.S., C.C. Chu, H.C. Wang, and K.S. Che. 2016. Clinical diagnosis and surgical
management of diaphragmatic retroperitoneal perirenal fat and kidney herniation in a pet rabbit.
J Am Vet Med Assoc. 248: 1399-1403.
11. Chou, H.I., K.S. Chen, H.C. Wang, and W.M. Lee. 2016. Effects of cranberry extract on
prevention of urinary tract infection in dogs and on adhesion of Escherichia coli to Madin-Darby
canine kidney cells. Am J Vet Res. 77: 421-427
12. Chang A.C., C.C. Cheng, H.C. Wang, W.M. Lee, C.L. Shyu, C.C. Lin, and K.S. Chen. 2016.
Emphysematous pyometra secondary to Enterococcus avium infection in a dog. Tierarztl Prax
Ausg K Kleintiere Heimtiere. 44: 195-199.
13. Wang, H.C., C.T. Hung, W.M. Lee, K.M. Chang, and K.S. Chen. 2016. Effects of intravenous dexmedetomidine on cardiac characteristics measured using radiography and echocardiography in six healthy dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 57: 8-15.
14. Wu, R.S., Y.J. Liu, C.C. Chu, H.G. Heng, M.Y. Chia, H.C. Wang and K.S. Chen. 2017. Ultrasonographic features of insulinoma in six ferrets. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 58: 607-612.
1. Su, W.L., C.C. Cheng, W.Y. Shia, T.H. Hsu, K.S. Chen, H.C. Wang, and W.M. Lee. Effect of trivalent chromium on growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I in ovariohysterectomized rats. 2016. Taiwan Vet J. 42: 159-163.
2. Wang H.J., S.C. Chang, W.M. Lee, K.S. Chen, and H.C. Wang. 2017. Comparison of infiltration analgesia and constant rate infusion for postoperative analgesia in dogs with mammary tumors undergoing bilateral radical mastectomy and ovariohysterectomy. Taiwan Vet J. 43:177-183.
3. Hu C.H., T.H. Hsu, K.S. Chen, W.M. Lee and H.C. Wang. 2018. Pleth variability index-guided fluid therapy lowers podt-operative lactate levels in dogs undergoing elective abdominal surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Taiwan Vet J. 44:7-14.
1. 獸醫麻醉學手冊(5版). Elsevier. ISBN 9789866052743
2. 小動物外科學. 2015. Elsevier. ISBN 9789865666958
3. 寵物醫師臨床手冊第二版
4. 動物醫院分科與臨床技術手冊. Elsevier. ISBN:9789869367011
5. 犬貓的麻醉與相關疾病. 狗腳印出版有限公. ISBN:9789869481625
吳叡璇DVM, MS, MANZCVS (Veterinary Radiology)
國立中興大學獸醫學系學士 2004-2009
國立中興大學獸醫臨床碩士 2009-2011
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 實習醫生 2011-2012
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科住院醫師 2012-2015
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科總醫師 2015-2018
澳州墨爾本大學獸醫教學醫院影像診斷科研習 2012
中華民國醫用超音波學會 動物超音波研習會 講師 2013, 2014
第六屆FASAVA 放射線學、超音波學 口譯 2015
上海寵物醫療學術研討會 超音波學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會例會 超音波學 講師 2016
新北市獸醫師公會學術研討會 超音波學 講師 2016
台中市獸醫師公會例會 影像學 講師 2016
高雄市福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會特殊寵物年會 影像學 講師 2016
蘇州市動物診療協會年會 超音波學 講師 2016
第45屆獸醫師節慶祝大會暨國際學術研討會 異寵影像學 講師 2017
中華民國內科獸醫醫學會 影像學 口譯 2017
澳州墨爾本大學獸醫教學醫院影像診斷科研習 2012
澳洲暨紐西蘭獸醫專科學院考試認證合格 獸醫影像診斷學專科 2017-
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
高雄福爾摩沙獸醫臨床醫學會 超音波實作班 講師 2017-
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會 獸醫超音波臨床實操課程講師 2018
雲林暨嘉義獸醫臨床讀書會例會影像學講師 2018
第十屆東西部小動物臨床獸醫師大會影像診斷學講師 2018
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主治醫師 2018-
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 影像診斷科主治醫師
1. Wu RS, Liu YJ, Chu CC, Heng HG, Chia MY, Wang HC, Chen KS. (2017, accepted). Ultrasonographic features of insulinoma in six ferrets. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 58(5), 607-612. 2017. (SCI) 本人為第一作者.
2. Wu RS, Chu CC, Wang HC, Chen KS. Clinical diagnosis and surgical management of diaphragmatic retroperitoneal perirenal fat and kidney herniation in a pet rabbit. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 248, 1399-1403. 2016. (SCI) 本人為第一作者.
3. Kung YY, Chu CC, Wu RS. Bilateral ovarian cysts and diffuse cystic endometrial hyperplasia of uterus in a sugar glider (Petaurus Breviceps). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015. 本人為通訊作者.
4. Chu CC, Chen YW, Wu RS. Successful diagnosis and surgical management of gastric volvulus in a domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015. 本人為通訊作者.
5. Chu CC, Wu RS, Chen KS. Idiopathic hepatic cyst in a preovulatory egg binding domestic gould’s monitor (Varanus G. flavirufus). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine. 2015.
6. Chu CC, Wang HC, Wu RS. A rare case: Surgical management of cystolithiasis in a domestic bowsprit tortoise (Chersina angulata). Poster. Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians Conference. 2014. 本人為通訊作者.
7. Chu CC, Chen KS, Wu RS. Suspected dietary associated cystolithiasis in 2 sugar gliders (Petaaurus Breviceps). Proceeding of International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine, 311-313. 2013. 本人為通訊作者.
8. Chan IP, Wu RS, Huang HM, Lin MC, Lin SH. Case Report: First Report of Transcatheter Helical Coil Occulsion for Treatment of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in a Dog in Taiwan. Taiwan Vet J. 35(4), 283-291. 2009.
黃欣瑜DVM, MS
私立中國醫藥大學護理系學士 1999-2003
國立中興大學獸醫系學士 2005-2010
國立中興大學獸醫臨床碩士 2016-2018
台中永昌動物醫院 獸醫師 2011-2012
中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科住院醫師 2012-2015
中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科總醫師 2015-
雙鏡聯合微創手術課程研討會實作課程 專任麻醉醫師 2015
第九屆上海寵物醫療學術研討會 麻醉學講師 2016
新北市獸醫師公會學術研討會 麻醉學講師 2016
新北市獸醫臨床醫學會 麻醉學講師 2017
國立中興大學獸醫教學醫院 麻醉暨重症加護科總醫師
1. Huang HY, Hsu JY, Chang SC, Chen KS, Hsu TH, & Wang HC. Alteration in Serum Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Gelatinase Activities in Lymphoma-Bearing Dogs with Chemotherapies. Wetchasan Sattawaphaet 45(3), 373. 2015.
defect rate 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文
"Does your child have an irregular heartbeat or a hole in his heart?"
I asked my client, after glancing at her son's Bazi.
Back in July, I wrote a post on the terrifying Kawasaki disease among young children. It got 75 shares.
That post attracted more parents with children of various health issues, to contact me in the past months.
My client replied, no abnormality was detected at birth.
3 weeks later, when I was analysing her Bazi, she told me her son's recent echocardiogram revealed a hole in his heart.
The doctor said it was very likely due to a birth defect, and not the Kawasaki disease that the son was recovering from.
When I heard it, gratitude and admiration for my Shifu rose in my heart.
He was the teacher, who showed me how to identify if a Bazi had heart issues.
Shifu often chided me for having it too easy when it comes to learning Chinese Metaphysics. #Shifusostrict #wheregoteasy
After Shifu's father, a well-respected geomancer & TCM practitioner, passed away, Shifu had to go the rocky route of verifying everything he learnt and discovered on his own.
In his late 20s, he spent a good 2 years knocking on doors of HDB flats, to read people's Bazi and audit home Feng Shui for free, in Yishun, Chong Pang, Woodlands, Khatib, Admiralty, Tanjong Pagar and Ang Mo Kio estates.
Cladded in jeans and a T-shirt, with a backpack and a box file, Shifu would painstakingly analyse any Bazi and Chinese name given to him.
Doors slammed on his face, dogs barked at him, old people shunned him, threats of calling the police were hurled at him.
There were also kind-hearted souls who gave Shifu an angpow as a token of their appreciation, or offered him dinner.
Every time Shifu reached home, he would be starving and perspiring like a polar bear.
One guy student (my senior) went door knocking with Shifu once, and was scared to go again the next day.
Shifu sometimes misses those days, and thinks none of us would do it with him. He said it was excellent on-the-ground training for you never know what you are going to get.
I volunteered myself.
I used to do door-to-door surveys for a market research company in my undergrad days.
But Shifu said I'm cotton candy soft and would run away the next day like his student. 😟
Till this day, Shifu still has clients from his HDB knocking days.
Behind every good Feng Shui master, there are many untold stories of pain and sacrifice for him to achieve that level of mastery.
Few people cared about that.
Too many people waste too much time looking at us up and down suspiciously, and disregarding Chinese Metaphysics as old wives' tale.
They do not have the patience and scientific intelligence to suss out the real from the fakes. So they take one bamboo pole and whack the whole boat upside down.
The opportunity cost for them, however, is the chance to turn around their children's lives.
Many parents tell me: As a parent, I naturally want the best for my child.
True for some of them. Lying through the teeth for others. #連自己都騙
Not all parents love their children. Not all parents make sensible decisions.
Sometimes, wanting the best and doing their best mean two different universes.
There are clients who wanted me to read their children's Bazi, but their spouse object. Despite the clients having positive results.
A workshop participant was experiencing a problem during her pregnancy. I peeked into her family future, and I realise the problem at hand is just the tip of the iceberg.
I told her to look for my Shifu. He would have the merits to bail her family out from their difficult future, before it is too late.
She didn't.
She was confident about Shifu's skills in Wealth Feng Shui, read that he had helped a client's father recover from cancer but she had never read anything of his abilities in helping an unborn child from his testimonials.
#facepalm #whydidntsheask
Another lady didn't want to implement my Feng Shui recommendations for her child. She told it would be difficult.
I looked into her eyes as she spoke. Liar. She didn't want to spend money on the mini renovation for her least favourite child.
(By looking at the parent's and child's Bazi, it is easy to tell which child the parent favours.)
I spent a good 20 minutes, explaining again the adverse effects the room Feng Shui had on her child's future. It was already rearing its ugly head. Her disciplinary action had never worked and will never work, given such Feng Shui.
I reminded her the duty of a responsible parent. I didn't mince my words. You know me.
I could have just taken my fees and go. Who care what you want to do with your child's future? It's your child, your problem, not mine.
But coming from a single-parent family, not only do I care about children development, I am deeply concerned about what my motherland will become when these children grow up.
We already have a plummeting birth rate.
Every child's future saved, is one less problem for our society, and one more superhero for Singapore.
Let's not have too many broken adults, when we can build strong and compassionate children.
The moment the child is conceived, with both parents' Bazi on hand, a competent Chinese Metaphysics practitioner can foretell the development of the foetus.
E.g. will the foetus have Down syndrome or other medical condition?
Will the mother experience miscarriage?
Will the foetus grow healthily?
How difficult will the pregnancy be for the mother?
How will the family fortune change?
What can the parents do?
If the practitioner had audited the home Feng Shui, more potential problems will be identified early in time, and resolved before it manifest in the pregnancy.
We are what we live in.
Some home Feng Shui problems handicap the couple from having a faithful and fulfilling marriage, including the lack of children.
Some Bazi, on the other hand, experience a downturn in their fates, after having children.
In cases I have seen where parents have sickly children, some causes are parents who committed much killing.
E.g. running a puppy mill, a fishing farm, a prawning facility.
The other day, I had a client who had a Down syndrome child. I applauded her determination in giving birth to the child. Her husband, however, wanted to abort.
My advice to any parent who want to kill their flesh and blood, because it's not up to their standard:
Don't even think about it.
Some children are our karmic debtors. When they come as sickly offspring, it means the debt you owe them require a long and intensive effort to repay.
If you kill your child, the karmic debt you owe your child will escalate. It will NOT disappear.
An aborted baby stays around to haunt his parents. For as long as the parents live. Or until the baby had taken vengeance.
No such thing as the killed baby vanishing into thin air after some time.
Violence never bring permanent peace.
"When should we do a Bazi reading for our child?"
As soon as possible.
It is already difficult enough to raise a child, with both parents working.
Money is never enough. Time is never sufficient. Sleep is always lacking.
When we know how to help our children with their Bazi needs, the mutual understanding strengthens. We solve the problem right at the root, in the quickest time possible.
No more second guessing. No more quarrels.
Better performing children, happier parents.
As a mother, if I wish to get our child's Bazi read, my husband would have no chance to obstruct me from planning our child's future. (Not that my darling would.)
Because I'm also a 50% stakeholder, and I sacrifice my figure to carry our child in my uterus for freaking 9 months, shouldn't I have some say too? Not like I would blindly choose any Tom, Dick or Harry to read our child's Bazi. At most, I use my own money. 😄
Any loving parent would wish to live to a ripe old age, to take care of the Down syndrome child.
From a Chinese Metaphysics point of view, if the child is at a very tender age, it is easier to minimise the impact of the extra chromosome, through Bazi analysis and Feng Shui.
What do we hope to achieve?
Better temperament. Better health. Improved social skills. Able to articulate better. Able to function as independently as possible. Attract more benefactors. Etc.
Aiming to live to 100 years old to take care of the child may be noble.
If you ask me, giving the child a positive environment to change his destiny is a wiser and more practical move.
But first, let's start with educating the parents on the wisdom behind Chinese Metaphysics.
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