【Origin Stories - Beth Lopez, Founder of Docosan AW#21】
Becoming a doctor was all I wanted to do growing up. It was the focal point of my identity for the majority of my upbringing. That all changed when I graduated from university and went to the peace corps.
I was sent to Cambodia, and ultimately fell in love with the place. It was so peaceful. The people were incredibly kind, but many of them lacked access to very basic necessities like healthcare--something I witnessed firsthand while living and working in a health center of this small, rural community.
It was supposed to be open 24/7 and serve as the main medical services hub for all the surrounding villages. In reality, it was only open for 2 hours a day. There were doctors on site, but many of them were just using the center as a way to get referrals to their private clinics. There wasn’t even running water, so many of the kids had gastrointestinal diseases.
The root cause of all this? Poor public health policy. Experiencing that firsthand made me realize that there was something I cared more about than becoming a doctor. After going back to school to get a masters in public health and working in a SG-based healthcare startup for a few years, I decided to set off on my own and start Docosan.
I took a huge risk and poured all of my savings into the company, accompanied by many sleepless nights in the early days. Things were tight. We even worked out of a closet-sized office space on top of a dog cafe at one point. We’ve since raised a round of fundraising and built up promising early traction, with many positive testimonials from patients and doctors.
We still face hurdles every single day but the opportunity is huge. We are changing the way people access healthcare for the better. I can say with 100% conviction that there's nothing I'd rather be doing.
Docosan (AW#21) is a digital platform that allows patients in Vietnam to seamlessly find, compare, and book healthcare practitioners. They’re currently working with 550 doctors, with over 75,000 patients having now used their platform to discover and book appointments. For other startups targeting AI/Blockchain/NFT/SEA, applications for AW#23 are now open: https://bit.ly/3fE0cC6
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一年一度的聯合國大會今年已邁入72屆,在美東時間9 /12 下午3點已經展開!然而遺憾地,今年我們還是一樣被排除在外。作為地球上的一份子,台灣從來就不曾忘記自己身為世界公民的責任。我們很自豪在今年成為了同性婚姻合法的國家、在各領域都不斷追求更符合人權、公平以及永續的目標、政治上也優化民主法治的制度。我們也積極地參與聯合國2030年的發展目標:SDGs。
9/16 在紐約的倡議遊行,民進黨將由我和張宏陸委員代表演說,在野黨時代力量徐永明委員也會一起參與,同時我們會全程參加遊行。今年遊行的訴求將聚焦在我們「近年國際參與的努力與成就」,以及「逐步被邊緣化的憂慮」。希望能夠傳達給聯合國的代表,我們參與聯合國會議的殷切期盼。
Please Join us in the march!
2017.09.16 禮拜六
3:00 - 3:30PM - 集合、開幕 [中華人民共和國大使館前]
3:30 - 5:00PM - 遊行
5:00 - 5:30PM - 集合、閉幕 [聯合國廣場前]
The United Nations General Assembly yesterday (Sep 12, 2017, EST time) has opened its 72nd session, unfortunately, Taiwan still cannot join the event this year. As the member of the global citizen, Taiwan is proud to announce that we have become the first nation in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, and we have never given up any chance to presume our goal in promoting human rights and sustainable in all the fields. Politically we have improved our democratic system, and we have worked to cope with the SDGs along with United Nations.
However, we were so disappointed during that past year seeing that we have been treated so unfairly regardless what Taiwan has achieved. This May, Taiwan was uninvited to attend World Health Assembly (WHA)—although we have been acted as an observer since 2009. We appreciate the representatives from the United States, Germany, Australia and Burkina Faso for speaking up that Taiwan should not be excluded by the World Health Organization and confirmed our impressive distributions in Health and Humanitarian Aid. We seek to deliver the message to the world: the constant unfair treatment will not affect our hard works in democratic values, international agreements, and human rights.
During the "2017 United Nations Membership for Taiwan/Keep Taiwan Free March" in New York on Sep 16th, Legislator Chang, Hung-Lu and I will join the whole session and give the speech on behalf of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), also the Legislator Yung-Ming Hsu from NPP will join as well. The march will highlight Taiwan's achievements in international cooperation in recent years and our concern for being marginalized. We want to express our deepest thoughts to UNGA's representatives that it's time for Taiwan to join United Nations.
Please Join us in the march!
3:00-3:30PM - Assembly and Opening Remarks
Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York - 520 12th Ave (42nd St and 12th Av)
3:30-5:00PM - March
5:00-5:30PM - Rally and Closing Remarks
United Nations Plaza - Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th St and 1st Av)
In the days leading up to our 2017 United Nations Membership for Taiwan/Keep Taiwan Free March, the KTF team will be sharing bios about our upcoming speakers, who will be talking in front of the Consulate General of the PRC and the United Nations.
余宛如 (Yu, Wan-Ju) is a Taiwanese legislator-at-large for the 民主進步黨 (Democratic Progressive Party) since 2016. She is dedicated to speaking out for the youth, social enterprise, UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, gender equality, startup innovation, and digital transformation.
Wan-Ju (Karen) is an outstanding model for young entrepreneurs because she started as a female social entrepreneur and then became a legislator. In 2008, she founded her own business, Okogreen, which is the first fair trade company and brought social impact to the community. This led Okogreen to win many prizes and was eventually listed on the stock market.
In 2015, Wan-Ju started to run the first Social Enterprise Hub in Taiwan to further accelerate the growth of social enterprises. Additionally, with her efforts, Taipei City became the first Fairtrade City in the Taiwanese community in 2017. Fairtrade City is recognized as the strategy plan for achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Currently, Wan-Ju serves as the President of Inter Parliamentary Association on Digital Economy and Social Economy and Parliamentary Union on D-Nation, promoting legislation amendment including Statute for Industrial Innovation, Act for the Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Professional Talent, Fundamental Science and Technology Act, Company Act, FinTech Innovation Supervision (Focusing on Regulatory Sandbox), Financial Innovation Experiment Regulations and Social Enterprise Development Act.
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【1776 孵化器的世界革命】
這裏的1776不是指美國獨立宣言發布的那一年,而是一家位於華盛頓與眾不同的孵化器(Incubator),我與IVLP的夥伴,來這裡看孵化器如何國際化,以及1776與眾不同之處,不但激發在莫斯科經營Impact Hub夥伴的興趣、在南非的夥伴,也想回去成立類似的孵化器,而1776的獨特,其實也跟立法部門非常相關。
1776的創辦人,當初因為看到大部份新創都遇到官僚與募資的問題,而於2013年創辦1776,在微軟、Comcast Business、MedStar Health與Digital D.C.的支持下,成為全球新創的國際中心,目的是為了解決全球的挑戰,主要在教育、能源、醫療照護、政府、甚至其他重要的產業。
1776舉辦的Challenge Cup,已經擴散到16個城市,各地的獲選者每年五月集中到華府參加Challenge Festival的挑戰賽,讓獲選者可以見到投資人、政策制定者、或是比賽募資等。1776強調,他們不是孵化器、也不是加速器、所有他們所做的一切,都是創造網絡與連結,近期它們開啟了新的項目:與大企業有更深的互動,幫助大企業定義創新的需求,同時媒合新創企業提供服務給大企業。