同系列仲有「中概股冇事,小小啟示.迪士尼歷史新高,小小啟示.銀行年尾減按揭息,小小啟示.」, Patreon已寫(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。迪士尼有機會在呢邊再寫長啲。另外仲有篇「匯豐強勢,小小啟示」,應該晏啲出
TLDR 2:領展先4厘息,咁其他畀8厘息你嗰啲係乜?你入去鴨店隻隻都3000,忽然有隻1000,你估係你獨具慧眼見到筍嘢,定係有伏?你話呢?不妨諗下你幾多點去到。或者睇下你自己嘅往績。
1. 本身實在係冇乜特別,因為呢隻Patreon寫過幾次,公開場合都成日講。講嗰時好似60蚊左右,而家70蚊,「個幾月先17%」「唔啱你啲股神網友個個幾日就執幾成」。不過相信呢度嘅讀者知道個分別,一來咁炒返嚟嘅錢好易會輸返,二來我斷估啲幾日執幾成嘅股票,你唔敢訓身家,但領展你會敢。So simple,所以講到尾係睇結果。你嘅身家就係你嘅得分。
2. 而呢兩日升乜?我都唔知,好似話估零售復蘇。但,下,而家先知?另外,好似話有大行唱好,呢個仲無聊。大行報告未必冇用,特別係唱淡時有用,但對領展,關乜事?
3. 領展係一隻相對地易啲睇嘅股票,拎嚟學習亦都好好。商場好唔好生意,車位咩情況,人人睇到。而當時力推,原因亦好簡單—因為見到佢地根本冇減租。因為啲場夠低檔(雖然都唔平,但香港人好富貴),夠民生。唔似太古或九倉啲高檔場咁,高檔場一來貴租,下跌空間好大,二來直接分租戶嘅收入,好景時咪執到笑,但唔好景時咪跌得好勁。相反領展啲場,除非你玩到門口都唔畀出,否則你都係要落去買嘢甚至食嘢。
4. 然後你可以再諗下,喂,今年真係百年一遇,黑天鵝了吧。但都唔使減租。咁其實應該真係要打仗呀,或者外星人侵略香港領展先會減租。
5. 咁有乜閹僻畸唇?緊要咯。即係,佢嘅股息,係可靠嘅!今年四五月寫匯控嗰時,我已經講過好多次,你望住過去個派息,即係股票機見到嗰個,係冇意思的。講咗好多次,「股票係炒將來」,唔記得嘅罰抄一千次。
6. 你睇嘅,應該係預期股息。「但將來點知?」。係唔知,但有個譜,而且呢種唔知有幾唔知,正係關鍵。先講有個譜,你會見大行分析員估,固然都唔少估錢,但估派息呢啲有個譜,總好過你盲中中亂咁嚟。
7. 問題係,邊度搵到?咁好似個別股票機(經濟通?)會有的,自己研究下。但更加好嘅,就梗係睇返大行報告。報告不易找(唔好問我拎),但傳媒都會報。當然仲有,Bloomberg嘅 Refinitiv呀之類嘅東西都有,正常人屋企唔會裝,「但公司會有」「所以點解要做金融」「或者搵個做金融嘅男/女朋友 或好朋友」。
8. 關鍵就嚟啦,同樣係睇下年嘅息,領展嘅visibility,係高好多嘅,所以亦都高質好多。你望另外隻嘢,好似有6厘息,但盈利可能大上大落,或者喜怒無常忽然唔派嘅,咁我不如買隻派5厘,但往績好,生意又有保證嘅。
9. 正係因為咁,所以你見啲公用股咁值錢。你見咩中電之類,4厘息多啲。中移動941就近7厘息。咁但,買中電嗰個傻仔?退而求其次,即係買美債嗰啲傻仔?去到呢啲咁多人睇嘅東西,千萬唔該收起你嘅ego,你唔知邊個係傻仔,多數你就係。中移動7厘息下話,咁當然比匯控啲息穩啲,但,人民幣會唔會貶值先?另外,業務有冇倒退風險先?會唔會忽然有乜乜政策先?全部都係風險。唔係風險唔好,唔係有風險就唔買,但搞清楚個世界點運作。至怕你買7厘嘅嘢,以為風險同3厘一樣
10. 領展作為一隻派息紀錄極好(再講一次,過往紀錄唔代表將來,但我同勒邦占士打one on one你都係應該買佢贏,甚至打乒乓波都係),咁嘅情況下都唔使減派息減租嘅收租股,「貴」得有道理。根本唔會有8厘息畀你。掉轉頭,會見到8厘息嘅股票,就梗係有啲問題。你唔明嘅,係你唔知伏在邊啫。否則都係嗰句,買美債嗰啲傻仔?有得穩穩陣陣8厘息,好多人都唔使撈了。
11. 再粗俗啲嘅比喻,我當你去鴨店(唏,平等嘛),隻隻都係3000蚊(跳舞都得掛?),唯獨有一隻1000蚊,仲要望落白白凈凈冇性病嘅,咁你自己估下係咪筍嘢了。提醒:你唔係最早到嗰個,點解之前啲熟客唔揀呢,可?同樣地,有隻其貌不揚手腳短腳但5000蚊嘅,咁你咪又估下係有過人之處咯。但都係嗰句,humble啲,相信市場。特別係照下鏡,如果你都之前成日中伏嘅(冇乜值得慚愧,人人都會),咁就話畀你知,你唔好太高估自己「獨具慧眼」嘅能力啦。去到呢啲位,你明白真係投資反映性格,好多人表面上唔arrogant,內心自大到不得了,真係以為自己好撚醒,哈哈,開個股票機,呀,呢隻嘢十九幾厘息啲大行都唔買喎,正白痴,等我買返幾廿萬先。你咪睇下邊個先係傻仔。未夠道行嘅,都係跟住前面架車咪知邊度影快相。
12. 呢個道理,在好多嘢入面都睇到。今日較早前同朋友講開,佢做工程嘅,有啲同學轉做金融,pretty good,但更好嘅可能係在政府做—穩定唔會畀人炒呢個好重要。個個月穩袋十皮嘢,好過你金融才俊三更貧五更富,今年幾球嘢下年冇工開。
13. 昨日Patreon亦有寫過IMF一個越究,富者越富,而有錢人嘅投資回報,仲高過窮人(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)—但留意,係risk adjusted return.你要明白,唔少人嘅「高回報」,背後承受咗好多高風險,所以adjust 返根本唔係嗰回事。形象化啲嘅,我每年15%回報,好過你連續5年去澳門(而家冇得去)100%回報啦。係呀,你舊錢1變32,但,你買得幾多?畀你1萬變32萬好未?退到休未?
14. 況且,跟你呢個策略嘅,好多輸死冇命賠。亦即係 Nassim Nicholas Taleb寫嘅,your dentist is rich, very rich,Alternative Path,Possible world嘅問題(https://bityl.co/4hN8)。有人拎100萬買波中100倍波膽,唔等於你應該去做。
15. $10 million earned playing Russian Roulette does not have the same value as $10 million earned through the diligent and artful practice of dentistry. One's dependence on randomness is greater.
16. 仲有,其實有讀者係政治相關人物(讀者其實咩人都有,聽講有人撈偏的),早排都有問過下我嘢。咁佢風險承受能力低,有叫佢買下美股下港股,仲有買埋領展。當時我都唔記得佢身份,「佢好似平時日日鬧的」。但呢啲我唔知啦,你亦可以睇成為if you can’t beat them, join them。反正我係唔會爆讀者私隱的。就算你表面係環保鬥士實則日日買石油股都冇所謂。
月頭訂最抵,Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費100蚊唔使,4個月已800人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)
diligent意思 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文
今天要來介紹的單字是認真的、勤奮的、刻苦的等等用法,通常我們只會想到hardworking or diligent,但其實還有許多同義字可以代換,就讓我們繼續看下去吧(好老套😂😂
assiduous 勤勉的、小心翼翼的 (a.)
➡️ assiduous in sth,也可用來形容名詞,例如 assiduous efforts
Eg. Alex was assiduous in his attendance at church.
conscientious 煞費苦心的、盡責的
➡️ 通常用來形容努力完成自己份內的事情
Eg. A conscientious teacher may feel inclined to take work home.
industrious 勤勉的、勤奮的 (a.)
Eg. If you are industrious you can finish the job before work.
sedulous 仔細的、聚精會神的 (a.)
➡️ 比較像diligent那種感覺,投入很多心血在某個事情上
Eg. Sandra is a sedulous student who leaves great impressions on all the teachers.
indefatigable/preserving不屈不撓的、堅持不懈的 (a.)
➡️ 有determined的意味,從fatigue(疲累)可以感受到就是不怕累、不懈怠的概念。
Eg. Lin is an indefatigable campaigner for human rights.
studious 用功的、好學的(a.)
Eg. Debra is a very quiet and studious girl.
diligent意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答
【謝謝你,但我的命我自己來】(English writing below)
"You could have chosen to be kept by a man early in your life. Why did you not?"
"Everyone should grow abilities for their own lives. What I wish to be is a big lotus that blooms out of the slushy mud, pure and untainted. Not a little flower that is incubated in a greenhouse."
I come from a family, where almost all the women are strong and self-reliant. My 78-year-old grandaunt lives alone, never marry and has no kids. When my grandfather got married, he brought my young grandaunt to live with him. In the twenty over years he passed on, when my grandmother was still alive, grandaunt would still give a monthly allowance to my grandmother (her sister-in-law), despite being 60 over years old.
She is just a lady who works odd jobs. The monthly allowance she gave my grandmother is from her hard-earned money.
Grandaunt did not receive much of an education. I am a university graduate. How can my abilities be inferior to hers?
During my childhood, my family was laden with heavy debts. Every other day, there would be creditors incessantly calling the house phone or banging on the house door, asking for repayment. As a young girl, I often get pushed out to deal with these fierce-looking strangers. Reason being, when they saw a kid, they would often soften their tone of voice, and give a few more days for repayment.
I was frightened at that time. But if I didn't do what I was told, I would get scolded or beaten badly. Even after I grew up, there are times when I would get ridiculously afraid. I count myself lucky that the Buddhadharma has an uplifting influence on me. The terror of facing a bear in front of me, and having a tiger chasing behind gradually moulded my tenacity.
Either I don't do it, or when I do, I will burn my boats so that it's either success or nothing.
A childhood where I was constantly frightened had me promising myself this: I will never let anyone or anything threaten me.
My Bazi did indeed indicate that I can opt not to work and rely on the financial support from a man.
But for an outstanding talent like me, if I do not come out to contribute to mankind and choose an easier way out, wouldn't I be letting down the great genes of my ancestors of the past 18 generations, and the teachings from my Grandmaster and Shifu?
Ever since I started out, my work had benefitted a lot of people and my writings had helped grow the wisdom of many readers.
The skills that I hone in the past 10 over years give me freedom to earn money wherever I am. With the environmental Feng Shui worsening, the problems of mankind will only snowball and multiply. As long as I have the real skills, my line of work will only get more valuable as I age. Shifu often jokes that, if I have no business when I am old, I can still consider setting up a fortune-telling stall in front of the Guan Yin Temple at Waterloo Street, to pass time. 😄
Should I have to go through another reincarnation, at the very least, there will be this seed of unflinching courage and perseverance planted in my subconscious. Because I made the effort to.
If I opt to rely fully on a man, and have no independent ability of my own, what will happen to me when he has a change of heart?
My mum also had many offers from men, who wanted to make a mistress out of her. But for the sake of us, the children, she rejected all of them. Through her own perseverance and efforts, she still managed to raise me.
She also said if a man is unwilling to give you a legal status, don't waste your youth on him.
The adults' teaching by example will always carry more weight than what they preach.
The kind of Destiny the adults have will also be similar to the kind of Destiny their children will have.
The me right now does not have to live an ignoble existence nor live my life according to the mood of a man. When I wish to make money, I go make money. When I feel like writing to talk with all of you, I write. In my spare time, I continue honing my skills in Buddhadharma and Chinese Metaphysics, and develop my wisdom.
To me, this is the freedom that I had fought for many years. Such is the spirit that I wish for my children to learn.
Spending money is most satisfying, when this money is earned with a peace of mind. If the money is obtained through illegal/immoral ways, there will always be karmic consequences to bear, be it the spender is me or my family.
This article isn't written to look down on other women, who choose to be kept by a man. Everyone has a different motivation in life. I only wish to awaken you, to continue treading on your original pure and pristine path in life. Among my women clients, those, who chose this easy route to money, do not have a happy ending.
For me, I just think that no other person will be more bothered and diligent than me, in creating the Destiny I covet.
If I do not have the ability, I am willing to learn humbly from the right teachers, and I am very fortunate to have two great ones in my life.
I will formulate my own Destiny.
If I can't even transform my own Destiny, what right do I have to receive the red packets from others, to help them with their fortune and luck?
diligent意思 在 台灣創新法律協會- ⭕️關於DD盡職調查. 盡職調查(due ... 的推薦與評價
關於DD盡職調查. 盡職調查(due diligence)是什麼? 包含什麼內容呢? http://www.wiseteam.tw/3045225773-2623427402213202024123460/due-diligence ... ... <看更多>