The Old Street | directed by MoMo Tseng, Hsing Ying
8mm | BW | 5:20
這是《The Old Street 歸屬》想說的。
使用膠捲 #八釐米 拍攝之新竹關西老街
劇情短片《The Old Street 歸屬》
義文翻譯 by 貓肉先生 Mauro Sacchi - 貓肉先生
2020 Awarded by
NGFF in Serbia
Best Experimental Documentary short
2020獲選烏克蘭 Nominated by
Кіномаршрут Cinemaway Film Festival /КУЛЬТУРНА СПАДЩИНА/CULTURE HERITAGE Program
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅崎山蒼志,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▶2021.01.27(Wed.)Release Major Debut Album [find fuse in youth] Reserve & Buy→[CD] [iTunes]
documentary定義 在 阿甘的美國大冒險 Facebook 的最佳解答
昨天傳出教宗呼籲各國通過同性伴侶民事結合的法律, 給同志伴侶應得的尊重和法律保障, 這是長久敵對LGBT 的天主教會首次有教宗發表如此正面的意見, 很多人並不太意外, 因為這位阿根廷籍教宗在社會議題上一向採取比較進步開明的態度。但是教宗這番發言有機會促成天主教會改革嗎? 答案是... 非常難, 應該不可能。
天主教的保守立場鮮明: 反自慰, 反婚前性行為, 反避孕, 反同性婚姻。同志民事結合(civil union) 跟天主教教條是兩回事。也就是說, 天主教堂內辦同志婚禮依舊不會被允許, 同性戀仍被視為罪惡行為。
中文的「婚姻」兩字沒有特別意義, 然而在歐美, marriage 這個字有宗教意涵, 因為傳統上, 婚姻是指一男一女在教堂裡成婚, 婚姻的目的是要傳宗接代。這也是為什麼歐美各國剛開始推行同性婚姻時都用 civil union 這樣的字眼, 沒有試圖改變 marriage 的定義 , 就是避免觸怒宗教人士。等越來越多人接受同性婚姻, same-sex marriage 才成為主流, 不再是禁忌。
所以, 教宗對 civil union 的支持看似天主教會跨出了一大步, 現實上仍屬觀念極度落後。這也是為什麼歐美的天主教徒嚴重流失, 因為教會完全跟不上時代腳步。美國各地的天主教會目前完全靠拉丁美洲裔新移民在支撐, 沒有他們, 教堂裡就沒人了。
documentary定義 在 陳映之 Facebook 的精選貼文
張韶涵 Angela Zhang - Undefined 未定義演唱會
出品人 Executive Producer:
張韶涵 Angela Zhang / Adrian Leong / Connie
藝人團隊 Artiste Team
Artiste Manager: 張韶軒 Connie
Overall Project Lead: 楊鈞堯 Bryan Yang
製作團隊 Show Production Team
Creative Director: 張韶涵 Angela Zhang
Show Production: We Play Studio
Director: 易正庭 Tim Yi
Executive Director: 李宜螢 Grace Lee
Stage Director: 冉永賢 Jan Yung Hsien
Production Assistant: 盧育潔 Lu Yu Chieh
Teleprompter: 廖奕潔 Liao Yi Jie
Stage Designer: ARTJOEY
Lighting Designer: 上海喬銳舞台藝術工程中心 Shanghai Chiao Ruei Art Enggineering Center / 李政偉 Lee Gheng Wei
Laser Designer: 周平 Chou Ping
Motion Graphics Designer: 邦博視覺設計 Bombo Visual Design Co.,Ltd / 集象視覺設計 Chi Hsiang Visual Design Ltd
Motion Graphics Directors: 盧韋勳 Lu Wei Hsun / 林修皜 Lin Hsiu Hao / 陳美蒨 Chen Mei Chien
Audio Engineer: 陳泰山 Chen Tai Shan
Assistant Audio Engineer: 蔡育書 Tsai Yu Shu
Camera Support Equipment: 無限映像製作有限公司 Multimedia Production
影片製作團隊 Documentary Production Team
Video Director: 陳映之 Chen Ying Chih
Assistant Video Director: 夏圓 Hsia Yuan
Video Director’s Assistant: 錢承榆 Yu Chien
Producer: 葉鑑濤 Colin Ip
D.P.: 陳映之 Chen Ying Chih
First Assistant Camera: 鎖震峰 So Chen Feng
Second Assistant Camera: 李英豪 Li Ying Hao
Artiste Videographer: 張伯瑞 Ray Chang
Art Director: 王宥睎 Wang You Si
Production Executive: 王琇筠 Wang Hsiu Yun
Set Decorator: 賴儀恬 Lai Yi Tian / 游東榮 Yo Tung Jung
Gaffer: 黃柏源 Huang Bo Yuan
Best Boy: 蘇志豪 Su Chih Hao / 張偉傑 Chang Wei Chieh / 李正傑 Li Cheng Chieh / 王俊淵 Wang Juan Yun
Production Coordinator: 林煜翔 Lin Yu Shiang / 徐鵬森 Hsu Peng Sen
Haute Couture Design: 李育昇 Li Yu Shen (Dorian Li)
Design assistant & manager: 林昕誼 Lin Xin Yi
Hair design: 鄭泰忠 Teddy Cheng / 吳曉芳 Sarah Wu
王若蓁 Wang Ruo Zhen / 江彥蓁 Chiang Yen Chen
吳汶憶 Wu Wen Yi / 吳姝純 Wu Shu Chun
梁雅媛 Liang Ya Yuan / 許杏君 Hsu Hsin Chin
郭彥汝 Kuo Yen Ju / 陳妤蓁 Chen Yu Zhen
劉庭音 Liu Ting Yin / 羅沛育 Lo Pei Yu
Transportation: 張輔弼 Chang Fu Bi
Film Editor: 陳映之 Chen Ying Chih / 黃品婕 PJ Huang / 施雅馨 Shih Ya Shin
CG: 短波組影像 Shortwave Film
VCR配樂 Background Music
Song: 無名 No name
Producer: 楊鈞堯 Bryan Yang
Arrangement: 林樂偉 Ludwig
Recording Engineer: 陳志翔 Sean Chen
Recording Studio: 白金錄音室 Platinum Studio
Sound Mixer: 楊鈞堯 Bryan Yang
Mixing Studio: 發條工廠錄音室 Clockworkers Studio
Production Assistant: 葉承睿 Turtle Yeh
樂隊 Band
Music Director: Kenn C
Band Leader & Drums: 王聖展 Evan Wang
Keyboard: 李宜玲 Elin Lee
Guitar: 張庭榮 Chang Ting Rong / 翁光煒 Wico Weng
Bass: 陳紀烽 Vincent Chen
Backing Vocals: 邵慧芸 Shao / 芙賽.以撒 Fusay Isak / 薛詒丹 Dan Hsueh / 李芯芮 Cheryl Lee
Programmer: 張忠義 Chang Chung Yi
Violins: 袁繹晴 Helen Yuan / 許罡愷 Hsu Kang Kai
/ 顏毓恆 Victor Yen / 曾敏青 Tswng Ming Ching / Rohnie Tan Wei Chien / 龍俊宇 Lung Chun Yu
Violas: 許義昕 Eddie Hsu / 袁繹晴 Helen Yuan
Cellos: 吳登凱 YoYo / 李姿慧 Lee Tzu Hui / 許書閒 Hsu Su Hsien
Band Assistant: 曹鈺羚 Momo Tsao
音樂製作團隊 Music Production Team
Music Producer: Kenn C / 楊鈞堯 Bryan Yang
Assistant Producer: WeiLiang Sim @KennC Music
Mixing Engineer: Frank Lee @AlcheMiX / Kenn C / WeiLiang Sim @ KennC Music
Mastering: Kenn C Music Mastering
Vocal Design: Kenn C
Backing Vocals Team: Agnes Yue / Susanna Liu / Becka / Carmen Ang / Eunice Liew / Esther Ong
Additional Guitars: Kenn C / WeiLiang Sim @KennC Music / Wei-Ming @KennC Music
Additional Programming: WeiLiang Sim @KennC Music
Recording Studio: Kenn C Music / 雲耀音樂
Production Assistants: WeiLiang Sim / Wei-Ming / Becka
Project Manager: 王聖展 Evan Wang / WeiLiang Sim @ KennC Music
舞蹈團隊 Choreography Team
Choreographer: 王守婕 Miracle Wang
Dance Captains: 黃柏語 Huang Bo Yu / 賴昀祺 Lai Yun Chi
Dancers: 原英行銷有限公司 (演出事業部) / Infamous Creative and Marketing Co. (Talent Agency Department.)
造型團隊 Styling Team
Artiste Stylist: 張家衣 Zhang Jia Yi
Dancer Stylist: 王守婕 Miracle Wang
Makeup Artist: 陳聆薇 Venny Chen
Assistant Makeup Artist: 陳雯瑄 Chen Wen Xuan
Hair Design: 林秋子 / Ethan
Hair Stylist: Stone / Ethan
Hair Stylist Assistant: Yen / Kimi
現場拍攝團隊 Live Videography Team
Video Director: 陳映之 Chen Ying Chih
Assistant Video Director: 夏圓 Hsia Yuan
Video Director’s Assistant: 錢承榆 Yu Chien
Camera Support Equipment: 無限映像製作有限公司 Infinity Multimedia Production
Video Producer: 葉鑑濤 Colin Ip
Cameraman: 張伯瑞 Ray Chang / 鎖震峰 So Chen Feng / 楊家哲 Gary Yang / 鐘楚雄 Kevin Zhong / 劉威廷 Liu Wei Ting / 陳柏全 Chen Bo Chuan
Cameraman’s Assistant: 梁發侃 Liang Fa Kan / 李英豪 Li Ying Hao / 謝明倢 Hsieh Ming Chieh / 林永森 Lin Yung Sen
Photography Team: 林忠佑 Lin Zhong You / 洪晃偉 Hong Huang Wei / 陳威仁 Chen Wei Ren / 周厚求 Zhou Hou Qiu / 余奕龍 Yu Yi Long / 楊尊喆 Yang Zun Zhe / 藍震濃 Lan Jhen Nong / 田凱弘 Tian Kai Hong
Artiste Videographer: 張伯瑞 Ray Chang / 何雨書 Book Ho
Gaffer: 黃柏源 Huang Bo Yuan
Best Boy: 蘇志豪 Su Chih Hao / 王俊淵 Wang Juan Yun
Production Coordinator: 林煜翔 Lin Yu Shiang / 徐鵬森 Hsu Peng Sen
Costume Design: 李育昇 Li Yu Shen (Dorian Li)
Costume Supervisor: 林昕誼 Lin Xin Yi
Hair Design: 鄭泰忠 Teddy Cheng / 吳曉芳 Sarah Wu
Talents: 王若蓁 Wang Ruo Zhen / 江彥蓁 Chiang Yen Chen / 吳汶憶 Wu Wen Yi / 吳姝純 Wu Shu Chun / 梁雅媛 Liang Ya Yuan / 許杏君Hsu Hsin Chin / 郭彥汝 Kuo Yen Ju / 劉庭音 Liu Ting Yin / 羅沛育 Lo Pei Yu / 董韋伶 Tung Wei Ling
Film Editor: 陳映之 Chen Ying Chih / 張雅萍 Chang Ya Ping / 張伯瑞 Ray Chang / 彭琦媗 Chi Hsuan / 施雅馨 Shih Ya Shin
側拍團隊 Artiste Videography & Photography Team
Key Visual Photographer & Artiste Videographer: Kevin im
Artiste Videographer (Documentary): 陽子 Chin Yang
硬體團隊 Technical Production Team
Technical Director: 洪逸敏 Fion Hung
Technical Coordinator: 大馬 DAMA
Stage Engineering: 城鎮事業有限公司 Cheng Zhen Stage Co.,Ltd
Mechanics Engineering: 城鎮事業有限公司 Chen Zhen stage Co.,Ltd
Structure Engineering: 星船音響工程有限公司 Starship Engineering Co.,Ltd
Lighting Engineering: 鼎悍專業燈光音響工程有限公司 Din Han Profession Lighting& Sound Engineering Co.,Ltd
Laser Engineering: 垠鑫企業有限公司 INSHINLASER Co.,Ltd
LED Engineering: 唯特企業有限公司 Weite Enterprise Limited
Visual Engineering: 成陽傳播事業有限公司 Cherng Yang Communiction Co.,Ltd
Sound Engineering: 瑞揚專業音響有限公司 Reyn Yang Professional Sound Co.,Ltd
Electricity Engineering: 助盛實業有限公司 Zhu Sheng Industrial Co.,Ltd
Effects Engineering: 鉉坤企業有限公司 Xuan Kun Enterprise Co.,Ltd
Backstage Support: 豪佳仁活動展覽有限公司 Haojiaren Event Exhibition Co.,Ltd
Film Studio: 鴻臣影視製片廠 Hong Chen Film Studio
documentary定義 在 崎山蒼志 Youtube 的最佳貼文
▶2021.01.27(Wed.)Release Major Debut Album [find fuse in youth] Reserve & Buy→[CD] [iTunes]
▶「再定義」Series Digital Single
[Samidare] Listen/DL→
[Heaven] Listen/DL→
[Undulation] Listen/DL→
昨年12月29日にTOKYO MXにてOAされた「ニューカマー」【天才高校生シンガー・ソングライター崎山蒼志 メジャーデビュー直前特集】の編集版を公開。
■Soushi Sakiyama Debut Special Site
▼崎山蒼志 TOUR 2021 find fuse in you(th)
2021.02.23 (Tue.) 名古屋CLUB QUATTRO
[一回目] open 15:45 / start 16:30
[二回目] open 18:45 / start 19:30
2021.2.27(Sat.) 心斎橋 BIG CAT
[一回目] open 15:45 / start 16:30
[二回目] open 18:45 / start 19:30
2021.3.21(Sun.) 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM
[一回目] open 15:45 / start 16:30
[二回目] open 18:45 / start 19:30

documentary定義 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的最讚貼文
我講 '香港' 10,000次:
我受夠了, 我的精神困擾:
拍虐畜影片這些事 (我的親身經歷)
2017年11月到2018年6月是我拍片生崖當中, 我所稱為 ‘尷尬期’ 的時段. 我當時是想由拍英文鬼故頻道影片同時希望轉型生活類型影片和講東話影片. 出來的效果就是一大堆又煩又cho又不好笑又沒人看又常常得罪人的誇張內容. 不要要求我給你看, 因為這些影片現時已被刪除.
暗網仔出街的觀眾大家好! 我今天想懺悔當中拍了一部I feel ashamed and guilty i ever did it. 在這裡講這段故事改變不了什麼也叫不回所造成的傷害. 大家也歡迎看完這條影片之後不再支持我. 但我怕今天不拍出這條片我日後不會講出這個故事但uw yeen會想起而後fooy. 多謝你們給我一個機會去講.
神父 我有罪!
2018年6月16號我上載了一條養一隻倉鼠兩天的影片. 長達8分27秒的影片嘗試混合 ‘實驗型’ 影片和 ‘?物型’ 影片, 完全為了拿views. 由那兩天不同的時間點去講做寵物主人難chui, lut look的地方. Suen便搞笑.
影片一開頭去商店買倉鼠是我第一次拍攝時被質問的情況, 挺值得講. 因為只是照顧兩天的關係倉鼠生活的環境完全不理想, 只是放他在買回來的箱子中生活. 因為影片需要新鮮感我會在不同時間拍他還有不同地點去拍他. 當時我完全沒有意圖繼續yoing這隻小動物, 所以最後過了48小時我轉yoing比我更有愛心的兄弟yoing. 幾個月後這位倉鼠也離開了我們.
上載這條影片後有網友説每一次拍這隻小動物的時候他樣子也很害怕和焦慮. 由Muk生環境加上我每次突然間的拍攝引起. 但當時chuw luw的我只是當這個小生命跟拍片的工具沒兩分別. What are you doing man? Having to watch this video now makes me suffer. Hing hung當時這些影片沒有人看, 否則我一定繼續拍下去.
其實我記得小時候的我挺有愛心的. 9到11歲有yoing一隻倉鼠的我, 有pet這樣東西在童年也jim一個挺重要的部分.
我記得當年su假我去了香港leuy hung. 原本我媽媽應該照顧我隻chung mut. 之後她無la la又自己由加拿大飛去香港將我隻倉鼠交給一班挺Heartless的family friend. 我是說他們全家. 我當時knew something bad was going to happen because they tried to like tried to use a hose to spray my hamster before and torture and have a history of treating animals like not lives. I remember my mom went back before me and she said when she got my pet back he was so quiet and in a few days died. He was abused, my mom even said so herself.
I couldn’t even see his last time and he was buried. I remember getting off the plane crying in the shower. After when I talked about everyone just laughed at me and called it just a pet. And everyone pretended like nothing happened, next topic. But for a time he was my best friend.
Ever since that day I never bonded with animals again, because I was like: they are just animals. Like garbage. But it’s not true. They are living beings and friends. And I see that now.
I think I’m feeling like this because the way I treated the hamster is the way my hamster died. And I feel guilty for my childhood and now.
That’s why I needed to Film this video today.
[my first pet]
[owning a pet for views, the good way and the bad way to do it.]
I want to start by acknowledging their are good youtubers who raise pets. And I feel the key to doing this properly is to really in your heart, feel that connection to the pet. Not use it for views.
我有follow一位叫yanki, 即是火guy姐的女生常常post有關animal abuse這個問題. She constantly does it and reminds everyone it is a huge problem. Suey yeen我之前拍那一條影片某ching do上是這方面一個不好的教材. 但我現在可以做的是下面有一條link是一個有關這方面的documentary, roing大家了解更多. 也希望世間上所有ley hoi的小倉鼠也可以得到安息吧! Bye bye.

documentary定義 在 Sandra Tavali李婉菁 Youtube 的精選貼文
Computer Music Ensemble: for Black metal vocal, Prepared piano, Real time sound processing.
Composer: Ivan Voinov, Sandra Li, Cvo Yang, Bruce Wang
Sound engineer: Cvo Yang, Bruce Wang
Metal Vocal: Chi Yue
Prepared Piano: Sandra Li
Premiere Production: Body Phase Studio, Guling Avant-Garde theatre, Taipei, TAIWAN, 2014.4.26
About the work:
Dirge is a prepared piano piece that is processed through electronics and fused with a harsh vocal speaking the poem "Dirge" by Shakespeare. "Dirge" is written about death from the perspective of the dying. The meditative, dark sound interlaced with complex piano melodies and rhythms creates a perfect, romantic atmosphere around the aspect of death. The harsh vocal can be interpreted as the cries of a crow, traditionally a messenger of death.
Dirge (134)
William Shakespeare
COME away, come away, death,
And in sad cypres let me be laid;
Fly away, fly away, breath;
I am slain by a fair cruel maid.
My shroud of white, stuck all with yew,
O prepare it!
My part of death, no one so true
Did share it.
Not a flower, not a flower sweet,
On my black coffin let there be strown;
Not a friend, not a friend greet
My poor corse, where my bones shall be thrown:
A thousand thousand sighs to save,
Lay me, O, where
Sad true lover never find my grave
To weep there!
About the composers:
Ivan Voinov is a first generation Russian living in America, where he has grown up, maintaining strong cultural ties back to his ethnic Russian roots, which can easily be heard in his music. During the later years if his high school career, he became successful as an ensemble composer, having several of his pieces performed across his home state, Vermont, and appeared on the radio for interviews on two occasions. Ivan is now studying computer music and recording rats major at Peabody conservatory, studying under Dr. Geoffrey Wright, where he is exploring the rich depths of sounds and capabilities and control pertaining to the field of electronic music.
Sandra Li, of the Siraya people, is a former keyboardist of the classical ensemble "Indulge" and the well-know metal band "Chthonic". Her musical works crossover between classical and fine art, film and documentaries. She is the composer for the TV documentary "Unknown Taiwan" produced by the Discovery Channel. Also, she was the artistic director of the musical "Dark Baroque”. Ms. Li earned the Master of Music degree in Computer Music from the Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., where she studied Computer Music with Dr. Geoffrey Wright.
《輓歌》是為預先設置的鋼琴,現場即時聲響效果控制,與金屬黑死腔演場所創作的作品。人聲的部分所吟唱的是莎士比亞的詩作 "輓歌"。這首詩所描寫的角度,是從一個渴望垂死的靈魂,面對生命中無法抗拒的凋落。企圖利用鋼琴複雜的旋律與節奏營造出一種完美浪漫的死亡氛圍,暴烈的人聲比喻為烏鴉的哭聲,代表死亡的傳統使者。
Ivan Voinov 來自俄羅斯,成長過程中大部分居住在美國。在他的作品中,充分展現了俄羅斯的民族意識與風格。就讀高中時,已經展露在室內樂作品的創作能量,樂曲曾發表於 俄羅斯,佛蒙特州,與電台相關專訪。目前就讀於約翰霍普金斯琵琶地音樂院電腦音樂系,主修作曲,雙修錄音藝術。師從 Dr. Geoffrey Wright。創作特色專注於聲音的探索以及有關電子音樂現場控制的深入研究。
李婉菁 Sandra Tavali,西拉雅人,前indulge , 閃靈樂團鍵盤手; Discovery Channel 「謎樣台灣」配樂,音樂劇「黑暗巴洛克」音樂總監。作品常為跨界藝術、電影、紀錄片配樂等。約翰霍普金斯琵琶地音樂院電腦音樂研究所畢業,師從 Dr. Geoffrey Wright。

documentary定義 在 紀錄片- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 的相關結果
一、詩意型紀錄片(Poetic Documentary) 詩意紀錄片出現於20世紀20年代。代表作為伊文思(Joris Ivens)的《雨》(Rain)。這種類型的紀錄片不強調敘事,不注重特定 ... ... <看更多>
documentary定義 在 documentary中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
定義. 清晰解釋自然的書面和口頭英語. 英語 學習詞典 基礎英式英語 基礎美式英語. 文法與同義詞詞典. 對自然書面和口頭英語用法的解釋. 英語文法 同義詞詞典. ... <看更多>
documentary定義 在 紀錄片Documentary - 認識電影 的相關結果
紀錄片Documentary. 在電影發展的初期,紀實影片是最大宗的,像是盧米埃兄弟所拍攝的 ... 而葛里遜也對紀錄片提出了一個至今廣為被接受的定義:「對真實進行創意的處理 ... ... <看更多>