聯署出完信比現任外交大臣,唔洗48小時(聽日6月2號)Dominic Raab就要响下議院公開回應。
原來封信嘅內容都鞭得佢同Boris Johnson好應下,牽頭嘅仲係人稱中國女婿嘅上一任外交大臣Jeremy Hunt(又即係同Boris Johnson爭做黨魁首相嗰個)。
//“When it comes to Hong Kong’s autonomy under the ‘one country, two systems’ model, many of our international partners continue to take their cue from the British government. I’m sure you would agree, as a co-signatory of the Sino-British joint declaration the UK must be seen to be leading and coordinating the international response to this crisis and ensuring the integrity of the treaty lodged at the United Nations in 1985 and one country, two systems.”//
如果話呢單嘢純粹係對香港嘅道德責任,未免太天真。依家明顯仲包含黨內角力,英國未來外交策略如何自處,即係賤輝名句「怯,就輸一世」嘅問題。因為睇埋另一個有份聯署嘅前外交大臣(2010-2014年)Lord Hague 講嘅嘢就明晒,講緊嘅係國際外交博奕,响美帝同EU反晒面,玩孤立主義嘅時候,英國點樣幫手歸邊同時協調(做陰毛)EU、美帝同其他盟友,重組盟軍。
//“We always talk about the British diplomatic service as a great Rolls‑Royce. It hums along beautifully, keeping out of trouble. Now and again, we have to have the quick manoeuvre where the Rolls‑Royce gets a bit scratched but the passengers get to their destination, because if the United States is going to give less leadership in global bodies but the need for that is strong, the UK has to be prepared to launch initiatives and perhaps be a little bit more French in our approach. //
“The French do not really hold back on coming up with a new initiative and presenting it to the rest of the world, so I think we should be a little less coy about that.”//
唔知咁樣比七個前輩打完籐,Dominic Raab聽日會講咩呢?
Photo Source:Leader of the House of Commons