<< 11/28 週六中午 12:30-13:10 直播預告 >> ‼️
超級開心,有機會邀請到知名的阿大老師 Adarsh Yoga 分享他多年的練習與教學經驗,還有在台灣教學與世界各地教學的有趣觀察,因為老師行程多所以只好排在週六請大家見諒,我們要來聊聊:
1. 瑜伽練習的本質為何 (Essence)
2. 所謂的順位是什麼 (Alignment)
3. 所謂安全的練習怎麼做 (Safety)
4. 給瑜伽練習者的建議 (Suggestion)
一定會很精彩,我們會準備Smart Stretch 線上課的折扣碼 🎁 送大家喔,歡迎大家準時收看與我們互動,向老師提問,老師本人會用英語,原則上我也是(廢話不然怎麼聊 XD),有要即時收看又真的非常需要我即時翻譯的同學請留言底下 +1,不然原則上我們就會用全英語直播摟(腋下濕),我們週六見!!!💕
關於 Adarsh Williams 老師
Ashtanga 串連瑜珈第二級認證 (KPJAYI - 2) 老師、美國瑜珈聯盟 E- RYT 500 師資培訓導師與、Mobility WOD 關節鬆動術教練、亦為美國Monterey Yoga 創辦人。
擁有超過二十年的專業經驗,曾在世界各地開設培訓課程與僻靜營,也常在台灣的 SPACE YOGA 和大陸的 SPACECYCLE 擔任客座老師。
身為 Pattabhi Jois 祖師爺的嫡傳弟子,在 2004 年獲得授證,並完成了許多各領域大師所開設的認證課程,除此之外,累積多元類型教學的他以細膩的調整手法為名,是個能量豐沛的老師,總能影響學生跟他一樣充滿了對練習和努力的熱忱;他也深深相信,任何人都能發展出自己的瑜珈練習。他的 YouTube 頻道在健身社群裡大受歡迎,也進一步催生了名為 Smart Stretch 聰明伸展技巧課程。
Adarsh Williams is an Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher (KPJAYI - 2), Yoga Alliance teacher trainer (E- RYT 500), Mobility coach, and founder of Monterey Yoga in California. With a diverse experience in the wellness field and over twenty years of professional experience, Adarsh has helped organizations and individuals develop programs around the world. He has led trainings and retreats in Europe, Middle East, US, and is currently the Program Director for SPACE, based in Shanghai.
A direct student of Pattabhi Jois, Adarsh received Ashtanga Authorization in 2004 and has completed numerous certifications with luminaries such as Richard Freeman & John Scott in yoga, Donald Scheumann in manual therapy, and Dr. Kelly Starrett in movement and mobility.
At SPACE, Adarsh has created and trained teachers in numerous innovative programs including Banded Mobility, Active Stretch, Sculpt Yoga, to name a few. His YouTube channel has become a popular resource in the fitness community and has led to the release of three feature-length instructional videos, Smart Stretch: Active Isolated Stretching, Smart Stretch: Assisted & Ashtanga Yoga: Strength, Mobility, Skill.
Highly regarded for his sensitive, yet deep hands-on style, Adarsh has experience working with a wide variety of students of diverse abilities, ages, and backgrounds. With a deeply held belief that anyone can develop a personal yoga practice, he is an energetic teacher who infuses his enthusiasm for practice and hard work in others.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/smartstretch/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adarshw/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adarshw
Adarsh Yoga: http://adarshyoga.com
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/adarshyoga/
#感謝視覺設計 Jane's Wonderland
#beyourowngoddess #betheinspiration 🦋
#womenshouldlivefearlessly #brainpower #soulspeak
dr stretch是什麼 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
每個禮拜一,是我最喜歡的時間之一(上班族白眼中)。因為在週日的瘋狂 7 hours 托福+搭配詞課後,可以有一點時間讓自己進入「nerdy」 模式,沈浸在最新的語言學和認知/教育心理學研究。
今天重新讀了「練習大師」Dr. Robert Dekeyser 所寫的一篇 "Situating the concept of practice"一文,從「認知心理學 (Cognitive Psychology)」、「應用語言學 (Applied Linguistics)」、「教育心理學」 (Educational Psychology)」看怎麼 "practice" 第二語言這件事情。
So what are the implications? 這應該是對我來講最重要的問題。如何將最有效的練習方式,用不同的方式帶到我的課堂中。
昨天在上托福課時,給同學看了正向心理學當紅炸子雞 Dr. Angela Duckworth (the "GRIT" prof.) 在 UPenn 的 open course 中,所簡述 Dr. A Ericssson 的 "deliberate practice" 的 4 個步驟:
(1) Set a stretch goal
(2) Focus 100%
(3) Get feedback
(4) Reflect and Refine
在檢討寫作時,我跟班上的同學說,拿到我的 Feedback 後,一定要認真思考和檢討。為什麼我這樣寫,老師這樣寫,而中間的差異是什麼? 更重要的是,那我下次要怎麼做,才能寫得更好?更重要的是,打開你理性、觀察的雙眼,不要用「慣性」來檢討 feedback。
有沒有注意到?feedback 不加 s。
在練習寫作 (口說) 時,更要問自己
"What aspects of writing / speaking am I trying to improve?" 是時間掌控、切題問題、給例子支持 topic sentence / thesis statement、intonation、還是做筆記 ?
PS. 雖然忙碌,留學諮詢和SOP批改還是緊鑼密鼓地在進行中。有需要諮詢的同學,歡迎隨時聯繫!