英文慣用語 (idiom) 系列廣受同學喜愛,所以再次整理一篇。慣用語它就像中文的成語,常常意思跟表面不同,對於非母語人士必須要多加練習。整理了50個慣用語分享給同學們:
☛ Back to square one 因為上一步的失敗,而必須重新開始
☛ Ahead of the pack 成功領先、出類拔萃
☛ Ballpark number/figure 大概估算的數字
☛ Big picture 一件事的大概整體情況
☛ By the book 依照法律或規則做事
☛ Corner the market 佔領市場
☛ Cut-throat 非常激烈的競賽
☛ Easy come, easy go. 來得容易,去得也快
☛ Game plan 為了成功所設計的策略或計畫
☛ Get down to business 開始談論重要的商務議題
☛ Get something off the ground 開始某件事(項目、商務事項)
☛ Get down the drain 某件事已經浪費或不見了
☛ Go the extra mile 比期望的做得還多
☛ Hands are tied 身不由己、無能為力
☛ In a nutshell 簡言而之
☛ In full swing 進入高潮
☛ In the driver’s seat 負責/控制 某件事情
☛ Keep one’s eye on the ball 完全專注某人的注意力
☛ Learn the ropes 學習某件事的基礎
☛ Long shot 可能性非常低的事
☛ No-brainer 非常淺顯易見或者簡單的事
☛ No strings attached 不受羈絆、不被限制、沒有附帶條件
☛ Not going to fly 不太可能行得通的事情
☛ On the same page 訊息一致
☛ Out in the open 某件事是公開的,不是秘密
☛ Put all one’s eggs in one basket 依賴僅一個方式帶來成功
☛ Put the cart before the horse 用錯的順序來做或思考一件事
☛ Raise the bar 將標準或者期望提高
☛ Red tape 看來多餘或者不必要的官方規則或程序
☛ Rock the boat 做或者說會造成他人生氣/失望或者產生麻煩的事情
☛ Safe bet 一定會發生的事情
☛ Same boat 陷入相同的困境
☛ See eye to eye 同意某人(的說法)
☛ See something through 繼續執行某事到完成
☛ Sever ties 結束關係
☛ Shoot something down 拒絕某件事 (想法或提案)
☛ Smooth sailing 沒有難關的達成成功
☛ Stand one’s ground 不改變一個人的想法或立場
☛ Take the bull by the horns 勇敢或堅定的面對困境
☛ Talk someone into something 說服某人做某事
☛ Talk someone out of something 說服某人不做某事
☛ The elephant in the room 一個沒有人想討論的明顯或具有爭議性的議題
☛ Think outside the box 思考出有創意且不常見的解法
☛ Time’s up. 時間到了
☛ Touch base 聯繫某人
☛ Twist someone’s arm 說服某人做他原本不想做的事
☛ Up in the air 某件沒被決策或不確定的事
☛ Uphill battle 因困境而難達成的事情
☛ Upper hand 比其他人有多的權力且具備控制權
☛ Word of mouth 口傳、口碑、口耳相傳
✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H
☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/
☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86
☛ https://p.ecpay.com.tw/E8145
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅韓國餐桌 lazy Korean cooking,也在其Youtube影片中提到,* 中文字幕/ chinese sub,請按影片右下角的CC(手機上是影片最右上角)* A quick and easy recipe in which you need only 20 minutes of hands-on-time while letting mother nature tak...
「drain out中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於drain out中文 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於drain out中文 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於drain out中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於drain out中文 在 韓國餐桌 lazy Korean cooking Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於drain out中文 在 External Ventricular Drain (EVD) - YouTube 的評價
drain out中文 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳解答
英文慣用語 (idiom) 系列廣受同學喜愛,所以再次整理一篇。慣用語它就像中文的成語,常常意思跟表面不同,對於非母語人士必須要多加練習。整理了50個慣用語分享給同學們:
☛ Back to square one 因為上一步的失敗,而必須重新開始
☛ Ahead of the pack 成功領先、出類拔萃
☛ Ballpark number/figure 大概估算的數字
☛ Big picture 一件事的大概整體情況
☛ By the book 依照法律或規則做事
☛ Corner the market 佔領市場
☛ Cut-throat 非常激烈的競賽
☛ Easy come, easy go. 來得容易,去得也快
☛ Game plan 為了成功所設計的策略或計畫
☛ Get down to business 開始談論重要的商務議題
☛ Get something off the ground 開始某件事(項目、商務事項)
☛ Get down the drain 某件事已經浪費或不見了
☛ Go the extra mile 比期望的做得還多
☛ Hands are tied 身不由己、無能為力
☛ In a nutshell 簡言而之
☛ In full swing 進入高潮
☛ In the driver’s seat 負責/控制 某件事情
☛ Keep one’s eye on the ball 完全專注某人的注意力
☛ Learn the ropes 學習某件事的基礎
☛ Long shot 可能性非常低的事
☛ No-brainer 非常淺顯易見或者簡單的事
☛ No strings attached 不受羈絆、不被限制、沒有附帶條件
☛ Not going to fly 不太可能行得通的事情
☛ On the same page 訊息一致
☛ Out in the open 某件事是公開的,不是秘密
☛ Put all one’s eggs in one basket 依賴僅一個方式帶來成功
☛ Put the cart before the horse 用錯的順序來做或思考一件事
☛ Raise the bar 將標準或者期望提高
☛ Red tape 看來多餘或者不必要的官方規則或程序
☛ Rock the boat 做或者說會造成他人生氣/失望或者產生麻煩的事情
☛ Safe bet 一定會發生的事情
☛ Same boat 陷入相同的困境
☛ See eye to eye 同意某人(的說法)
☛ See something through 繼續執行某事到完成
☛ Sever ties 結束關係
☛ Shoot something down 拒絕某件事 (想法或提案)
☛ Smooth sailing 沒有難關的達成成功
☛ Stand one’s ground 不改變一個人的想法或立場
☛ Take the bull by the horns 勇敢或堅定的面對困境
☛ Talk someone into something 說服某人做某事
☛ Talk someone out of something 說服某人不做某事
☛ The elephant in the room 一個沒有人想討論的明顯或具有爭議性的議題
☛ Think outside the box 思考出有創意且不常見的解法
☛ Time’s up. 時間到了
☛ Touch base 聯繫某人
☛ Twist someone’s arm 說服某人做他原本不想做的事
☛ Up in the air 某件沒被決策或不確定的事
☛ Uphill battle 因困境而難達成的事情
☛ Upper hand 比其他人有多的權力且具備控制權
☛ Word of mouth 口傳、口碑、口耳相傳
✔ 喬的著作《我的第一本英文文法 國際學村出版》購買連結
博客來: https://bit.ly/38nOl5H
☛ Blogger: http://ohjoseph86.blogspot.com/
☛ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ohjoe86
drain out中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
【玳瑚師父出差錄】 地靈人傑
It takes a remarkable place to produce great people (English version below)
一, 是佛菩薩的意思;
二, 履行我要弘揚佛法和玄學的發願;
一, 名聲不好,信眾稀少;
二, 捐款不足,無法維持開銷;
三, 人事紛爭,無法成辦事情;
四, 來共修者,道心難堅固;
五, 法務發展,坎坎坷坷,諸多阻擾;
六, 工作人員,健康與精神每況愈下;
一個地方爲什麽有富豪、寡婦、名人、獎學金得主、流氓、雙胞胎等,就是因爲地靈的孕育。沒有好的地靈,如何能生出人傑?沒有地靈的地,是一塊庸地。庸地長出來的就是庸才,如何行法? 古時,佛教的祖師爺和道家的仙師,在深山閉關的岩洞都是風水寳地,即藏風聚氣又地靈深厚。得到地靈之氣,修行的努力才能更早開花結果,否則一概付之流水。
附上的照片是一幅文殊師利菩薩的曼陀羅。 八大菩薩中,文殊師利菩薩以智慧第一聞名。玄學是上天憐憫世人而傳下來的一個古老智慧,助世人改善命運。祈願菩薩的智慧劍能砍斷衆生的無明,讓更多人明白風水能夠補助弘法的珍貴。
Last Thursday, I visited a Buddhist cultivation center and did a Feng Shui analysis at no charge.
Why? You may ask. For 3 good reasons:
1. It is a directive from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
2. It is a fulfillment of my vow to propagate the Dharma and the Chinese Metaphysics.
3. It is my offering to the Three Jewels (the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha) and the sentient beings.
The Feng Shui of this place is poor. It is heartening to know that the person-in-charge believes in the use of Fengshui to better aid the propagation of the Dharma. Had I not have the affinity to visit, the future development of cultivation center is unthinkable.
Typical problems that will besiege a place of worship with poor Fengshui:
1. Poor reputation with very few worshippers
2. Insufficient incoming donation to cover operating expenses
3. Constant conflicts among the members, hindering the operation of the place
4. Shaky faith among worshipers
5. Multiple challenges hampering the progress of Dharma propagation
6. Degeneration of the physical and mental health of the staff
Can you imagine how wasteful that all the efforts and resources are going down the drain because of poor Feng Shui?
Why are some places famed (for the better or worse) for having wealthy millionaires, widows, celebrities, academics, gangsters, twins etc? It is predominantly down to the ground energy in the land formation. A land with poor ground energy and formation is not capable of producing men and women of high calibre. It is but a waste land and a waste land only yields weeds of mediocre people who will not practice, much less propagate, the Dharma. In ancient times, our great Buddhist and Taoist masters seeked their own private retreats for their spiritual practices. These enclaves in the deep mountains were gems, harnessing the positive energy from the land and greatly accelerating the progress of these masters. Without this ground energy, years of diligent cultivation would have come to a naught.
It is not by chance that in Singapore, Orchard Road, the Istana, NUS and Kong Meng San Phor Khar See Monastery are all located on land with very powerful energies underneath.
A place with good Feng Shui can produce men and women of kindred souls and good consciences, who will enjoy the practice and accelerate propagation of the Dharma. As the Chinese saying goes, we need to be at the Right Place, with the Right People and at the Right Time. The power of geomancy creates the 'Right Place' condition and it is a great pity and shame if we fail to harness this to aid the propagation of the Dharma.
The photo attached with this post shows a Mandala with the Manjusri Bodhisattva, renowned for His transcendent wisdom, in the center. The Chinese metaphysics is an ancient wisdom bestowed by the Heaven, out of empathy, to aid sentient beings in improving their lives. May His sword of wisdom cuts away the ignorance of sentient beings, so that more can realize the true gem in utilizing Feng Shui to aid Dharma propagation.
drain out中文 在 韓國餐桌 lazy Korean cooking Youtube 的最佳解答
* 中文字幕/ chinese sub,請按影片右下角的CC(手機上是影片最右上角)*
A quick and easy recipe in which you need only 20 minutes of hands-on-time while letting mother nature takes care of the rest. Kimchi in a nutshell? It is a Korean dish made with salted, fermented vegetables. Kimchi is packed with Korean flavors like garlic, chili & ginger as well as full of healthy probiotics! If you want to add an easy spicy kick to your meal, this is the one for you.
Welcome to adjust spiciness exactly as you like, by adjusting the amount of chili powder. You can eat it fresh directly after making, or keep it in the fridge for a few days to a few weeks before serving. Fermentation enhances taste and aroma, as well as extending shelf life.
? Subscribe for WEEKLY lazy Korean recipes
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✅ Secrets for crunchy cucumber kimchi:
1. choose small and firm instead of big and soft
2. cut off blossom ends of a cucumber
3. pour over salty "boiling water" for soaking
4. drain the water out properly
4 cucumbers
1/2 small onion
1/5 carrot
20g chive
4 tablespoons Korean chili powder (고추가루 guchu garu)
2 tablespoons of fish sauce (멸치액젓 myulchi aekjeot )
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 teaspoon ginger
1.5 tablespoons green plum syrup (매실청 Maesil chung)
*if not available, use '2 tablespoons of grated apple + 1 teaspoon sugar',
or just '2 teaspoons of sugar' instead
1/2 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon roasted sesame seed
"I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because
a lazy person will find an easy way to do it" - Bill Gates
✅ Let's connect:
Instagram - lazy Korean cooking
Facebook - 在台北的韓國餐桌
Blog (中文/in Chinese)- http://hanguoliaoli.pixnet.net/blog
✅ 料理書 Cook book in Chinese
✅ Recommended playlists:
#Korean soup/stew 韓式湯鍋食譜-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoe7n7t-aBf1u_VbhFOay7FWODjPpRUD2
#Korean side dish (반찬 banchan) 韓式小菜食譜-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoe7n7t-aBf2NfX2VVuaBF7za-xGozwuS
#Korean #Vegan recipe 韓式素食食譜-https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoe7n7t-aBf2QRpz1HM4vyJqFWCs9Lg-B
*中文字幕/ chinese sub,請按影片右下角的CC(手機上是影片最右上角)*
✅ “剛剛好”黃瓜泡菜 l 目標? 爽脆好吃到最後一口
快速簡便的黃瓜泡菜食譜,你只需要動手20分鐘,接著就讓大自然照顧你剩下的一切。泡菜充滿了韓國風味,如大蒜,辣椒和薑及健康的益生菌!如果你想在用餐時添加一點辣勁(spicy kick),快來一起動手做吧!
? 如果你喜歡我的影片,請你訂閱-
✅ 脆皮黃瓜泡菜的秘密:
1. 選擇小而硬而不是大而軟
2. 切斷黃瓜花的末端
3. 倒入鹹的“開水”中浸泡
4. 完全瀝乾鹽水
✅ 你需要:
黃瓜 4個
小洋蔥 1/2個
黃蘿蔔 1/5個
韮菜 20g
辣椒粉 4大匙 (고추가루 guchu garu)
魚露 2大匙 (멸치액젓 myulchi aekjeot )
蒜泥 2小匙
薑 1小匙
梅實清 1.5大匙(如果沒有,可以用2大匙蘋果泥和1小匙糖代替,或是只2小匙的糖代替
糖 1/2大匙
芝麻 1大匙

drain out中文 在 External Ventricular Drain (EVD) - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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