007/100 Red Panda
Red Pandas live in Temperate forests and almost 50 percent of their habitat is in the Eastern Himalayas.
They are herbivore.
Red Pandas are endangered and there are less than 10,000 of them in the world.
The loss of nesting trees and bamboo is causing a decline in red panda populations across much of their range because their forest home is being cleared.
They are also poached for their distinctive pelts in China and Myanmar.
007/100 今天畫Red Panda。
每次在看這些超級可愛的動物照片時,心情都很好,一邊畫牠們一邊在心裡微笑著;然而當我去閱讀有關牠們的生態時,往往又難過起來。像今天的red panda,牠們的數量正在減少之中,一個原因是牠們的森林棲息地被人類過度開發而消失;另一個原因則是中國和緬甸地區的人,為了取得Red Panda美麗的皮毛而大量盜獵。
「eastern temperate forest habitat」的推薦目錄:
eastern temperate forest habitat 在 Eastern Temperate Forests - Wikipedia 的相關結果
The Eastern Temperate Forest ecoregion is divided into five Level II ecoregions: Mixed Wood plains, Central USA plains, Southeastern USA plains, Ozark and ... ... <看更多>
eastern temperate forest habitat 在 Eastern Deciduous Forest (U.S. National Park Service) 的相關結果
North America's Eastern Deciduous Forest ecosystem stretches over 26 states from Florida up to New England and southern Canada, and extends ... ... <看更多>
eastern temperate forest habitat 在 Temperate Forest Habitat - National Geographic Kids 的相關結果
Temperate forests are found in eastern North America, northeastern Asia, and central and western Europe. In North America, the Eastern Deciduous Forest ... ... <看更多>