「 #借吃消愁 的另一個名字叫情緒性進食(emotionaleating),指的是因為飢餓以外的原因產生食慾,比如在情緒的刺激下產生一種難以抑制的想吃東西的衝動。
3.慢慢咀嚼 20 次到 40 次,直至你能感受完全食物的香氣、味道、口感,以及它們的層次

emotionaleating 在 Kenneth Strength Training - 盧恩澤教練 Facebook 的最佳貼文
“If you could eat one thing today, what would you choose?”
My wife is off today, she wanted to have an ice-cream after lunch with me. Of course I went with her to have an ice-cream under the sun.
I literally am not a big fan of ice-cream, though I treasure spending time with my wife. I am just an ordinary man in the world.
Having an ice-cream once a while is NOT Emotional Eating. However, if you found yourself often have chips, ice-cream, cakes, drinking soda or beer all the time to escape from negative feelings, that’s called Emotional Eating.
Let me introduce two of our friends - serotonin 血淸素 and cortisol 皮質醇。
When we are stressful, cortisol goes up, serotonin goes down. Then our bodies need something to drive serotonin up to lower down the cortisol.
If we always stay indoor like office without exposure to sunlight, and our emotion is affected by the external environment, our cortisol must be high, and serotonin must be low.
How to fix Emotional Eating?
👉Find the causes and do stress management.
If you cannot control the environment, find a quiet place and stop reading the news and social media.
👉Surround the right people. Since willpower doesn’t work if your environment is not right.
👉Don’t buy any junk food to avoid any temptation.
👉Keep the training routine as usual even you’re busy, sad, and don’t have any motivation, GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS. Training can produce dopamine 多巴胺 which is reward hormone.
Training also can give us the sense of self-achievement. It can increase our serotonin level.
👉Sleep early. Wake up early. Supposedly, the cortisol is high in the morning, low in the evening. However, most of the people reverse the cycle, they go to bed late and wake up late. Cortisol low in the morning, but high at night. That’s why they always eat crap food at night even they are not hungry. It’s a terrible cycle of bad eating habit.
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