音樂!謎語!漫畫!遊戲!這些都能讓學英語變得有趣味。而且在剛剛經過重新設計的美國國務院教育與文化事務局(Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs)"美式英語"(American EnglishAmericanEnglish.state.gov)的網站上,這些資源均免費提供給學生和老師。
在網站上提供的諸多資源中包括“特雷斯效應”(Trace effect), 一個面向12到16歲學生的協作性英語電子遊戲。除了英語課程外,該遊戲還通過在互動式世界中的探險來展示美國文化。
經過重新設計的網站支持移動格式,通路暢達,提供多媒體和數字式講故事界面幷與社交媒體相連。您也可以從"美式英語"的臉書得到更多資訊: https://www.facebook.com/AmericanEnglishatState
Trying to Learn English? Make It Fun and Games!
Music! Puzzles! Comics! Games! These are the things that make learning English fun. And they are available for free to students and teachers alike on a newly redesigned American English website belonging to the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Among the website’s offerings is “Trace Effects,” a collaborative English-language video game experience for students ages 12–16. In addition to English lessons, it explores American culture through adventures in an interactive world.
The redesigned site is mobile-friendly and accessible. It features multimedia and digital storytelling and integrates social media.
See AmericanEnglish.state.gov.