This is America’s day. This is democracy’s day.
A day of history and hope. Of renewal and resolve.
Through a crucible for the ages America has been tested anew and America has risen to the challenge.
Today, we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate, but of a cause, the cause of democracy.
The will of the people has been heard and the will of the people has been heeded.
We have learned again that democracy is precious.
Democracy is fragile.
And at this hour, my friends, democracy has prevailed.
So now, on this hallowed ground where just days ago violence sought to shake this Capitol’s very foundation, we come together as one nation, under God, indivisible, to carry out the peaceful transfer of power as we have for more than two centuries.
We look ahead in our uniquely American way – restless, bold, optimistic – and set our sights on the nation we know we can be and we must be.
I thank my predecessors of both parties for their presence here.
I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
You know the resilience of our Constitution and the strength of our nation.
As does President Carter, who I spoke to last night but who cannot be with us today, but whom we salute for his lifetime of service.
I have just taken the sacred oath each of these patriots took — an oath first sworn by George Washington.
But the American story depends not on any one of us, not on some of us, but on all of us.
On “We the People” who seek a more perfect Union.
This is a great nation and we are a good people.
Over the centuries through storm and strife, in peace and in war, we have come so far. But we still have far to go.
We will press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and possibility.
Much to repair.
Much to restore.
Much to heal.
Much to build.
And much to gain.
Few periods in our nation’s history have been more challenging or difficult than the one we’re in now.
A once-in-a-century virus silently stalks the country.
It’s taken as many lives in one year as America lost in all of World War II.
Millions of jobs have been lost.
Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed.
A cry for racial justice some 400 years in the making moves us. The dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer.
A cry for survival comes from the planet itself. A cry that can’t be any more desperate or any more clear.
And now, a rise in political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.
To overcome these challenges – to restore the soul and to secure the future of America – requires more than words.
It requires that most elusive of things in a democracy:
In another January in Washington, on New Year’s Day 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
When he put pen to paper, the President said, “If my name ever goes down into history it will be for this act and my whole soul is in it.”
My whole soul is in it.
Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this:
Bringing America together.
Uniting our people.
And uniting our nation.
I ask every American to join me in this cause.
Uniting to fight the common foes we face:
Anger, resentment, hatred.
Extremism, lawlessness, violence.
Disease, joblessness, hopelessness.
With unity we can do great things. Important things.
We can right wrongs.
We can put people to work in good jobs.
We can teach our children in safe schools.
We can overcome this deadly virus.
We can reward work, rebuild the middle class, and make health care
secure for all.
We can deliver racial justice.
We can make America, once again, the leading force for good in the world.
I know speaking of unity can sound to some like a foolish fantasy.
I know the forces that divide us are deep and they are real.
But I also know they are not new.
Our history has been a constant struggle between the American ideal that we are all created equal and the harsh, ugly reality that racism, nativism, fear, and demonization have long torn us apart.
The battle is perennial.
Victory is never assured.
Through the Civil War, the Great Depression, World War, 9/11, through struggle, sacrifice, and setbacks, our “better angels” have always prevailed.
In each of these moments, enough of us came together to carry all of us forward.
And, we can do so now.
History, faith, and reason show the way, the way of unity.
We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors.
We can treat each other with dignity and respect.
We can join forces, stop the shouting, and lower the temperature.
For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury.
No progress, only exhausting outrage.
No nation, only a state of chaos.
This is our historic moment of crisis and challenge, and unity is the path forward.
And, we must meet this moment as the United States of America.
If we do that, I guarantee you, we will not fail.
We have never, ever, ever failed in America when we have acted together.
And so today, at this time and in this place, let us start afresh.
All of us.
Let us listen to one another.
Hear one another.
See one another.
Show respect to one another.
Politics need not be a raging fire destroying everything in its path.
Every disagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total war.
And, we must reject a culture in which facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.
My fellow Americans, we have to be different than this.
America has to be better than this.
And, I believe America is better than this.
Just look around.
Here we stand, in the shadow of a Capitol dome that was completed amid the Civil War, when the Union itself hung in the balance.
Yet we endured and we prevailed.
Here we stand looking out to the great Mall where Dr. King spoke of his dream.
Here we stand, where 108 years ago at another inaugural, thousands of protestors tried to block brave women from marching for the right to vote.
Today, we mark the swearing-in of the first woman in American history elected to national office – Vice President Kamala Harris.
Don’t tell me things can’t change.
Here we stand across the Potomac from Arlington National Cemetery, where heroes who gave the last full measure of devotion rest in eternal peace.
And here we stand, just days after a riotous mob thought they could use violence to silence the will of the people, to stop the work of our democracy, and to drive us from this sacred ground.
That did not happen.
It will never happen.
Not today.
Not tomorrow.
Not ever.
To all those who supported our campaign I am humbled by the faith you have placed in us.
To all those who did not support us, let me say this: Hear me out as we move forward. Take a measure of me and my heart.
And if you still disagree, so be it.
That’s democracy. That’s America. The right to dissent peaceably, within the guardrails of our Republic, is perhaps our nation’s greatest strength.
Yet hear me clearly: Disagreement must not lead to disunion.
And I pledge this to you: I will be a President for all Americans.
I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as for those who did.
Many centuries ago, Saint Augustine, a saint of my church, wrote that a people was a multitude defined by the common objects of their love.
What are the common objects we love that define us as Americans?
I think I know.
And, yes, the truth.
Recent weeks and months have taught us a painful lesson.
There is truth and there are lies.
Lies told for power and for profit.
And each of us has a duty and responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders – leaders who have pledged to honor our Constitution and protect our nation — to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.
I understand that many Americans view the future with some fear and trepidation.
I understand they worry about their jobs, about taking care of their families, about what comes next.
I get it.
But the answer is not to turn inward, to retreat into competing factions, distrusting those who don’t look like you do, or worship the way you do, or don’t get their news from the same sources you do.
We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal.
We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts.
If we show a little tolerance and humility.
If we’re willing to stand in the other person’s shoes just for a moment.
Because here is the thing about life: There is no accounting for what fate will deal you.
There are some days when we need a hand.
There are other days when we’re called on to lend one.
That is how we must be with one another.
And, if we are this way, our country will be stronger, more prosperous, more ready for the future.
My fellow Americans, in the work ahead of us, we will need each other.
We will need all our strength to persevere through this dark winter.
We are entering what may well be the toughest and deadliest period of the virus.
We must set aside the politics and finally face this pandemic as one nation.
I promise you this: as the Bible says weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning.
We will get through this, together
The world is watching today.
So here is my message to those beyond our borders: America has been tested and we have come out stronger for it.
We will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again.
Not to meet yesterday’s challenges, but today’s and tomorrow’s.
We will lead not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example.
We will be a strong and trusted partner for peace, progress, and security.
We have been through so much in this nation.
And, in my first act as President, I would like to ask you to join me in a moment of silent prayer to remember all those we lost this past year to the pandemic.
To those 400,000 fellow Americans – mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, sons and daughters, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
We will honor them by becoming the people and nation we know we can and should be.
Let us say a silent prayer for those who lost their lives, for those they left behind, and for our country.
This is a time of testing.
We face an attack on democracy and on truth.
A raging virus.
Growing inequity.
The sting of systemic racism.
A climate in crisis.
America’s role in the world.
Any one of these would be enough to challenge us in profound ways.
But the fact is we face them all at once, presenting this nation with the gravest of responsibilities.
Now we must step up.
All of us.
It is a time for boldness, for there is so much to do.
And, this is certain.
We will be judged, you and I, for how we resolve the cascading crises of our era.
Will we rise to the occasion?
Will we master this rare and difficult hour?
Will we meet our obligations and pass along a new and better world for our children?
I believe we must and I believe we will.
And when we do, we will write the next chapter in the American story.
It’s a story that might sound something like a song that means a lot to me.
It’s called “American Anthem” and there is one verse stands out for me:
“The work and prayers
of centuries have brought us to this day
What shall be our legacy?
What will our children say?…
Let me know in my heart
When my days are through
I gave my best to you.”
Let us add our own work and prayers to the unfolding story of our nation.
If we do this then when our days are through our children and our children’s children will say of us they gave their best.
They did their duty.
They healed a broken land.
My fellow Americans, I close today where I began, with a sacred oath.
Before God and all of you I give you my word.
I will always level with you.
I will defend the Constitution.
I will defend our democracy.
I will defend America.
I will give my all in your service thinking not of power, but of possibilities.
Not of personal interest, but of the public good.
And together, we shall write an American story of hope, not fear.
Of unity, not division.
Of light, not darkness.
An American story of decency and dignity.
Of love and of healing.
Of greatness and of goodness.
May this be the story that guides us.
The story that inspires us.
The story that tells ages yet to come that we answered the call of history.
We met the moment.
That democracy and hope, truth and justice, did not die on our watch but thrived.
That our America secured liberty at home and stood once again as a beacon to the world.
That is what we owe our forebearers, one another, and generations to follow.
So, with purpose and resolve we turn to the tasks of our time.
Sustained by faith.
Driven by conviction.
And, devoted to one another and to this country we love with all our hearts.
May God bless America and may God protect our troops.
Thank you, America.
★ 中文翻譯:資料來源中央社CNA
我們要用美國特有的方式,也就是不停歇、勇敢、樂觀的方式展望未來。放眼我們可以成為、也必須成為的國家。我謝謝今天蒞臨的兩黨前任總統,我衷心感謝,你們知道我國憲法的韌性,以及我們國家的力量。卡特總統(Jimmy Carter)也是,我昨晚與他通了電話,但他不克前來。我們為他畢生的奉獻向他致敬。
看看四周,我們站在國會大廈圓頂之下,這是南北戰爭時期完成的,當時美國的前途還在未定之天,但我們挺過來了,我們勝利了。我們現在站在此,看著偉大的國家廣場,金恩博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)曾對廣場上的群眾訴說他的夢想。也是在這裡,108年前的另一場就職典禮,數以千計的抗議人士試圖阻撓一群勇敢的婦女遊行爭取投票權。
我們站在這裡,隔著波多馬克河(Potomac River)遠眺阿靈頓國家公墓(Arlington National Cemetery),也就是為國捐軀的英雄長眠之地。我們站在這裡,不過幾天前,暴動的群眾以為他們可用暴力箝制民眾的意志,阻撓民主運作,把我們驅逐出這塊聖地。但事情未如他們所願,今天不會,明天也不會,永遠都不會。
好幾個世紀之前,我所屬教會的聖者聖奧古斯丁(Saint Augustine)曾經寫道,人民是個群體,由他們共同喜愛的東西所定義。身為美國人,我們共同喜愛而且能定義我們的東西是什麼?我想我們都知道:機會、安定、自由、尊嚴、尊重、榮譽,是的,還有真相。
這個故事可能像一首對我來說深具意義的歌曲,它叫「美國頌」(American Anthem),它有一段歌詞至少對我來說很特別,它是這樣說的:「數百年的努力與祈禱讓我們來到今天,我們有什麼能傳承下去?我們的子孫會怎麼說?當我的日子結束,讓我內心知曉,美國,美國,我已為你付出最大努力。」
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《StarRingChild EP》 Even Heaven / 天國的即使 作詞 / Lyricist: aimerrhythm 作曲 / Composer:釣俊輔、玉井健二 編曲 / Arranger:釣俊輔、玉井健二 歌 / Singer: Aimer 翻譯:夏德爾 English Trans...
「ever blue中文」的推薦目錄:
ever blue中文 在 IVORYHOdesign 艾佛里嬉波 Facebook 的精選貼文
里奧花園 | 書籍設計
Book Design
里奧花園 為 Riso Garden 經由 google 直翻,未貼近原始讀音的轉換湊巧的給予撲朔的中文命名,同時也象徵Risograph的參數轉換,不可完全預料的視覺呈現。
The “Riso Garden” is composed with ten varieties of ink-colored prints to demonstrate the Risograph technique in a floral design.The ink colors are printed on white paper, saturated color paper, and dark paper to exhibit different development effects of the pigmentation and overlapping each other to reveal new colors simultaneously. Different visuals can be designed based on the parameter conversion performance of Gradient layer, Serif, Sans-serif, Thick/Thin lines, Vector format, and Bitmap format via Risograph .
Design ╱ Ivory Ho
Photography ╱ Ivory Ho
Print ╱ 艾印 / 精緻印刷所
聯美紙業 Inter-States Paper
采憶紙品有限公司 - Cherry Paper
恆成紙業 / Auspic Paper
長瑩紙業-Ever Prosperous
巨圓紙業 Pimex
1 采憶 描圖紙 112g ╱ 2 長瑩 英國新百代紙 純白 01 120g blazing yellow / poppy red / magenta lacquer / forest green / purple iris / reflex blue / gold / black / silver ╱ 3 巨圓 大地之戀 dd100zh 中灰 blazing yellow / poppy red / magenta lacquer / neon pink / forest green / purple iris / reflex blue / gold / black / silver ╱ 4 聯美 高級馬卡龍 f5024 176g gold / black / silver ╱ 5 巨圓 再生彩意 cy270kq 孔雀藍 neon pink / silver ╱ 6 恆成 高白象牙 150g neon pink / forest green / gold / silver ╱ 7 巨圓 再生彩意 cy270lh 御亮黃 neon pink / forest green / silver ╱ 8 長瑩 英國新百代紙 珊瑚藍 40 120g reflex blue / gold / silver ╱ 9 采憶 美國 雅古紙 104g blazing yellow / purple iris / silver ╱ 10 巨圓 晶鑽彩烙 cn100hh 黃褐 magenta lacquer / reflex blue / silver ╱ 11 巨圓 晶鑽彩烙 cn200ht 碳黑 purple iris / gold / silver ╱ 12 巨圓 古典綑彩 yc125py 飄銀 poppy red / reflex blue / silver ╱ 13 聯美 高級馬卡龍 f5018 176g blazing yellow / reflex blue / silver ╱ 14 聯美 馬諦斯紙 f6116 100g poppy red / forest green / black / silver ╱ 15 恆成 細紋紙 150g blazing yellow / magenta lacquer / neon pink ╱ 16 聯美 高級馬卡龍 f5011 176g poppy red / purple iris ╱ 17 采憶 元素 110A 116g magenta lacquer / forest green / silver
ever blue中文 在 孫培雅 Facebook 的精選貼文
哀~ 容我先嘆氣一下 禮拜天真的好令人痛苦要上學 真的好討厭上學(怒) 現在是3/11 4:50am 我的腦子基本上已經不行了 構思不出什麼話 所以我決定就在這邊打一句沒意義的話 想看看能不能加點行數 讓版面好看一點 我發現好像還是太過簡樸 於是我又在打上一些字 例如這些字 看來看去比起前幾篇似乎還是有點少 於是我把上行的在故意打錯 這樣我就能自導自演的糾正自己說:是再啦幹 這樣又是一些字了 恩..我想到這邊應該就夠了吧?再加一個可愛的表情符號做結束~完美! 😼
中文歌推薦: 七里香 cover by 劉瑞琦 (原唱:周杰倫)
其實一開始會聽這首歌是因為他的前奏 幾個音幾個鍵 輕輕譜出的旋律令人陶醉 閉上眼配上歌詞細細品嘗 彷彿置身春精靈布置的金黃色大道 微風徐徐吹來 將幾些沙幾些碎石飛起 落在我那殘破不堪的皮膚上 我微微張嘴 打從心坎的說了聲幹
英文歌推薦: Krewella - Human
推薦這首歌最大的原因:歌詞不錯 以下感想
Lately I've been thinking about what I can do, you've been wonderful in all that you can be, but I'm only human, I've been trying so hard to close to you, trying to take us back to where we were before, I'm screwed up but hey~this is my fucking life. Where is truly me? I'm hanging off the edge just wanna fall wide awake now. Why I cannot stop run away, I wonder if I'll ever stop.
韓文歌推薦: Afterschool - Night into the sky
這算是首老歌了嗎? 2011年的~ 對這首歌稍做研究後(都是參考網路資料 我省略很多 有興趣自個查去) 發現分為兩組RED&BLUE 狂野性感與清純可愛 兩種不同風格並與歌名呼應 "希望自己在寧靜夜空中能堅持自己的理想不再輕易妥協與軟弱" 旋律如此輕快令人放鬆的這首歌沒想到竟有這般含意阿~ 我想這是真正下定決心後才能有的心境 就如歌詞中說 我一步步走出自己的道路 期許自己也能看見與她們相同的天空
是該長進了 培雅 母湯再幼稚任性囉
日文歌推薦: 手紙 ~拝啓 十五の君へ
或許是命運的捉摸吧 這首歌一天內 短短3小時內 有兩個不同的人傳給我XDD 不過一個是MV 一個是MAD就是了 難道這是我不知道的新崛起歌嗎~ 歌詞中是主角寫給年後的自己 常常當下我們碰見的事都不是我們願意的 甚至我們可能無法面對 處理 當下昂首闊步展露笑容 努力面對努力走過 對年後的自己能夠笑談過去種種往事 便是成長了吧~?
OK..I apologize. 這週挺厭世的 沒理由 就是時間點到了差不多發病了 如果時光倒流 我絕對先偷看隔壁同學穿什麼款示的內衣褲再解決我自己 為什麼我可以蠢的跟一頭笨驢一樣?
Get time to reverse, start at the beginning. Stop keep coming back for more. I think i just need another hit, another sip, another pull, another rip, maybe another little shot of you? hahahahaha Always lay me down like used to.
I'm a junkie for your love, got me hooked with one touch. There ain't another thing I ever wanted so much.
補充: !!google翻譯並非我文章的意思!! 我原本說想知道我在講什麼的自己去翻譯 但我不是很相信google 於是我全複製過去翻翻看 全部都翻錯了... 看得懂就看得懂吧哈哈
by 遊海龜女子zzz And 如果有英文大大發現我哪邊用錯或是怪怪的歡迎私訊告訴我 thanks a lot ~ peace world LUL
ever blue中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文
《StarRingChild EP》
Even Heaven / 天國的即使
作詞 / Lyricist: aimerrhythm
作曲 / Composer:釣俊輔、玉井健二
編曲 / Arranger:釣俊輔、玉井健二
歌 / Singer: Aimer
English Translation: Thaerin
背景 / Background - 心象Sketcher:
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
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中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
今はもう ずっと じっと息をひそめたままでいい
宇宙(そら)はまだ きっと もっと 深くへ 沈む
飛び立つ勇気を忘れて 広げた翼も失くして
天国さえ 消えた 青い地球(ほし)
何もいらないと言って ここにいるよと言って
行き場のない 続きもない願いだけ 響いてる
ここにいるよと言って そばにいるよと笑って
確かめたいことを 音にすれば
壊れてしまうことは 知ってるよ
今思う ずっと ずっと 辿り着けなくたっていい
君となら きっと もっと 遠くへ行ける
いますぐ扉をたたいて 抱えた痛みけとばして
目を凝らせば 見える 青い月
何もいらない場所へ 誰も知らない世界へ
知りたくない 聞きたくないことさえも 滲んでく
君の右手を握って どこへ行くかも忘れて
描いた幻想(まぼろし)を 現実(もの)にすれば
壊れてしまうことも 知っていた
確かな明日や 重ねた昨日よりも
不確かな二人がここにいる それだけでいい…
何もいらないと言って そばにいるよと言って
汚れのない 終わりのない 願いだけ 響いてく
歩き疲れた場所で 変わらない世界の果てで
全てを失くしても “願い”だけは
誰にも壊せないと 信じてた
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
Really, I’d be fine just calmly holding my breath forever,
As I’m sure the sky will sink even deeper from here.
Forgetting the courage to fly, I’ve lost my stretched out wings,
On a blue planet where even heaven has vanished.
Tell me you don’t need a thing… tell me you’re here with me…
A wish with no place to go, and no future, is the only thing resonating here.
Say you’re right here… smile, saying you’re right beside me…
Though I know that if we put the reassurances we need into words,
They’ll simply fall apart.
Really, I’d be fine never getting there,
‘Cause I’m sure I could go even further if I’m with you.
We’ll knock on this door and kick aside the pain we’ve held onto,
Straining our eyes to make out a blue moon.
We’ll go to a place where we need nothing… a world no one knows…
Even the things we don’t want to know, and would rather not hear, start to blur.
I’ll grasp your right hand, having forgotten where we’re going,
Though I knew all along that if me make this illusion we created a reality,
It’ll simply fall apart.
More than a certain tomorrow, or accumulated yesterdays,
An uncertain two of us are right here… and that’s more than enough.
Tell me you don’t need a thing… tell me you’re here with me…
A wish unsullied, with no end, is the only thing resonating here.
At the place where we grow tired of walking… at the end of an unchanging world…
Even if we were to lose everything, I believed,
That no one could ever tear this wish apart.
ever blue中文 在 RinRin Doll Life in Japan Youtube 的精選貼文
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Have you ever wanted to travel outside of Tokyo?
What about Ibaraki? Check out this close prefecture and all it has to offer~
Thank you to Ibaraki Government for sponsoring us this trip to Ibaraki~ Check out the links below for all the places we visited in this video:
Ibaraki Guide
1. 森のcafe さりょう (Mori no Cafe Saryou)
Thank you Alex for joining me on this trip!
#rinrinjapantravelguide #japantravel #ibaraki
★ Today’s COORD
Top: Thrifted
Dress: Anna Sui
Earrings: Ivy Tokyo
Color Contacts: loveil - Ash grege
Hair: Hair Salon NALU http://www.nalu-style.com
★ Recommended Videos
Tanuki Makeup
【Lolita Fashion around the World with RinRin】
Los Angeles - Nun of Your Business
★ RinRin Doll LINE Stamps
Rabbit Cat / Cat Rabbit
★ Collaboration Goods
RinRin Doll x galaxxxy
Collaboration Clothes
Collaboration Eyelashes
Hello Candy Heart Doll (White Purple)
Dear Carousel Dreams Doll (Purple Blue)
Oh! My Starry Eyed Doll (White Black)
Yum Sugar Cupcake Doll (Pink Blue)
Snapchat: rinrin_doll
Ameblo : http://ameblo.jp/angel-rinrin
★ Disclaimer
This video is sponsored by Ibaraki Government.
★ Music
YouTube Music Library
★ Captions
Submit captions here!
여기에 한국어 자막을 제출!
ever blue中文 在 RinRin Doll Life in Japan Youtube 的最佳貼文
SUBSCRIBE → https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=UCU8_LMvzzqBXNL-KXuE-D_w
JAPANESE Channel → http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rinrindolly
Sub channel → http://www.youtube.com/rinrindoll2
If you're interested, you can check out my friend Vivi's eyelash shop here: https://vvv.fashionstore.jp
Vivi's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vivid_vi_vrant/
Makeup Used:
shu uemura・UV under base mousse CC・pink
shu uemura・the lightbulb fluid foundation・584 fair sand
KAT VON D・Lock-It Concealer Crème・Neutral L5
*MAC・Studio Perfect SPF 15/PA+ Foundation Radiant Intensified Moisture-Fusion Complex・NC20
RMK・Ingenious Liquid Eyeliner EX・06 Navy
shu uemura・brow:sword・seal brown
VIVID VI・VRANT・Dress Up Eyelashes
DUO・Eyelash Adhesive・Clear
*MAC・Dazzleshadow Liquid・Not Afraid To Sparkle
Les Merveilleuses LADURÉE・lip gloss・06
Beauty Blender・The Original Beauty Blender
la beauté Soi・ensemble・pink・powder brush
la beauté Soi・ensemble・pink・angled shadow brush
Anna Sui・Retractable Powder Brush
MAC・159SES Duo Fiber Blush Brush
(* Items received through PR packages)
Thank you Yoshino for the amazing background!
★ Today’s COORD ★
Dress: Angelic Pretty
Color Contacts: loveil
Hair: Hair Salon NALU http://www.nalu-style.com
★ Recommended Videos ★
Tanuki Makeup
【Lolita Fashion around the World with RinRin】
Los Angeles - Nun of Your Business
★ RinRin Doll LINE Stamps ★
Rabbit Cat / Cat Rabbit
★ Collaboration Goods ★
RinRin Doll x galaxxxy
Collaboration Clothes
Collaboration Eyelashes
Hello Candy Heart Doll (White Purple)
Dear Carousel Dreams Doll (Purple Blue)
Oh! My Starry Eyed Doll (White Black)
Yum Sugar Cupcake Doll (Pink Blue)
Snapchat: rinrin_doll
Ameblo : http://ameblo.jp/angel-rinrin
★ Disclaimer ★
This is not a sponsored video.
Items received from PR are highlighted with an asterisk.
Production Music by http://www.epidemicsound.com
Thank you John Hanna for the amazing intro!
Submit captions here!
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