24日TIME (美國紐約時報)對一行禪師的報導,對於禪師的一生與影響力做了頗為全面性的闡述,可以讀讀內文,對於當時的越共歷史有一些初步了解:當時越南共產黨掌權,戰爭不斷,一行禪師當時推行和平運動,無奈不斷遭受迫害,最終離開越南、浪跡天涯,在他走訪多國的時間裡發揮了巨大的影響力,他曾經在哥倫比亞大學、普林斯頓大學任教,許多西方人逐漸認同他所傳遞的「正念」(mindfulness),馬丁路德提名他為諾貝爾和平獎候選人。而後禪師在法國南部建立第一處的弘法基地,稱為梅村(Plum village), 後逐漸在全球許多大城市建立禪修中心,從密西西比到泰國,一共8處,目前,92歲的一行禪師回到他的根—越南,等待回歸本源。
“Nhat Hanh taught that you don’t have to spend years on a mountaintop to benefit from Buddhist wisdom. Instead, he says, just become aware of your breath, and through that come into the present moment, where everyday activities can take on a joyful, miraculous quality. If you are mindful, or fully present in the here and now, anxiety disappears and a sense of timelessness takes hold, allowing your highest qualities, such as kindness and compassion, to emerge.”
#正念修習 #plumvillage