#軟體工程師面試 #文長慎入
1. 面試的題目是否都是演算法相關題目?
2. 是為什麼實際工作內容通常都和面試考的沒有相關?
3. 我現在學的東西對找工作是否有幫助?
4. 公司招募看的到底是這個人的學經歷,能力,個性,還是什麼,為什麼有些人很感覺很厲害卻一直無法拿到offer?
如果是投FANG之類的,Facebook Amazon, Neflix, Google (沒記錯應該是這幾間),反正就是這些有名的大廠,除了Netflix目前沒有遇到認識的聊過,其他都是考演算法沒錯。
比較加分的還是,你編寫的時候可以邊闡述自己的想法,而不是低頭默默寫完,這樣也是有點尷尬。如果你編寫邊闡述的話,或者是少有點互動,也是展現你的溝通能力以及你對於題目的掌握能力,就像是你看到一個很簡單的題目 (2+3)*5 之類的,你可以很有自信的說,喔因為2+3在括弧裡面,所以要先算,然後再乘以5,展現底是真的有理解,而不是就是背題目之類的。
有些公司也可能是給你回家作業,叫你做一個小專案之類的,看你應徵的職缺,可能是叫你做一個UI 或者叫你建一個API 也可能叫你做一整個比較完整的東西出來。如果你是面試架構師的話,可能會叫你建一個架構,或設計一個架構出來。
然後也有的公司(像我們公司)就是需要pair programming 所以在線上面試的階段就是會有,真人跟你一起寫程式這樣。
這個部分一直以來都是一個難解的謎題。像是Google Facebook這種大公司其實不難理解,畢竟他們是比較類似General 的招募,不是一開始就決定好你就是要去某個Team然後永遠讓你待在那個Team。就他們招募的是他們覺得,有潛力的人才,這樣不管需要做什麼都可以自由移動他們,給他們training就可以變得很好用。加上他們一次招募的數量也是相當龐大,考演算法相關的話,可以快速篩選,也更有機會找到他們需要的人才。
那像是普通的中小企業或新創,說真的,其實就是跟風。因為覺得人家Google Facebook都是這樣找到優秀人才,那我們也要依樣畫葫蘆,這樣鐵定也能找到厲害的人。
像是pair programming也開始成為近年來的一個流行的面試,有的公司並不是真的pair 但就是你要跟他們一起工作,了解他們公司的文化,或者跟他們的工程師進行一些深度討論。或者會問你說,假設給你設計一個系統,你要怎麼做之類的。
如果真的就是打算以FANG為目標的話,就可以從刷題開始,像是Leetcode, Hackrank, codewars之類的都不錯。之前有看到一篇文章,他刷了幾百題,而且每題刷了三次以上,真的很有毅力。刷題的重點就是在於熟練那些題目,可是也不要硬背,你練習是要練那個速度感。可是該理解的還是要理解。
目前我的了解是,大部分中小型企業或者新創,很多時候你學習新東西的能力是比演算法更重要的,尤其是新創你什麼都要會,假設公司是剛起步的新創,你就要變成公司主要的技術專家,什麼東西不太會也要馬上現學現賣,也不要期望公司可能會給你什麼Training 或者有人給你依靠,可能同事還要依靠你。
中型或者普通大型企業,假設公司已經有產品的話,大部分的時候可能是既有產品維護,除非你剛好很幸運地在新產品開發的Team,這樣就有機會學到很多東西,不然維護的話,很多時候只是在了解產品本身是否有Bug,改善code品質之類,也要看公司是否有想花成本在維護上面。如果公司就是打算一個產品,改一點東西就繼續賣錢,那樣好像也不太需要一直去migrate 或者搞新東西上去。
所以說選公司其實也是有點重要,面試的時候,可以問問他們說,那你平常的daily work是怎麼樣的,公司有沒有走敏捷開發,公司有沒有用雲端,公司一個Team的規模之類,以及公司會不會提供訓練。
假設你就是都在寫前端,你也覺得我要寫前端寫一輩子,那好像就可以繼續一直focus在前端。如果你擔心自己會丟飯碗,是不是要學點後端,其實也是可以學,可是學了以後,你打算學得多專精?後端的東西也是會一直更新,一直進步。可能Restful API 也可能不是,DB也有好多種DB, 後端語言也很多種,所以你是想要學個大概,還是是希望,後端也問題的時候,自己可以去看code也看得懂?
前一個專案,公司有一個前端,他就是因為自己做的ticket幾乎都會碰到後端,就乾脆把整個後端也寫一寫,就變成fullstack,雖然他主要還是算前端。但也因為是.NET 所以前端跟後端可能沒有太明顯的分界,至少我相信他本來就會寫.NET了,因為幾乎有一半以上的controller都是他寫的。
如果你是寫react SPA,就是跟後端完全分開,你就只要寫到send http request 那邊的話,那好像也不太需要去了解到後端的架構,就是大概知道後端的endpoint 長什麼樣子就好,他們需要提供的文件就是需要提供。
以consultancy來說好了,感覺是什麼都要學,像是公司可能就會說,啊最近我們的客人都要求要會什麼什麼,那你就趕快學一下。當然公司也不是很壞心的就叫你要馬上學會,公司最近也是有開始提供一大堆Training 之類的,還給你錢讓你去考一些證照。
目前我使用的語言主要還是Javascript 和 C#這樣,然後公司有希望我可以好好學學Java。其實也不是不會寫Java,如果有發漏我其他文章的話就知道,其實我最一開始學的時候,第一個語言就是Java。
在台大資訊系統訓練班的時候,我就上了Java和PHP的課程,為自己來英國念研究所做準備,一年的master course也都是Java 跟PHP為主,然後有用了一點Python這樣。可是工作以後就只有使用C#和Javascript 而已,所以說,學校學了也不一定會用到。
其他的話,我覺得雲端相關的東西滿實用的,像是AWS或Azure 或GCP 有機會的話是可以自己摸摸。我自己是滿幸運的在工作上一直都有用到雲端產品,主要是AWS,前一個專案有用Azure 這樣。
DB的話,就是SQL和NoSQL可以個學一個,應該就滿好用的了,目前最流行的應該就是PostgreSQL和MongoDB 。如果對於Graphic Database有興趣也可以稍微看一下像是Neo4J之類的吧!
前端框架的話,就是React, Angular, Vue.js選一個吧!學會一個以後再去學其他的也不難,這三個我是剛好工作上都有用到,我自己是覺得Vue和React應該是比較好上手的,入門門檻比較低,Angular就一定要寫Typescript.
後端框架的話,看你用什麼語言,Java就學spring boot,
C#就是.NET,JS的話應該是Express,Python就Django,PHP就Laravel 。
如果是平常想要補充知識的話,可以多念一些像是security 相關的東西,或者是Oauth那類的,也可以看一下架構之類的。像是Microservices, microfrontend, Domain Driven Development 這些概念性的東西。
也可以看一些像是Clean Code相關的書,怎樣重構原本的爛Code或者TDD相關的書。
有些公司是看你寫的code 例如看你的code乾不乾淨,可能你寫出來的code都很乾淨,設計也很好,思路也很清晰,他們就會錄取你。
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- 關於express http request 在 Send HTTP Requests with Express.js - YouTube 的評價
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See you tonight !!
原定於2019年8月31日在大臺北都會公園舉辦之「MIKE SHINODA OF LINKIN PARK Post Traumatic Tour 2019 in Taipei」
演出地點將由「大臺北都會公園」更改為—「ATT SHOW BOX 大直館」,特此緊急公告,演出時間不變。
演出地址: 台北市中山區敬業三路123號8F
演出日期: 8/31(六)
演出時間: 19:00
1、現場可獲得免費Monster Energy 能量飲料
2、現場有機會抽選到 Mike Shinoda 簽名海報
1、凡已購買2019年8月31日場次演唱會門票的觀眾,可持完整的紙質原票,於8月31日當晚到「ATT SHOW BOX 大直館」進場觀看演出,無需更換/重新購買門票。
2、需要退票之觀眾,請按照 ibon 公告內容辦理:
1. 退票收件時間:即日—2019/8/30(五),以郵戳為準。
2. 退票辦理方式:
C.以郵寄方式掛號或快遞寄至「114台北市內湖區洲子街81號9樓,安源資訊 退票小組收」。
A.『已經取得票券者』(1)票券正本(2)退票申請書以郵寄方式掛號或快遞寄至「114台北市內湖區洲子街81號9樓,安源資訊 退票小組收」。
範例:退票補件(節目名稱 14碼交易序號:19XXXXXXXXXXX)
Urgent notification - Mike Shinoda Taipei Concert Venue Change
Traumatic Tour 2019 in Taipei" has now been changed from
Taipei Metropolitan Park to ATT SHOW BOX.
Address: 8F, No.123 Jingye 3rd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei
Date: Saturday , August 31st 2019
Time: 19:00
Additional benefits:
1) Tickets can be exchanged for a bottle of Monster energy drink.
2) The ticket is on the scene can win Mike's signature posters.
Please present the original tickets upon arrival. Replacing or repurchasing tickets will not be needed.
For further information of refund, please refer to ibon refund instructions and our refund policy.
The ticket refund arrangements are as follows:
1. For those who have purchased tickets to the concert on August 31, 2019, please present the original print out of the tickets while arriving "ATT SHOW BOX " on the evening of August 31. Replacing/repurchasing tickets will not be needed.
2. For those who request a refund, please check out the ibon announcement and follow the instructions.
Note: Postage and ibon ticket collection fees cannot be
refunded. Amount will be refunded in full ticket price.
1. Deadline for refund: Until 2019/8/30 (Fri), subject to
2. How to request a refund:
[Ticket purchased by cash:]
A. (1) Original ticket (2) Request form (3) Copy of account passbook together with the name and contact number.
B. Photo of Remittance bank passbook cover (including bank name, branch name, account name and account number - please make sure all information provided is readable) of any local Taiwanese bank or Post Office. Each account can only request a maximum of 4 transactions of refund.
C. Please send all information above to “9th Floor, No. 81, Chazi Street, Neihu District, Taipei City, 114, Anyuan Information Refund Group” by post or express delivery.
D. Full amount of ticket price will be refunded to the provided account passbook, within 20 working days (process time might vary in case of a large number of refunds during the period or force majeure such as weather conditions).
[Ticket purchased by credit card]
A. For people who have already collected physical tickets, please provide: (1) The original ticket (2) Request Form and send them to “9th floor, No. 81, Chauzi Street, Neihu District, Taipei City, 114, Anyuan Information Refund Group" by post or express delivery.
B. Full amount of ticket price will be refunded to the credit card used for the ticket purchase. It cannot be returned in cash or any other specified method. Process time is subject to the operation time of the issuing bank.
C. For people who have not collected the tickets, you can call the ibon customer service center and provide your order number, cardholder's full name and contact information to request your refund. Full amount of ticket price will be refunded to the original credit card you purchased with.
express http request 在 谷Live Facebook 的最佳貼文
《AXA 安盛呈獻 My Love Andy Lau World Tour - Hong Kong 2018》
《 演唱會退票退款辦理方案---特別通告》
《AXA 安盛呈獻 My Love Andy Lau World Tour - Hong Kong 2018》
《 演唱會退票退款辦理方案---特別通告》
📌1. 第一階段《郵寄辦理》
持票人士即日起可於演唱會官方網站 http://concert.andylau.com/form 下載「演唱會退票退款-郵寄辦理表格」及瀏覽相關之條款,然後將 (i) 已填妥及簽名之郵寄辦理表格及 (ii) 完整有效之門票正本 (註1)寄回主辦機構處理。
由2019年2月1日起至2019年4月15日止 (以郵戳日期為準),逾期郵件恕不受理。
📌2. 第二階段《現場辦理》
現場辦理日期 : 2019年5月17-19日 及2019年5月24 - 26日(星期五、六、日)
現場辦理時間 : 早上10時 – 下午6時
現場辦理地點 : 香港紅磡暢運道九號,香港體育館「租用人售票處」
持票人士請攜同 (i) 已填妥之現場辦理表格(或可於現場即時填寫) 、 (ii) 完整有效之門票正本 (註1) 及 (iii) 填報於辦理表格第一部分所用的身份證明文件正本,前往現場地點辦理退票退款手續。
有關「演唱會退票退款-現場辦理表格」下載及相關條款,請瀏覽演唱會官方網站 http://concert.andylau.com/form
※ [請注意] ※
1. 依照城市售票網(Urbtix)的購票條款及細則,票款只會退回予持有已取消演唱會門票的持票人士。
2. 退款按門票票面值金額以港幣計算 (所以不包括門票票面值為HK$ 0.0的公關門票),所有在購票時繳付之手續費/行政費/郵費皆不設退款 。
3. 主辦機構將對所有退回之門票進行驗票,每張門票會由專門指派的驗票員辨別真假;若發現假票,將即時報警處理。倘門票上的資料被刪去或經過塗改,又或門票遭損毀、污損或變得殘缺不全,主辦機構有拒絕辦理退款之決定權。
4. 經「華仔天地」購票之持票人士,將由「華仔天地」辦理退票退款,請登入 www.awc618.com 瀏覽詳情。
5. 經「亞洲萬里通」兌換門票之持票人士,如選擇退票退回里數,請登入 https://www.asiamiles.com/…/20181231_andy-lau-concert-ticke… 瀏覽詳情。
6. 建議退票退款持票人士保存已填妥及簽署之辦理表格和退回之門票 (正反面)拍照檔及郵寄存根 (如選擇郵寄)以作日後查詢之用。
7. 如有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。
註1 : 2018年12月28日門票[無需票根] ; 2018年12月29日至2019年1月3日必須為完整門票[連票根],影印本、列印版或照片恕不接受。
如有查詢,請於2019年2月1日起於辦公時間( 星期一至五,早上10時至下午6時,公眾假期除外),致電以下熱線或 電郵至 refund@focusentertainment.cc 。
852-2361 6929
852-2361 6708
852-2751 9118
My Love演唱會社交平台
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myloveandylauworldtour
AXA presents My Love Andy Lau World Tour- Hong Kong 2018
The Concert Organizer, Focus Entertainment Limited, would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. Earlier, we had received written notification from the Leisure and Cultural Services Department that our booking application for the Hong Kong Coliseum for December 2019 had not been accepted, and therefore will not be able to reschedule the cancelled shows. For this, we would again like to express our deepest apologies to the affected audiences and will now announce the refund arrangements.
A total of seven shows (from 28th December 2018 to 3rd January 2019) of the “Andy Lau Hong Kong Concert 2018” were cancelled. As many people have been affected, in order to facilitate the refunds process for the affected ticket holders and to minimise the need to line up, we have arranged for two options to obtain refunds, the details of which are as follows:
📌1. Phase One: Refunds Processed by Post
From now on, ticket holders who wish to process their refunds by post can download the “Concert Refund Request Form – by Post” and view the terms and conditions at the official concert website http://concert.andylau.com/form. Ticket holders should send (i) their completed and signed Refund Request Form and (ii) their complete original valid ticket(s) (Note 1) to the Concert Organizer for processing.
Period for refund by post:
1st February 2019 to 15th April 2019. Requests received after the postmark deadline of 15th April 2019 will not be accepted.
Refund arrangement:
All successful refunds will be credited directly to the ticket holders’ designated valid original payment credit card or Hong Kong dollar savings or current bank account registered with a Hong Kong licensed bank on or before 31st May 2019.
Postage subsidy:
The Concert Organizer will subsidize postage for each ticket holder’s successful refund request at a standard rate of HK$35 (on a one off basis, regardless of territory and number of tickets per request form). Regardless of the purchase platform, the subsidized postage will be credited to a valid Hong Kong dollar savings or current bank account registered with a Hong Kong licensed bank.
📌2. Phase Two: On-site Cash Refund
Dates: 17th - 19th May 2019 and 24th - 26th May 2019 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Time: From 10:00am to 6:00pm
Location: “Hirer’s Box Office” at the Hong Kong Coliseum (9 Cheong Wan Road, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
Ticket holders should bring (i) their completed and signed “Concert Refund Request Form – On-site” (or fill in and sign the form available on-site); (ii) their complete original valid ticket(s) (Note 1), and (iii) their original identity document used to fill in Part 1: Personal Details of the form, to the location specified above to process their refund.
To download the “Concert Refund Request Form – On-site” and to view the terms and conditions of on-site cash refunds, please visit the official concert website at http://concert.andylau.com/form.
※ Please Note ※
1. In accordance with the terms and conditions of sale of URBTIX, a refund will only be made to those ticket holders of the cancelled concerts.
2. Only the face value of the ticket(s) in Hong Kong Dollars will be refunded (hence complimentary tickets, i.e. tickets with a face value of HK$0.0 printed on the ticket, will not receive a refund). Administrative, handling and postage fees paid during purchase will not be refunded.
3. The Concert Organizer will examine the authenticity of all returned tickets. Any counterfeit tickets will be reported to the police immediately. The Concert Organizer reserves the right to refuse any refund request if the information on the ticket has been erased or altered, or if the ticket is damaged, defaced or incomplete.
4. Refund for tickets purchased through Andy World Club will be processed by Andy World Club. Please go to www.awc618.com for relevant details.
5. For ticket holders who redeemed ticket(s) through Asia Miles and wish to be refunded their mileage points, please go to https://www.asiamiles.com/…/20181231_andy-lau-concert-ticke… for details.
6. Ticket holders who have submitted refund requests are advised to take and retain a photo of their completed and signed Refund Request Form(s), their original valid ticket(s) (both front and back) and mailing receipt (if by post) for record and future reference.
7. In case of any dispute, the Concert Organizer reserves the right of final decision.
Note 1: 28th December 2018 tickets - without stubs; 29th December 2018 to 3rd January 2019 tickets - with stubs intact. Photocopies, prints or photographs of the tickets will not be accepted.
For any inquiries, please call the following enquiry hotlines during office hours from 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) or email refund@focusentertainment.cc.
Enquiry Hotlines:
852-2361 6929
852-2361 6708
852-2751 9118
Further updates will be posted on the following official social media platforms:
Focus Entertainment Limited:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/focusentertainmentltd
My Love Andy Lau World Tour relevant social media:
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MyLoveAndyLauWorldTour
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/myloveandylauworldtour
Weibo : https://www.weibo.com/6598879485
Focus Entertainment Limited
31 January 2019
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Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Biology
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[Gameboy Tetris]
• https://www.instagram.com/gameboytetris
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When you are using this track, we simply ask that you put this in your description:
Track: Cartoon x nublu x Gameboy Tetris - Biology [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/OcNV3UeesoU
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Biology
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Cast: nublu, Gameboy Tetris, Cartoon
Entourage: Mikk Pärnaste, Edgar Kurg, Mihkel Sillaots
Ladies: Kristel Aaslaid, Maria Dulushkova, Mariel Korjus, Laura Viira, Pia Margaret Reinberg, Jaanika Teppan, Kätlin Pärtel, Merilin Lutsar, Victoria Sandra Pilv, Brigitte Karelsohn, Annika Avingu.
Director: Johannes Veski
Executive Producer: Kaarel Sein
Producer: Merliin Vellend
Director of Photography: Robert Parelo
1st AC: Frank-Leander Sapego
Costume Designer: Jörgen Terepson
Set Designer: Janis Rizhovs
Set Designer Assistant: Paul Henrich Daude
Editor/colorist: Robert Parelo
Motion Graphics Artist: Henry Parelo
Behind The Scenes Photographer: Mihkel Sillaots
Camera equipment: Sander Allikmäe
Fire Sculpture: Kristo Kaljuvee, Inno Kask, Taavi Holter, Chris Patrick Tilk
Sponsors: Lux Express, NCS, Jägermeister, Taffel, Hartwall Original Long Drink, Red Bull
Thank you:
Berit Osula, Andres Vaab, Herkki Ravel, Silvester Harineem, Ergi Asten, Liisa Lahtmets, Sander Haugas, Sander Ilves, Pirjo Liisa Prisk, Varemurru Puhkekeskus, Taavi Holter, Puise Nina Külalistemaja, Juurimaa Tall
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©️ Check out our Usage Policy on how to use NCS music in your videos: http://ncs.io/UsagePolicy
To request a commercial license visit: http://ncs.io/Commercial
#nocopyrightsounds #copyrightfree

express http request 在 テルくん Youtube 的最佳貼文
【MAD】もしかしてだけど × 鬼滅の刃
と 鬼滅の刃でMAD作成しました。
歌が好きな方はぜひ チャンネル登録していただけると
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paisonozawa?s=17
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/7terukun7/
Tiktok: http://vt.tiktok.com/epbtK8/
YouTube 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl6r...
[MAD] Maybe × Devilish Blade
Maybe it's a famous piece of Doburoku
And I made MAD with Devilish Blade.
It was difficult to express.
Mainly on this channel
I'm uploading videos about songs.
If you like songs, please subscribe.
I'm really happy.
I'm doing my best to play and talk
Request comments etc.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I want to deliver music just because it is such a time.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paisonozawa?s=17
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/7terukun7/
Tiktok: http://vt.tiktok.com/epbtK8/
YouTube 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl6r...
#もしかしてだけど #どぶろっく #鬼滅の刃 #どぶろっくMAD #どぶろっくもしかしてだけど

express http request 在 テルくん Youtube 的最佳貼文
と 鬼滅の刃でMAD作成しました。
歌が好きな方はぜひ チャンネル登録していただけると
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paisonozawa?s=17
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/7terukun7/
Tiktok: http://vt.tiktok.com/epbtK8/
YouTube 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl6r...
Please give me a big piece of Doburoku's masterpiece Made by MAD with Demon Blade.
It's difficult to express. Mainly on this channel I'm uploading videos about songs.
If you like songs If you subscribe I'm really happy.
I'm doing my best to play and talk Request comments etc.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I want to deliver music just because it is such a time.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/paisonozawa?s=17
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/7terukun7/
Tiktok: http://vt.tiktok.com/epbtK8/
YouTube 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl6r...
#大きなイチモツをください #どぶろっく #鬼滅の刃 #鬼滅の刃MAD

express http request 在 Send HTTP Requests with Express.js - YouTube 的推薦與評價

Request as a library is deprecated, but still highly used. In this video, I will show you how can you easily send HTTP requests, ... ... <看更多>
express http request 在 Handling HTTP GET And POST Request With Express JS 的推薦與評價

This Express tutorial will walk you through what is get and post methods and see how it works. Get and Post are the standard HTTP request ... ... <看更多>
express http request 在 HTTP GET Request in Node.js Express - Stack Overflow 的推薦與評價
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