Lama saya tenung gambar ni. Macam macam boleh kita tafsirkan. Seorang wanita yang terluka, dan menjahit sendiri lukanya. Ramai yang begini kan. Sekeliling kita. Cuma kadang tu kita tak perasan.
Banyak punca. Pengabaian daripada orang terhampir, penderaan, kesakitan kesakitan yang datang, struggle mengurus hidup, peranan, komitmen dan sebagainya.
Tadi pun ada terbaca kisah surirumah yang mengadu susahnya urus anak dan rumahtangga. Serabut semua ada. Itu ini serba tak kena, ...
Continue ReadingI've been looking at this picture for a long time. How can we be comment. A wounded woman, and sewed her own wounds. Many are like this, right. Around us. Only sometimes we don't notice.
A lot of causes. Neglect from the people, abuse, pain pain that comes, struggle to manage life, role, commitment and so on.
Just now read the story of the housewife who is complaining so hard to take care of children and household. Frustrated all available. This is all wrong, not done with work. Until depressed.
Don't be be. Don't be a mother's situation like this. If there is no support, it can lead to long-lasting emotional pressure.
Mistakes can be like the woman in the picture just now. Pain, stress, hurt. Then sewing the wound itself. Because no one cares. Huhu.
I really understand, housewives are tired. There are more kids. I've been it. Child can't put, keep crying, doing business again. Life is chaos. Isn't it right if a housewife is just sitting in the house. There's no going out for a holiday or what. Wow.
I don't want to review the psychology chapter or anything because I'm not good at it. Just experience the experience, reading and sharing of friends. I want to share these 10 tips. How to be calm in taking care of the household.
1. Strengthen your soul
This soul is like a battery, he decides for us to move. If the battery is weak, you can't do anything. How to be strong? This is so important. Strengthen our relationship with Allah. Pray for early time prayer, read the Quran in the beginning of the day and dhikr. It gives us extraordinary energy. Biiznillah. If you don't take care of this, it's easy frustrated. This is basic, if you can wake up at night, all of that, my God, it's more powerful. Make it routine, one happiness.
2. Be strong
Exercise a moment early in the morning. Promise to get rid of sweat and body stretch. Can also be in the house. Many ways, just open Youtube search. We feel healthier and happy.
3. Be strong
Do what we like and feel great. I call therapy. Like me, early morning before starting work, I flush the flower trees and vegetables that are planted. Then train yourself every day to read any positive ingredients and say good things are fine.
4. Chapters of cooking and eating
Mom must eat first. Give energy to yourself. Bread to the easy and a cup of coffee or hot chocolate at the beginning of the day. For Energy.
And simple and simple family cooking only. As long as it's nutritious. Don't bother yourself to cook as much as you can. If you don't have time, you can buy and have a lot of food delivery services now. You can't eat from hunger, right?
5. Kitchen material management
Set one day for kitchen setting day. Preparing onions, chili peppers all enter the fridge. Washing protein is ready to pack the parts together. Vegetables only use ulam ulam. Fast and nutritious. There is a setting like this, can cook under half an hour.
6. Home management
Packing is really tired. So put the timing. Packing certain time only. Like me, morning and evening. Between the two hours, whatever happens. Close your eyes. This includes the management of clothes.
7. Child Management
Our children are not the same. Don't stress other people's children sleep well, our children need to sleep. Just relax and relax. When we do things number 1-6, we have time to focus on number 7 which is time for children. Play with him. When we give them quality time, children are easier to take care of. I always hold it, the child will grow, the phase of squirm is hard all that is not long.
8. Help
Learn to ask for a partner's help. Don't want to do it all. If you are able to take a helper who comes to clean the house daily, it is very nice. Or even buy gadget that makes it easier for kitchen work. An example of cuckoo pot, noxxa all that. Measles, setting, just wait to cook.
9. Mindset and rest
Hold this one thing. We don't have to be perfect. Happiness is much more important. Lower the expectation that is too high to be the tip top of all serbi. Yes, while the child is still small. Make time for rest. Leave a moment of housewife work that will never run out.
10. Enjoy and build experience
One's child is different from three, four, five, six and so on. Time will be make and make we take care of our feelings and roles. Just go through with awareness that this moment is experience.
The main key is management, mindset and apply to God who strengthens everything. Insyaallah, in this way we have time to manage the household where it is the source of continuous reward, there is time to rest, there is time to educate children, there is time to find knowledge, there is time to make a favorite hobby etc.
Mother and mother
Be calm yes
And be happy.
Different Fields are different from the grasshopper.
Different people look at each other.
Just sharing. Hopefully there will be benefits.
Credit: najibah mustaffaTranslated
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extraordinary experience example 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文
[Is There Such a Thing As Founder Syndrome?: Testing a New Idea for Entrepreneurship]
As a lover of language, I often will obsess and delight in a phrase or a word that I think offers unique insight into humanity or experience.
Language can sometimes open up doors into understanding, not simply because a definition is precise, or taken literally. Used in an inventive way, you can see the world differently and perhaps understand something for its unique traits.
I find this to be the case with understanding and learning about founders. Founders tend to break the mold, as we say, but we tend to see them -- I say "we" meaning the general VC and startups ecosystem -- through a really traditional business lens, contrary to how unique they are.
In fact, I am not so sure you can see a founder's traits through a business lens, because what founders do is much different than simply running a business. I think you have to creatively see them in a new way.
This idea struck me deeply while I was in Japan, where I was relaxing with a memoir about the late neurologist Dr. Oliver Sacks, while my colleagues skied and snowboarded on a cloud-covered mountain in the snow. Sacks died in 2015, but spent a career curing neurological diseases by taking a unique approach.
I came across the word "syndrome."
It has a nice ring to it, but first, the context.
First of all, Sacks is famous for a medical experiment that "unlocked" patients who were frozen in a kind of living coma situation. You may have seen this in a movie called "Awakenings."
These patients would be frozen in a state of hibernation, awake, but not able to move. Sacks came up with the idea of dosing them with a chemical called L-DOPA, and the results were extraordinary. Almost overnight, these "vegetables," as he empathetically described him in his memoir, awakened. In one case, Sacks took a red ball he kept in his pocket and threw it at a seemingly unmovable patient, who immediately snapped to and caught the ball, threw it back, and then resumed his catatonic state.
Sacks was also something of an eccentric, who was notorious for doing things that probably a normal sane person would never do.
For example, as a medical intern in California, he once drank a vial of blood, washing it down with a glass of milk, simply because he felt compelled to understand what it tasted like. A lover of motorcycles, he quite recklessly "stepped off," as he put it, his bike traveling at 80mph, just to see what would happen. What happened? A few bruises and a torn leather jacket and pants. But nothing horrible.
In certain circles, he is still considered to be notorious and misunderstood. But his view of diagnoses centered on finding the "syndrome," and treating the syndrome as a kind of identity.
And here is our word of the day!
I am not suggesting that founders are sick people. I am saying that they are different, because they present a type of syndrome that other humans do not possess.
Syndrome, in the Greek etymology, means "a running together."
Often we look at disease as this kind of failure of the system. Something has invaded. Something has harmed the corpus of the human. But Sacks looked at syndrome issues quite literally as a grouping of things that made the patient unique.
Instead of instantly diagnosing and medicating neurological patients, he would sit and talk to them for hours, trying to understand the unique syndrome of their identity.
In one instance, he talked for four hours to a raving manic dementia patient, later concluding that there was something "inherently human about that identity in there."
Can the same be done with founders? Do they present a syndrome of entrepreneurship?
What are the characteristics of this founder syndrome?
I won't spend this whole post describing my idea, but I think a central and core attribute of a Founder Syndrome is that the discomfort that founders experience with reality is also the impetus and the catalyst that moves them to "solve" reality with their own attributes.
This syndrome manifests itself in an overarching belief that they can change the world. They are somewhat delusional and even maniacal in their approach to reality solutions. The world doesn't work for them, and rather than mire themselves in depression and disappointment in it, their syndrome rather creatively enables them to, in an expansive way, impact the lives of other people, and create things that shift reality.
Steve Jobs once said that you can only understand your journey by looking backwards, and connecting the dots after you have completed them. This is quite symptomatic of a founder syndrome.
There are no dots to connect, until you make them. A consciousness that sees the world for what it can be can seem to some like crazy talk. Just look at Elon Musk. For how long has he heard that his ideas are stupid, crazy, not worth the paper they are printed on?
Or Nikola Tesla, who died in poverty, not being believed?
Or Marie Curie, who obsessively hunted down invisible radioactivity, which killed her, but without whom we would not be able to treat cancer, or plausibly have nuclear energy?
All of these people have something of the Founder Syndrome, an ability to see what is not seen by others, and to manifest it into reality, creating incredulity until the new reality is undeniable.
Are you suffering from a syndrome, friend? If you would like to be part of our accelerator and invent what has not existed before, and if you would like to be around other unique people like you, track our application process at
Our next cohort will start in the summer.
We would be glad to take your application when they launch later in the year. We will be accepting founders working in AI and Blockchain.
Doug Crets
Communications Master, AppWorks
Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash
extraordinary experience example 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[News / 甜點新聞] La Maison du Chocolat 發表復活節作品及兩款由 Pierre Hermé Paris 創作的純素甜點 / La Maison du Chocolat to present its Easter collections and 2 vegan pastries created by Pierre Hermé (English below)
昨日去參加 La Maison du Chocolat 的新春作品發表會,真的是大開眼界。「Vegan」果然是近期熱度最高的關鍵詞!現場不僅看到了 Nicolas Cloiseau 主廚(MOF 巧克力職人)精采無比的復活節巧克力創作、品嚐了 #純素巧克力,還搶先試吃到 Pierre Hermé 主廚創作、三月二日才會正式上市的兩款 #純素甜點,且兩位大師本人都在,我一時有點忙不過來,都不知道該先拍、先嚐什麼好!
Nicolas 主廚今年的復活節巧克力雕塑「Les Voyages Extraordinaires」(#非比尋常之旅)靈感來自於他小時候最喜歡的一本書《Vingt mille lieues sous les mers》(中譯《#海底兩萬里》,是法國作家 Jules Verne 在 1869 年出版的科幻小說,描述一艘被誤認為海怪的潛水艇「鸚鵡螺號」的冒險旅程)。主廚精心以純手工打造了一艘熱帶魚型的巧克力潛水艇(美國與法國各僅有一座)、並使用了來自三大洲三個地點的三款風格獨特的巧克力製作復活節蛋,讓所有的消費者也能跟他一起在味蕾尖上環遊世界。三個巧克力分別來自越南、中美洲格瑞納達與西非迦納,其中來自越南的那款批覆巧克力(chocolat de couverture)為純素(végane / vegan),加入了椰奶,在口中香氣迸發時,能瞬間將你帶到藍天碧海白沙灘的熱帶場景,個性極為鮮明。巧克力雕塑本身細節考究,外型充滿童心,是小朋友們看了會非常興奮、大人們也會在心中升起共鳴的作品。
本次一同推出的,還有 #五款水果風味的夾心巧克力,包含覆盆子、黑醋栗、檸檬、柑橘與百香果。有趣的是這五款巧克力分為一般與純素兩個系列,純素系列使用酪梨油取代鮮奶油與奶油等動物性油脂製作甘納許(ganache)、楓糖漿取代白糖。有趣的是,大部分的人在品嚐、比較兩種後,都會驚喜地發現純素的巧克力甘納許水果滋味更為豐富有深度,酸香也更為明亮有層次。
最後一個重頭戲,則是 Pierre Hermé 主廚受邀為 La Maison du Chocolat 設計的兩款 #純素且無麩質的甜點:「Rose des Sables」(玫瑰巧克力酥)與「Fleur de Cassis」(黑醋栗之花)。之前我在歐洲麵包展時遇到 Pierre Hermé 主廚、詢問他對純素甜點的風潮看法,他便向我透露三月會有兩款純素甜點。謎底揭曉,原來就是與 La Maison du Chocolat 合作的最新創作。Nicolas 主廚則告訴我,當他邀請 Pierre Hermé 合作時,其實並沒有「純素」的目標限制,而是大師本人為響應 La Maison du Chocolat 對 #環境永續、#生態平衡 的理念而創作。Nicolas 主廚提到他 #從四年前便開始從頭學習如何使用植物性食材取代動物性食材創作,經過無數次實驗,對他來說是很大的挑戰。La Maison du Chocolat 過去的作品也可見到他 #關心環境與生態的理念,如 2019 年的聖誕節巧克力雕塑以北極熊為主題、品牌也從兩年前開始推出純素的巧克力商品,收到不少消費者的正面回覆。他目前已經開始著手創作更多純素巧克力系列,並認為「#這就是未來的巧克力樣貌」。
🔖 當天影音請點此欣賞(在該精選動態後半):
Today is Chinese New Year’s Eve, what did you have on your dinner table? What pastries and desserts have you had?
I got invited to discover the Easter and Spring collections of La Maison du Chocolat yesterday and was really amazed. “Vegan” is apparently the keyword that you can’t miss now. The chef Nicolas Cloiseau presented his Easter chocolate piece as well as a series of fruity chocolates including a vegan version. M. Hermé was there, too, to launch his two vegan pastry creations in collaboration with La Maison du Chocolat.
Themed “Les Voyages Extraordinaires” (“The Extraordinary Trips”), the chocolate piece was carefully sculptured and constructed by hand by the chef chocolatier of the brand, MOF Nicolas Cloiseau. The chef got inspired by Jules Verne's “Vingt mille lieues sous mers” (“Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea”), one of his favourite books in childhood and created this gorgeous work, which speaks to the children as well as to the adventurous spirit of adults. Three characteristic couverture chocolates from Vietnam, Ghana, and Grenada are used to reflect on the chef’s trips discovering great chocolates around the globe, and the customers are invited to enjoy this globe-trotter experience along. Coconut milk is added in the vegan couverture chocolate from Vietnam. While the warm and exotic coconut aroma starts to dance on your tongue, you’d immediately feel that you are transported to an tropical island where the sun is shining and warm wind is kissing your cheeks.
The maison also launches five fruity chocolates in both original and vegan series, including raspberry, blackcurrant, lemon, orange, and passion fruit. Avocado oil replaced cream and butter and maple syrup replaced white sugar to make vegan ganaches, resulting in a much brighter and more intense fruity flavour.
In this Spring collection, the great chef Pierre Hermé is invited to create two vegan and gluten-free pastries, "Rose des Sables" and "Fleur de Cassis”. Chef Nicolas told me that in fact, they didn’t ask Pierre Hermé to make them vegan. The latter made such choice as an echo to Nicolas’ pursuit of a more responsible work ethic and eco-friendly philosophy of creation. The chef Nicolas has been working since four years ago on vegan chocolates by learning how to use vegan ingredients to replace animal products, which is a great challenge as this chocolate, like pastries, are made of butter, cream, sugar, etc. La Maison du Chocolat starts to provide vegan choices since two years ago and the chef’s previous work also shows his constant concern for the environment and endangered animals. For example, his 2019 Christmas chocolate piece featured polar bear and iceberg in a snowy world. The chef told me that the brand has received lots of positive feedback from customer and he believed that “this is what the chocolate of tomorrow going to be”.
Following “San-gluten” (gluten-free), “végane” (vegan) apparently is going to be the next storm sweeping through the French pastry industry. Many might criticise that it’s just another fashion that will soon die out, but Isn’t it wonderful that when you enjoy your pastries and desserts next time, you are also showing your support to environment sustainability and your concern for animal rights?
Don’t forget to click on the photos and check out my featured story for more details:
#yingspastryguide #paris #lamaisonduchocolat #nicolascloiseau #pierrehermé #vegan #vaganpastries #Pâques #easter2020
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