《Ting與小小孩一起封城之🇬🇧英國全攻略網站連結大公開! 》#歡迎分享
首先要先謝謝 德州媽媽沒有崩潰 率先無私分享她在美國的網站資訊,想了想我能回饋台灣什麼?乾脆一起響應把我「在英國」所有我當初有用到的 home schooling網站連結,通通大公開給你們,我很認真的整理了一晚,因為有些網站過了封城時效性就移除了,有點可惜。有些網站可能因為地區限制會點不開,還需要大家回報給我。或是利用「關鍵字」搜尋一下。歡迎努力轉發給有需要的朋友!
◀ Cosmic Yoga
◀ PE with Joe
◀ Edinburghzoo 愛丁堡動物園直播動物
◀ Twinkle 教育資料庫網站(加入會員可無限下載)
這個英國叫 Twinkle 網站在英國非常火紅,第一次封城時他們還釋出優惠代碼,讓大家免費使用。會推薦他是因為學校老師,常常在這裡下載學習單給孩子。我最喜歡的地方是他能「按照年紀」甚至「節慶」「主題」延伸各種科目針對一個主題,有學習單、著色本、遊戲、美勞、食譜、科學、甚至新聞。真的只要有一台印表機,完全不怕小孩無聊,也不用買一堆作業練習本或是美勞紙,是我的救星。
◀ Education.com 免費學習單下載
如果你不想要加入上面推薦的Twinkle網站會員,這裡也是有超級多免費的worksheet供你免費下載。你可以點選左邊那排by Grade按照適合年紀選擇學習單。
◀ Cooking with Jamie Oliver
◀RHS 英國皇室花園協會
提供超多給孩子的園藝activities活動點子!比如說把牛奶罐變成灑水器、散步發現收集彩虹、利用蛋盒製作感官活動sensory nature game...等。我個人非常喜歡他們提供很多很有趣,讓孩子自然而然學習自然與科學接觸接的小活動。
◀ OxfordOWL
英國孩子學習phonic不是像台灣ㄅㄆㄇ一口氣學完,而是循序漸進,所以他們閱讀能力的分級是用「顏色colour band」來分級。
有興趣的家長也可以利用這個免費的ebook Library測驗一下自己孩子的英文程度在英國大概在哪裡。
◀ All Things Oi! 英國最夯的韻母英文童書
相信只要你住在英國家有小小孩,對於整個系列的「Oi !____」 絕對不陌生!因為疫情的關係,竟然作者自己開頻道唸給你聽之外,還教你怎麼畫裡面的角色!我家兩隻畫Oi Frog裡面的青蛙畫到樂不思蜀!
jollylearning 標準的英式phonic發音影片
CBeebies Alphablock
說到英國小孩學alphablock絕對沒有人不知道這個學習卡通,裡面每一角色都有自己專屬的發音特色,然後按照簡單到難的程度,學習組合方式跟tricky words。連我自己都很愛跟孩子一起唱,看著字母邊唱歌邊搞笑,就真的學起來了。超級超級希望,有一天ㄅㄆㄇㄈ也有人發明這樣一整套的卡通和學習單。
網站裡也有一些小遊戲!如果你是住在英國地區,推薦下載bbc iplayer,電視機也能使用。就可以收看完整Alphablocks的節目。
◀CBeebies Numberblocks
說到Alphablock就絕對會聯想到numberblocks! 字義上就不難理解了,上一個是學英文!這一個是學數學。而且跟著孩子看這個節目,我才更理解英國人算數學的很多邏輯,真的跟我們台灣小時後學的方式差好多。我家兩個孩子都好愛看這個節目!
Letter and sounds
這個是英國教育部在封城期間,統一錄製給學校當資源使用學phonic的真人版!而且是按照英國教育部標準進度教,那時候是我兒子學校規定每天一定要看的節目,都是固定早上9點開始按照不同年級上傳。但說真的,我覺得超級無聊XD 但是老師們就是真的正統英文本人,你可以看他的嘴行發音。
◀ NRICH 劍橋數學挑戰
BBC Teach (我不確定台灣能不能點開這個網頁)
◀ The Singing Walrus - English Songs For Kids
◀ SingingHandsUK 手語兒歌頻道
◀BBC bitesize
◀BookTrust 英國閱讀機構
◀Brightly Storytime
我當初第一個找到這個網站是因為要找「好餓的毛毛蟲作者Eric Carle相關資料」才發現這麽網站,你們可以點這個網址去下載他的作品activities worksheets。
◀ The StoryTime Family
這個也是像上面Brightly storytime頻道,但是是澳洲的版主,所以英文腔調有點不一樣,也超多故事可以聽,鍛鍊一下英文。
◀Place2Be 關心孩子心理健康網站
這個英國網站很貼心,給了很多如果關心孩子心理健康的素材。小至如何發現孩子需要mental health support,也有各種專家分享幫助孩子的方式。做特別也有art room的一些活動,幫助孩子透過藝術穩定情緒。 https://reurl.cc/0DLApl
如果以上你還是興趣缺缺,也歡迎大家可以多利用 #英國媽媽防疫日記 這個hashtag回顧一下這15個月來的封城生活(中間有稍微短暫條件式的階段性解封過)。(或直接點 https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/%E8%8B%B1%E5%9C%8B%E5%AA%BD%E5%AA%BD%E9%98%B2%E7%96%AB%E6%97%A5%E8%A8%98 )
照片:是我拍於英國皇宮 Hampton court palace的警語標示!「管你什麼階級的人,通通給我戴上口罩!」
family worksheets 在 Elaine73 Facebook 的最佳解答
I'm a private tutor. I run a small tuition centre. After deducting rent, marketing & administrative costs - I take home around $2500 a month. I teach more than 10 classes weekly.
It has been a very demoralising few weeks.
1. Amidst the suspension of centre-based tuition classes - parents have asked for discount on fees. I tried to help whenever I can by waiving off fees or giving discounts, knowing fully that it will be at my own expense.
Yet, I've received a lot of comments from parents who do not have financial difficulties, going "e-learning should be cheaper".
e-Learning IS not cheaper than classroom based learning. It has been 2 sleepless weeks with this mad scramble to move classes online. We've had to to spend sessions doing orientation for you and your children to help explain how to do classes online. We had to buy IT equipment, video recording equipment - all of it not cheap with my measly $2500 monthly salary.
You think it's less effort - it's not. It's more effort and more work. And you want to pay us less.
Please don't undermine our efforts by requesting to pay us less. If you have financial difficulties, we will discount for you. But don't say "e-Learning should be paid less". Thanks.
Rental still goes on - landlords who don't take the initiative to help and pass on rental rebates, I'm looking at YOU!
2. We totally understand that why we have been closed down. Health comes first - sure.
However, can don't call us non-essential?
School is essential, tuition is non-essential. Minister said that. True facts of life.
But, but. Can you also see this.
In every sector, there are good people and there are bad people.
In the tuition sector, there are some of us good ones and some of us bad ones.
I dare say, I care about each and every-one of my students. I do my best to motivate. I do my best to talk to them when they have family troubles. I come up with extra worksheets when I know they are lagging behind.
In schools, you also have teachers who are not motivated, who only come to school for the paycheck and do the minimum.
If all school teachers are good - need tuition teachers for what?
If everybody scoring A1, A2 and A* - then no need for tuition. Some parents find tuition because their kids have been failing.
We don't need you to recognise us. But don't call us non-essential can?
3. Common comment from school teachers and from the public - "They should pay school teachers more" or "Tuition teachers make so much money".
You know how many times I roll my eyes at this?
Straits Times - I'm looking at you. Thanks for always reporting on "million dollar" tutors. Now everybody thinks that all tutors make millions.
Reality check - If you are a school teacher and you think you will make a lot of money leaving the public sector, feel free to go try your luck.
Is every school teacher a Principal? or a Cluster Superintendent? or a Director? No right?
Same thing with the private sector ok? The top tutors make a lot of money. The normal tutors like us make close to the 'median' $4600 of the typical Singaporean.
We don't have CPF.
We don't have AWS.
We don't have performance bonus.
In November & December, we eat bread but still pay rent.
Whatever we earn in 10 months, must ration across 12 months, because November & December parents go holiday and don't want tuition.
No - regular tutors don't make millions.
Stop dreaming. Most school teachers are not zai. If they leave the public sector, they will eat grass.
I make $2500 a month - if you feel that is fantastic, you can be my guest. You have a choice. If you think you can make more as a private tutor, take the plunge into the world of the unknown.
4. Teachers got a lot of admin work, not like private tutor only need to teach
We don't have admin work. We have "admin work" - marketing, accounting & trying to keep the business alive. We don't only teach.
You have a 'clear thick' line between yourself and parents. We don't. We are obligated to answer, and talk to parents everyday. Do you know there are parents who call us and talk to us everyday about their kids and their anxieties? (a lot of parents from top schools are actually very anxious about their kids) I spend 1 to 2 hours daily talking to 2 to 3 parents everyday.
5. Thank you for classifying us together with KTVs, Bars & Entertainment
I called the bank to lower my credit card interest because in anticipation of school closures, I invested heavily in video recording equipment and IT equipment that I actually cannot pay for with my measly salary.
Guess what the bank said? You are not from an eligible 'adversely affected' sector.
Adversely affected = tourism, aviation, F&B and entertainment.
Entertainment qualifies but private education doesn't qualify.
Again, i understand why we have been shut down. But can everyone remember us private tutors have families to feed too? Mortgages or rent to pay? Bills to pay?
6. We are human beings too
We have feelings. We have empathy. We have tried to help whenever we can. My tuition centre offers free tuition all these years to whomever are on MOE Financial Assistance scheme. When parents face difficulties (retrenched, fell sick), we always cut our fees or give free. When students ask for extra help, we coach and we don't charge extra.
We are trying our best too. Really. We are all in this together.
I don't know since when being a 'private tutor' is a nasty thing.
Maybe tuition centres like Learning Lab, Mavis Tutorial or any of those big tuition centres with big MRT and bus adverts and sprawling land space of more than 10000 square feet might make millions of dollars a year. Maybe they have strong investors with hundreds of millions. But hey that's not us. Don't assume that we have a mountain of profits to stomach this because we don't.
Also, a lot of our kids and a lot of our parents always tell us that school teachers always say bad things about private tutors. "Tuition is a waste of money", "don't need go for tuition", "private tutors are not qualified and don't know what they are teaching".
Some teachers seem to spend a lot of time bad-mouthing private tutors.
Just focus on teaching your kids please. You still have a job.
I may not have one when the dust settles.
Also, remember that a lot of us private tutors were once school teachers.
Some of us left because of school mergers.
Some of us left because we were pregnant, had kids and could no longer cope.
Some of us left because we don't want to deal with this crap called EPMS.
Some of us left because we don't want to deal with all the politics, committees, organising overseas trips and want to just focus on the kids.
Please support your tutors, thank you. A lot of us, really do care, genuinely for your child.
#80161: https://www.nuswhispers.com/confession/80161
family worksheets 在 JBP 每一天的幸福 Facebook 的最讚貼文
一早他們很興奮去看我印出來的課表,結果跑來跟我說在家做的功課比在學校的還多 (在學校是都在玩嗎🤦🏻♀️)
7:30 Wake up and play quietly
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Chinese homework
9:30 Math
10:00 Break (eat fruit and snack)
10:30 Schoolwork/reading comprehension
11:00 Free time (backyard/academic screen time ok)
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Chore time
1:00-3:00 Quiet time
(draw/craft/puzzle/board game/chess/play dough/lego/independent play)
3:00 Read/mommy story time
3:30 Outside play (park/garage/backyard)
5:00 Dinner
6:00 TV time
7:00 Shower
7:30 Family time/piano
8:30 Bedtime story
9:00 Good night kiddos
7:30 Wake up and play quietly
8:30 Make-your-own breakfast (with mommy)
9:00 Fun worksheets
10:00 Break (eat fruit and snack)
10:30 Park
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Academic screen time
1:00-3:00 Quiet time
(draw/craft/puzzle/board game/chess/play dough/lego/independent play)
3:00 Read
3:30 Writing
4:00 Outside play (backyard/garage)
5:00 Dinner
6:00 TV time
7:00 Shower
7:30 Family time/piano
8:30 Bedtime story
9:00 Good night kiddos