The most common answer I received when I asked what’s standing between you and your best mom life is that even though you really wanted to spend more carefree, happy moments with your kids, life gets in the way.
Responsibilities. Work.
And even though many of you would love to have a business/side hustle from home, you don’t think now the right time to start a business.
I get it. You’re worried about the economy. We see news about how the biggest recession is upon us. Big numbers of unemployment. No one knows when the pandemic is going to end.
But I’m sure you’ve also seen the other news - many online businesses are in fact, thriving.
In March, just as the world was going into lockdown, I launched my very first online program, #MomBossGoal Mentorship where I teach moms:
✅ How to build a business from scratch
✅ How to validate profitable ideas
✅ Create product that sells
✅ Build a system that works for your busy #momlife. Your business should continue to “serve and sell” to customers when you’re taking your kids to swimming lessons.
The program was not perfect when I launch. I had not finished filming all the training videos – but I did it and I generated over $25,000 in revenue. Not too bad right?
Not only that, my students are happy and making progress in their own business now.
If you’re interested to hear more about the program and how I did it while raising 3 kids from home, go to 👉🏻