With my hubby having to fly out of town last minute, sitting here alone, I truly felt Christmas has been cancelled for us both this year.
Then I started to look around and saw the three Christmas trees we put up together (yes you heard it right, three!), the Christmas village we had set up below our TV, the garland we hung around our door, all the snowmen dotted around our home and even our beloved festive teddies that always come out this time of the year!
We didn’t miss Christmas after all! Christmas isn’t just a day, it’s a feeling. It’s all the mess we made while decorating. It’s all the planning and feel-good moments leading up to the big day and of those, I’m so fortunate to have had so many!
Not to mention all the beautiful and heart-warming messages I have been receiving from all of you!
Christmas is those unfiltered moments where your heart is so full of joy and happiness it could burst and while we celebrate it on one specific day, the true celebration starts the day you get that warm fuzzy feeling inside!
And you know who totally agrees with me, @TheBodyShopSg!
The Body Shop will donate a portion of every transaction made offline and online in their official stores from November to December to support Daughters Of Tomorrow @daughtersoftomorrow, in helping underprivileged women on their back-to-work journeys to build financially independent and resilient families.
This is the Christmas spirit and this is the true meaning of Christmas, my friends!
Can you feel the Christmas magic already?
#MakeItRealTogether #giftwithapurpose #thebodyshopsg
fortunate meaning 在 葉慶元律師(葉狀師) Facebook 的最佳解答
昨天是美國共和黨參議員 John McCain(約翰.馬侃) 的告別式,舉辦在華盛頓國家大教堂(Washington National Cathedral)。
"President Bush and I are among the fortunate few who competed against John at the highest levels of politics. He made us better presidents."
"He concluded that the only way to really make his mark on the world is to commit to something bigger than yourself."
個人小記:馬侃是曾在越戰時被北越俘虜超過5年半的時間,再不斷被拷問的過程中,從來沒有為了個人利益而洩露國家機密。詳情可以看維基百科: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/約翰·麥凱恩
"In captivity, John learned, in ways that few of us ever will, the meaning of those words – how each moment, each day, each choice is a test. And John McCain passed that test – again and again and again. And that’s why, when John spoke of virtues like service, and duty, it didn’t ring hollow."
個人小記:維基百科上顯示 - 當馬侃抵達河內希爾頓後,他被監禁於一間小囚房裡,並且每天都會被審訊。由於馬侃拒絕向北越提供任何情報,他經常被拷打至失去意識為止。
"John understood, as JFK understood, as Ronald Reagan understood, that part of what makes our country great is that our membership is based not on our bloodline; not on what we look like, what our last names are. It’s not based on where our parents or grandparents came from, or how recently they arrived, but on adherence to a common creed: That all of us are created equal. Endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights."
"I’m sure it’s been noted that Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” oration seems tailored to John. Most of you know it: Roosevelt speaks of those who strive, who dare to do great things, who sometimes win and sometimes come up short, but always relish a good fight – a contrast to those cold, timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
個人小記:我第一次聽到Theodore Roosevelt的這篇"The man in the Arena"的演講是前行政院長陳冲先生跟我分享的。這是一篇非常啟發人心的致詞。全文如下:
It is not the critic who counts;
not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;
but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly,
so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
fortunate meaning 在 thefamily.uk Facebook 的精選貼文
Today we come to the final PART 3⃣ of #TheFatimahShow - DON’T WASTE FOOD!
So overall, what have we learned? Wasting food is BAD! Want to reduce waste but also help the needy? SHARE! Wasting food is not okay! Every meal we waste is somebody else’s meal, and that’s being thrown away carelessly! By sharing food with someone in need, you will be doing two good deeds, not wasting food and helping a fellow human.
Now, it’s good to share, but that doesn’t mean sharing the leftovers 😁 Those who need help are just like us, and they should be treated equally. Let them eat what we’re eating, not what we don’t want to eat.
“When Allah talks about giving to those who are in need of money, food, clothing, etc. in Surah Al-Isra, He doesn’t refer to it as ‘helping the poor’ or ‘giving charity to the poor’. Allah refers to this act as giving them what is their right and what they deserve. It is their right upon me and you and Allah is watching.” - Nouman Ali Khan
So to tackle the problems of food waste and scarce food sources in other situations, we share, right? If you know you have excess food, share it with the needy. Or as Dr Auntie suggested, sponsor a meal with PennyAppeal 🧡 Not only will you reduce waste, you will make someone else’s day too!
And keep in mind that these acts of goodness should not just be performed in the month of Ramadhan. They should be done all year round! It is only when you keep on doing it that you make it count.
At the end of the day, Ramadhan is not a festival of food. Never forget that the real meaning of Ramadhan is to remember those people who are less fortunate than us, not by celebrating it with an extensive amount of food.
But above all, remember! We are blessed every day! Look around us. The clothes we are wearing are a blessing, the house we live in is a blessing. Food is definitely a blessing, so we shouldn’t be throwing it away! The world itself is a blessing, so we must take care of it and its inhabitants. Reduce food waste, share with someone needy so that TOGETHER WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD!
Written by Omar Mukhtar The Pawsome Lion