Betty Apple & Nerve - 我呢世都唔會俾你
Boiler Room 4:3 發佈,
Video by: 吳汶憶
Track released at Y20Q1
Composed by Nerve and Betty Apple 倍帝愛波
lyric by Betty Apple
創作於去年5月香港我受 國藝會 贊助前往香港 Twenty Alpha 駐村一週與 Steve Ɲerve 一起發展的曲目。
那是一場大型社會運動的前夕。以1991年粵語流行禁歌《皇后大道東》中「色即是空,空即是色」的 sample 為起點。
It was created in Hong Kong in May 2018, on the eve of the protests. Created from a sample of a banned Cantopop song "Queen's Road East" from the 90s:
"Form is void and void is form".
Whisper from a flaming red cloth body:
"I will give you back your things in a moment"
and continue coldly:
"I will not be giving you your things back in this life", "Even if i didn't have you in my life"
Seeing the end of "Form is void and void is form" when she was turning her head. On the Queen's Road East, at the turn of the century.
#DISSOLUTE #SteveNerve #BettyApple #fourthreeboilerroom