Hello friends I’m also having a booth at the bazaar so I could help my mom with her medication bills. My mom needs pain meds + supplements every month for her leg (which is weak too, she can’t walk or stand long) 🩺💊
She loves to do crafts 🧵🧶 👩🏻🎨 & deco things so I am selling her handmade items such as cactus crochets, decorated airplants, gardening/kitchen aprons! She’s there to explain & sell too so say hello to Mama Cat if u r coming🐱
(All the sale $$ here will be given to her)
I’m also selling some easy to care & cool indoor plants and Nordic cement pots! Limited in quantity but you can find uncommon snakeplants, cactuses, and (not sure what else I can throw in from my balcony!). If my monsteras in water is ready, I would love to sell them here too. U can continue to keep them in water vase for up to a year like me! 🌱🌵
I’m giving away 100 snakeplants to person who visit our plant giveaway x bazaar this Sat 15/8 @ 11am - 5pm. There will be plastic plant pots for sale if u want to buy and pot them right away. Do head to the reporting station to buy a mix soil to repot your free 🐍plant
I’m also propagating lots of easy to care indoor plants that you can bring back home and grow into a big happy family yourself. Especially for beginners, plant hydroponics (water instead of soil) is a cool way to deco your desk / window and build your confidence and love towards plants! ❤️
U can find Golden Pothos, Neon Pothos, Cylindrica Snakeplants, Syngoniums (Arrowhead Plants), some Scindapsus Exotica and Monstera Adansonii cuttings rooted in water to bring back 🌱
🚨 Just make sure your bring your own recyling bag or box to carry all these things at the plant giveaway x bazaar! Recycling & zero waste pls!