我和 XREX 共同創辦人兼營收長 Winston Hsiao 正在 外貿協會 TAITRA 舉辦的 DATE Summit,分享 XREX 的理念與未來金融觀點,現正直播中!
今年DATE 邀請來自全球10個國家超過25位企業菁英,10小時接力演說,帶給您全新的數位經濟趨勢及勾勒「全球數位生態系」嶄新樣貌!
今天的序幕由 #貿協 董事長黃志芳及晶華酒店集團董事長潘思亮的重磅對談展開,探討在 #疫情 海嘯第一排的飯店業如何以創新商模突破重圍,接著更將帶領大家馳騁於 #未來金融 永續投資以及 #創新商模 於新常態生活的想像。
★ Session 1 -未來金融 科技賦能實現永續投資願景
1. 陳亭如/悠遊卡/董事長
From Transit to Life: The Digital Journey of Easy Card
2. Ketan Samani/開發金控/數位長
Future of Finance
3. Nick Pollard/ CFA Institute/Managing Director
Fintech in Disruptive New Business Model
4. Gary Zee/LSEG+Refinitiv/ General Manager, Refinitiv Taiwan
Sustainable Finance-Turning the Art of ESG into Science
5. Arthur Chen/Vpon/ COO
Accelerating Digital Transformation in the New Normal
6. Wayne Huang & Winston Hsiao/XREX/ Founder & CRO
Socially-Enabled Inclusive Financial Access
★ Session 2-創新實驗,新常態後的生活想像
1. 魏國章/MIH/技術長
Digital Transformation and MIH Open EV Alliance
2. 陳泰成/LINE TAXI/執行長
Digital Transformation in the pandemic
3. Mark Peterman/AIR FOM/CEO
Post Pandemic Reality: The climate crisis, and mobility
4. 陳昱珊/Pinkoi/台灣總經理
5. Victor Chow/3 SQUARE/創辦人
Cloud kitchen for sustainability and profitability
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過173的網紅電扶梯走左邊 Jacky,也在其Youtube影片中提到,✨本集來賓:James Hu - CEO & founder / Jobscan.co https://www.linkedin.com/in/jameshujobscan/ - 成績不好也能創業成功當上老闆,只要開始努力都不算晚,謹記成功還是失敗都是自己的 | Grades don’t dete...
「future of finance」的推薦目錄:
- 關於future of finance 在 黃耀文 Wayne Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於future of finance 在 Taiwan Startup Stadium 台灣新創競技場 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於future of finance 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於future of finance 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於future of finance 在 RagaFinance財經台 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於future of finance 在 RagaFinance財經台 Youtube 的精選貼文
future of finance 在 Taiwan Startup Stadium 台灣新創競技場 Facebook 的精選貼文
Taipei Innovation Summit is now live!!
Find out what the panelists have to say about the future of finance.
Taipei Entrepreneurs Hub 台北創業幫
#digitaltransformation #innovation #taipei #taiwan #startup #corporate #goglobal #online #forum #softlanding #corporates #startups #fintech #smartretail #livestream
future of finance 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
美國在台協會將於國際教育週慶祝11月15日「傅爾布萊特台灣日」。未來更多活動資訊請追蹤AIT臉書專頁。了解更多: http://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/the-75th-anniversary-of-fulbright-zh/
Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會
Please join AIT to celebrate the Fulbright Program’s 75th Anniversary! The Fulbright Program is the United States government’s flagship international educational and cultural exchange program. Since its establishment, the Fulbright Program has given more than 400,000 students, scholars, teachers, artists and scientists the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research. In Taiwan, Fulbright has sent more than 2,000 Taiwan grantees to the U.S. and brought more than 2,000 U.S. grantees to Taiwan.
Fulbright alumni have achieved distinction in many fields, and include 60 Nobel Prize recipients, 89 Pulitzer Prize winners, and 39 who have served as a head of state or central government. In Taiwan, the Fulbright alumni list reads like a who’s who in various sectors, including former Vice Premier and Minister of Finance Paul Chiu, former Interior and Education Minister YEH Jiunn-Rong, Vice President of Shin-Kong Bank LEE Jih-Chu, former VP of Goldman Sachs SUNG Hsueh-Jen, founder of Cloud Gate Dance Theater LIN Hwai-Min, Director of the National Performing Arts Center JU Tzong-Ching, and National Policy Advisor to the President Dr. WU Jing-Jyi.
AIT will celebrate the “Fulbright Taiwan Day” on November 15. Please follow AIT’s Facebook for more future events. Learn more about Fulbright program: http://www.ait.org.tw/the-75th-anniversary-of-fulbright/
Fulbright Taiwan 學術交流基金會
future of finance 在 電扶梯走左邊 Jacky Youtube 的最佳貼文
✨本集來賓:James Hu - CEO & founder / Jobscan.co
- 成績不好也能創業成功當上老闆,只要開始努力都不算晚,謹記成功還是失敗都是自己的 | Grades don’t determine your future, your attitude does.
- 自省的力量:有策略的努力,比低頭苦幹更重要!| Importance of self introspection, work hard with the big picture direction in mind
- 創業家最強大的武器-大於常人的動機 | Motivations of an entrepreneur
- 使用者是你最重要的投資人 | Your customers are your most important investors
- 冥想、Think Week ,你能每天靜下十分鐘思考嗎 | Meditation, think week, 10 minutes a day
- 凡事先開始才有以後 | Do things that don’t scale
📚 Books Mentioned:
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad 富爸爸·窮爸爸
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 與成功有約
我們每集都會辦抽書活動,記得 follow 我們 🤩
IG: https://www.instagram.com/leftsideescalator.jacky/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/LeftSideEscalator.Jacky/
(00:01:15) 用三個字形容自己 | 3 words describe yourself
(00:02:26) 求學過程 沒考上 再花兩年轉學進夢想大學 | Not getting into school wanted, 2 year journey to transfer
(00:04:15) 成績不行 靠工作經驗來補 | Work experiences to compensate bad grades
(00:04:50) 免費工作 只為了零售轉白領 | Working for free to learn a skill
(00:05:46) 不屈不饒的申請Microsoft實習 | Getting internship at Microsoft
(00:07:10) 學校帶給你的無形幫助 | Intangibles learned in school
(00:08:06) 終於進到Microsoft | Finally getting into Microsoft
(00:08:24) 2008金融風暴 Microsoft解僱五千人 | Then getting laid off
(00:09:36) 因為「富爸爸窮爸爸」 23歲就買房子 開啟投資理財之路 | Buying a house at 23, jounrey of finance
(00:11:33) 又回Microsoft 但薪水少1/3 | Taking a big pay cut
(00:12:07) 2010 從西雅圖到北京 | Seattle to Beijing
(00:12:58) 白天全職Groupon 晚上創業 | 2 jobs
(00:13:51) 土法煉鋼 做出「我搭車」App | Brute force ride sharing start up
(00:15:22) 贏得北京Startup Weekend 第二屆 第二名 | Second place at Beijing startup competition
(00:16:08) 創業最困難的挫折 | Hardest thing of doing start ups
(00:17:35) 沒有完善的商業模式 努力兩年最終結束創業 | Closing up the company
(00:20:13) 創業應該找好朋友還是單純夥伴 | Friend & business partner
(00:21:18) 美國創業 vs. 中國創業的差別 | Doing a startUp in US vs China
(00:22:48) 山寨和原創之間 | Imitation vs original
(00:24:21) 意外60天二度創業 JobScan | 60 days to start second start up
(00:26:27) 先求有再求好 | Do things that don’t scale
(00:28:24) 成功融資帶來的錯覺 | Illusion of success from fundraising
(00:31:27) 創業會選擇做大規模 還是單純有被動收入 | Going big or revenue
(00:33:48) 當你真心渴望 全宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你 | Being resourceful
(00:36:45) 聘請員工 高薪不是重點 | You don’t need to pay more for better talent
(00:39:26) 創業家視角:十年以後 | 10 year vision in entrepreneurship
(00:40:37) 進不了大學產生的人生理念 | Life views since not getting into desired college
(00:41:51) 最近的好習慣:十分鐘冥想 | 10 minutes meditation
(00:44:15) 慢慢來 比較快 | Slowing down is faster
(00:46:56) 時間管理 沒有大師 | Time management
(00:48:12) 效仿比爾蓋茲的Think Week | Bill Gates’s think week
(00:52:48) 面對家人離世仍保持正向 | Positive attitude despite family loss
(00:57:19) 對快樂的定義 | Definition of happiness
(00:58:56) 十年終於放了自己一年大假 | One year sabbatical after

future of finance 在 RagaFinance財經台 Youtube 的最佳貼文
主持:沈振盈 (沈大師)、小兵 - 嘉賓主持:康年 - 嘉賓:Global x ETFs 銷售、副總裁 -- 鍾駿 (Stephen)
成為 RF 鐵粉團的一分子!只需港幣 $40 一個月,即享獨家影片及專屬貼圖優惠!
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?是日焚道 - Everyday's Vin! Patreon ?
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Ragazine : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5DWcqCjBne2-wRnrjxkuHQ?sub_confirmation=1
Raga Finance: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCETuQf4lzTrfevoHdSGo8Ew?sub_confirmation=1
#RagaFinance #3058 #3050 #未來資產香港
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免責聲明:《Raga Finance》竭力提供準確資訊,惟不保證絕對無誤,資訊如有錯漏而令閣下蒙受損失(不論公司是否與侵權行為、訂立契約或其他方面有關),本公司概不負責。
同時,《Raga Finance》所提供之投資分析技巧與建議,只可作為參考之用,並不構成要約、招攬、邀請、誘使、任何不論種類或形式之申述或訂立任何建議及推薦,讀者務請運用個人獨立思考能力自行作出投資決定,如因相關建議招致損失,概與《Raga Finance》主持、嘉賓、編輯及記者無關。
同時,《Raga Finance》所有節目或資訊,相關內容屬作者個人意見,並不代表《Raga Finance》立場。
Raga Finance
網址: www.ragafinance.com

future of finance 在 RagaFinance財經台 Youtube 的精選貼文
成為 RF 鐵粉團的一分子!只需港幣 $40 一個月,即享獨家影片及專屬貼圖優惠!
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RagaFinance Facebook:
?是日焚道 - Everyday's Vin! Patreon ?
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Ragazine : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5DWcqCjBne2-wRnrjxkuHQ?sub_confirmation=1
Raga Finance: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCETuQf4lzTrfevoHdSGo8Ew?sub_confirmation=1
#美國十年債息 #黃金 #樓市
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The information is for information purposes only and does not, constitute any recommendations, offer or solicitation to buy sell or subscribe to any securities or financial instruments in any jurisdiction. Investment involves risk. It cannot be guaranteed that the performance of the Product will generate a return and there may be circumstances where no return is generated or the amount invested is lost. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Before making any investment decision to invest in the Product, investors should read the Product’s prospectus for details and the risk factors. Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with the Product and should also consider their own investment objective and risk tolerance level. Investors are advised to seek independent professional advice before making any investments. Certain information is compiled from third party sources. Whilst Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited (“Mirae Asset HK”), the Manager of the Product, has, to the best of its endeavor, ensured that such, information is accurate, complete and up-to-date, and has taken care in accurately reproducing the information. Mirae Asset HK accepts no liability for, any loss or damage of any kind resulting out of the any loss or damage of any kind resulting out of the unauthorized use of the information. The Products are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by their index providers. For details of an index provider including any disclaimer, please refer to the relevant Product’s offering documents. The contents of this information is prepared and maintained by Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited and has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong.
免責聲明:《Raga Finance》竭力提供準確資訊,惟不保證絕對無誤,資訊如有錯漏而令閣下蒙受損失(不論公司是否與侵權行為、訂立契約或其他方面有關),本公司概不負責。
同時,《Raga Finance》所提供之投資分析技巧與建議,只可作為參考之用,並不構成要約、招攬、邀請、誘使、任何不論種類或形式之申述或訂立任何建議及推薦,讀者務請運用個人獨立思考能力自行作出投資決定,如因相關建議招致損失,概與《Raga Finance》主持、嘉賓、編輯及記者無關。
同時,《Raga Finance》所有節目或資訊,相關內容屬作者個人意見,並不代表《Raga Finance》立場。
Raga Finance
網址: www.ragafinance.com

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