今期係Wine Luxe月刊 嘅酒專欄「女生主導的葡萄酒」,可能我係女生,我對於女生主導嘅葡萄酒尤其支持!分享咗2個我好欣賞嘅女士,包括意大利名酒莊Gaia 的下一代女當家Gaia Gaia 及阿根廷得獎釀酒師兼莊主Susana Balbo的葡萄酒!祝3.8婦女節快樂!🍷
My wine column in Wine Luxe magazine sharing "Leading Ladies in Wine". I always support the wines that are produced by female winemakers in supporting girl power!So, I've shared 2 of my respected ladies in wine here, including Gaia Gaja, the next generation of the famous Italian wine Gaja and Susana Balbo, the wine maker of award winning wines of Susana Balbo! Cheers to all ladies & happy International Women's Day tomorrow!
#wineluxe #wine #ladyinwine #girlpower #gaja #gaiagaja #susanabalbo #altayahk #womensday
gaiagaja 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最讚貼文
Gaja係意大利嘅Lafite! 好開心又同Gaia Gaja見面(莊主嘅女),佢講佢爸爸對自己理念嘅堅持,一路都唔用專家, 直到氣侯妀變太大,Gaia説服咗爸爸搵唔同専家去用自然嘅方法去應付氣侯嘅變遷,2013年係佢地突破嘅紀念年!好開心可以試到!呢晚嘅白酒我鍾意Gaia & Rey2013! 呢晚紅酒我鍾意Sori San Lorenzo 2013!
Gaja is Italy's lafite! I'm very happy to meet Gaia Gaja again! She told us about his father's philosophy & keeping in his own faith, so he never hires any consultants! Until d climate change is getting serious, he starts to take d suggestion of Gaia & his children to invite consultants to work on the natural method to fight against the climate change. 2013 is a critical year to celebrate the change and it's an innovative year! For white wine, I like Gaia & Rey2013 more! For red wine, I like Sori San Lorenzo 2013!
#wine #winetasting #gaja #italianwine #altaya #gaiagaja