”關於性別數據落差很重要的一點,就是一般來說並非惡意或是故意的,事實跟這些相反。這是一個數千年下來慣性思考觀點的結果,是一種不用刻意去思考的預設立場 ..因為當我們一般說到“人類”,我們預設的是男性”
(One of the most important things to say about the gender data gap is that it is not generally malicious, or even deliberate. Quite the opposite. It is simply the product of a way of thinking that has been around for millennia and is therefore a kind of not thinking... Because when we say human, on the whole, we mean man.)
這本書最重要的觀點,是當世界大部分的事物,包括物品,醫療,制度等等,以男性為預設立場來設計時,即便並非刻意的排擠,但因著男女需求的不同,自然產生了排擠作用。而女性在這些沒有考慮到他們需求的設計中,產生的效果就會打折,然後就會加強 “女性比較弱,比較麻煩” 的既有刻板印象。大家可以想像當你在做一個市場調查時,如果一個客群佔50 %,甚至超過一點點,我們還會把它看成 “特例”,或是 “利基市場” 嗎?
本書作者身為經濟學家,把這些社會科學所能找尋到的各種數據,做了一個相當完整的呈現。有很多甚至連我自己身為女性都不知道的。以心臟病為例,書中講到我們大部分人想到的症狀,是所謂 “好萊塢式的心臟病” ,就是我們常常在電視電影當中看到一個人,痛苦地捂著胸口。但書中講到有不少的一部分女性,他們心臟病發的症狀不是胸口痛,反而是腹部的一些不適或是頭暈,因著這些數據相對不被重視,不少的女性因為這樣而錯失搶救的先機了。
建議大家在讀這本書的時候,試著拋開我們在台灣的經驗,因為在很多的例子當中,身在台灣的我們可能不太容易想像 (包括落後國家女性沒有安全的廁所,女性難民受到的暴力威脅,等等)。作者在許多的訪談章中常舉一個例子(書中也有寫):相較於男廁,女廁總是大排長龍,這背後的設計表面上看似公平,但仔細分析起來卻不見得是如此。這一段相信所有的女生讀了,都可以感同身受。
作者最後用一個很有趣的例子,來說明納入女性的觀點和數據,如何帶來突破。1997 年,在美國康乃爾大學有一場數學論壇,學者們試著要將數學理論上的雙曲空間在實體事件能夠展現出來。在場男性的數學家試著用紙張折出這些曲面 (很難吧)。一名從拉脫維亞來的女數學家 Daina Tamina靈光一現,立刻開始用打毛線做出針織作品,成功的將理論上的雙曲空間,用實體的方式呈現。當這個被歸類為女性化的經驗,在一個被歸類為男性化的數學學界中,帶出截然不同的視角時,新的一條路就這麼走出來了。
雖然這個世界還有很大的進步空間可以更加的包容,但我是抱持著正面的態度。當家中五歲小男孩看見我這本書的封面時,立刻問我 “為什麼上面沒有女生?” ,我給他看書的封面設計,女性圖像是隱藏的,並跟他解釋這本書就是在說明這件事。他似懂非懂的問“為什麼會隱形呢?應該大家都要在上面”
#InvisibleWomen #CarolineCriadoPerez #Datascience #BigData #被隱形的女性 #大數據 #社會科學
gender data gap 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
AIT經濟官盧毅濤(Phillip Loosli)和台灣國際影視基金會執行長朱程吾昨天在《復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰》的首映會上,提醒觀眾千萬不要非法下載電影,否則會讓浩克抓狂!你知道今天是世界智慧財產權日嗎?今年慶祝的是女性的智慧、才能、勇氣、與好奇心,她們為世界帶來改變,並塑造我們共同的未來。幾乎每個產業都十分仰賴智慧財產權,也支持智慧財產權,特別是為數眾多的中小型新創公司。不過根據統計,女性對智慧財產權系統的使用比男性少得多,你覺得應該如何縮小這樣的差距?#WorldIntellectualPropertyDay #尊重智慧財產權
AIT Economic Officer Phillip Loosli and Motion Picture Association Representative Jonathan Chu reminded audience members at the Avengers 3 premiere today not to illegally download movies -- or you will make Hulk mad! Did you know that today is the World Intellectual Property Day? This year we are celebrating the brilliance, ingenuity, curiosity, and courage of the women who are driving change in our world and shaping our common future. Virtually every industry relies upon and supports IP rights, especially small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs), which represent the vast majority of new businesses. But data show that fewer women than men are using the intellectual property system. What can we do to narrow the gender gap?
gender data gap 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
Our Next ‘Beijing Moment’: Achieving Gender Equality by 2030
看更多詳情請至: http://blogs.state.gov/…/our-next-beijing-moment-achieving-…
Twenty years ago, tens of thousands of people gathered in Beijing for the Fourth World Conference on Women, where 189 governments made significant commitments to advance gender equality and the empowerment of all women, everywhere. As we reflect back on the unprecedented progress to translate the Beijing Platform for Action into concrete actions, this year’s 20th anniversary and the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women offer an opportunity for us to look at how far we’ve come to advance gender equality, both here in the United States and around the world.
We have made concrete progress when it comes to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particularly in areas of health and education: the rate of maternal mortality has almost halved, and the global gender gap in primary school enrollment is nearly closed. But as much as this is a moment to celebrate shared progress, it’s also a moment to realize our shared responsibility for moving forward: when it comes to fully achieving gender equality, the data, as clearly demonstrated by former Secretary Clinton’s launch of the Full Participation Report this week, show we are “not there yet.”
To realize any of these goals, women and girls must be at the core of the development agenda. Greater gender equality means better outcomes for everyone. Girls’ attendance in formal school during adolescence is correlated with later marriage, later childbearing, decreased fertility rates, and lower rates of HIV/AIDS. Education is not the only game-changer: when the number of women involved in political decision-making reaches a critical mass, their decisions lead to more inclusive results. And simply by empowering women farmers with the same access to land, new technologies, and capital as men, crop yields can increase by as much as 30 percent and feed an additional 150 million people. When we invest in women and girls, we see a ripple effect on her individual potential, as well as the potential of her family, her community, and entire society.
See more at: http://blogs.state.gov/…/our-next-beijing-moment-achieving-…