Just a note: Do not create your Lazada account with fb or any other associated account, only with your phone number.
Ain’t familiar with online shopping until I had to due to MCO lockdown.
My biggest order ever was cancelled recently by the seller. Lazada sent me an email saying the near RM800 has been refunded into my Lazada e wallet. To use it, I must activate my e wallet.
The activation process requires phone number verification. Mine was rejected for reason of the same number is associated with another account.
This account is created using my fb account. Hence I checked and realise I did create another account last year with my phone number. I’ve forgotten about it.
I tried deleting that account. Nope. Lazada doesn’t allow anyone to delete account.
I tried disassociating my phone number from that account. Nope. No way to do that.
I tried associating that account with my fb account hoping the system will trace the new account and somehow give me option to combine them. Nope. That can’t be done. Eror message clash my Lazada app.
Lazada has put my money in a place where I can’t touch it. Only if they ask me before they did that. Sigh.
Called the customer service as suggested by a friend who has a friend working in Lazada.
Conclusion: (I came up with) I have to get a new phone number in order to activate the e wallet which has 800 refunded cash.
Reason: No one can delete any Lazada account. Even if they do it for me, the backend will still associate my phone number with the old account and disallow any other account to sync with that number.
(Does that mean if my new number is previously own by someone who did have a Lazada account, I can’t use that number in Lazada? Let’s hope my new number is not recycled. )
My only solution: spend money to buy a prepaid card to activate this e wallet. Get the money out and forever not use the fb associated Lazada account cause I don’t want to maintain two phone numbers.
My suggestion to Lazada : (as expressed to the customer service personnel) Lazada should only allow account creation with phone number. Creating account with fb or google account should be banned or at least be conditional — only when phone number is provided and verified.
This is a big technical glitch.
My decision: As above. My first agenda on 4/5 now is to get a prepaid SIM card. Get my money out and forever ban Lazada.
Got an email after, hoping that I’m happy with the outcome, but with a note warning me not to reply to the email cause my case is closed.
If you’re doing internet business, take this as a lesson.