【澳洲生活】不知道大家昨天聖誕節過得如何呢?🎄 有在跟蹤我的 IG 或 FB 的現實動態朋友,昨天一定看到我 po 一堆火雞照片😆💕
一早起來 York 就趕快把還在解凍的火雞泡在水裡💧 原因是一公斤的火雞需要13小時解凍,代表 4.5KG需要 兩天半的時間😅 我們完全低估了解凍的時間,搞到中午十二點才開始準備火雞🕛
這次是參考名廚戈登拉姆齊(Gordon Ramsay)的烤法🦃 有興趣的人可以直接點連結↪ https://youtu.be/e5PFXhdfVT8 🎬 原來火雞皮底下要放奶油才會嫩啊~😆
紐西蘭大學朋友帶了自製巧克力布朗尼以及美祿果凍🍰🍪 配上紅酒,完全就是完美的一餐🍷 再加上這天照片都拍的很完美📸 老娘(不敢自稱本小姐了)很滿意😏💕 明天就要回去上班了... 歡樂假期總是特別短暫啊~😅 #聖誕節 #xmas #澳洲生活
How's Christmas everyone?🎄 For those who followed my IG & FB stories, you must've been bombarded with my turkey videos😛
York woke up early in the morning & started cooking turkey🦃 Did you know 1Kg of turkey requires 13 hours of defrosting?❄️ Meaning our 4.5KG turkey should've been placed in fridge 2.5 days ago😅 Luckily we could still put the stuffing in before the dinner at 6pm🕕
The recipe for the turkey was inspired by Gordon Ramsey, YouTube clip here↪ https://youtu.be/e5PFXhdfVT8 🎬 Didn't realize you have to put butter underneath the skin?! So turkey will be more tender😋
Our friends brought us some home-made brownies and Milo jelly🍪🍰 Perfect way to end the night when matched with good wines 🍷 Plus I got some amazing Xmas photos😆 Super satisfied 💕