新加坡去年全年經濟萎縮5.8% https://www.zaobao.com/zfinance/realtime/story20210104-1113615?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
錄音揭川普施壓喬治亞州高官「找選票」改變選舉成績 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20210104-1113621?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 美國民主黨領袖佩洛西星期天(3日)以216票的微弱優勢當選眾議院議長;眾議院共和黨領袖麥卡錫獲得209票。佩洛西只羸了七票。
佩洛西微弱多數再次當選美國眾議院議長 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20210104-1113611?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 中國出現首起B.1.1.7變種冠病病毒案例,引發外界關注該病毒在中國的傳播風險,但抗疫專家張文宏送上定心丸,強調患者症狀非常輕微,並預測如果全球有一半的人口接種,疫情會在今年中出現拐點。
中國抗疫專家張文宏:若全球半數人口接種疫情年中現拐點 https://www.zaobao.com/znews/greater-china/story20210104-1113529?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 中國疾病預防控制中心指出,中國疫苗2011年和2014年分別通過世界衛生組織對國家疫苗監管體系中不良反應監測部分的能力評估,疫苗不良反應各項監測指標達到或超過世界衛生組織的評估標準。
中疾控:中國疫苗不良反應監測指標已達或超世衛標準 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/china/story20210104-1113640?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
大陸昨天新增33例確診病例 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/china/story20210104-1113639?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 《泰晤士報》:蘇格蘭將從週一(4日)起進入全面封鎖狀態,此次封鎖預計可能會持續到春季結束。
蘇格蘭擬4日起全面封鎖 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20210104-1113637?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 法新社:多位跨黨派美國前國防部長卡特、潘內塔、佩里、錢尼、科恩、蓋茲,黑格爾、馬蒂斯和埃斯珀,星期天(3日)聯名在《華盛頓郵報》發表一篇文章,敦促五角大樓致力於確保和平的政權過渡。
美國多位前防長警告軍方不得介入政權移交 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20210104-1113634?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 韓國中央防疫對策本部週一(4日)通報,截至當天零時,韓國較前一天零時新增冠病確診病例1020起,累計確診6萬4264起。
韓國時隔三天冠病確診病例再破千 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20210104-1113625?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 中國三大電信公司被紐約證券交易所摘牌後,該國的三大石油巨頭也可能面臨同樣的命運。
彭博行業研究分析師Henik Fung認為,中國最大的海上石油生產商中海油可能風險最大,因該公司在五角大樓黑名單上。他說,中國石油和中國石化也可能受到威脅,因能源行業對中國軍方至關重要。
在美上市的中國油業巨頭恐被摘牌 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/china/story20210104-1113620?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 美國「極速行動」冠病疫苗計劃負責人考慮只為每名接種者提供半劑量的莫德納冠病疫苗,以便讓更多人可以至少對冠病產生一些免疫力。
《紐約時報》:極速行動項目首席官員蒙塞夫斯勞伊(Moncef Slaoui)星期天(3日)提出,將注射劑量減半使接種人數增加一倍的做法。
美考慮僅提供半劑量莫德納疫苗以增加接種人數 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20210104-1113613?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 【瑞典媒體:愛立信施壓瑞典政府取消對華為禁令】
* 【學者:北京今年料進一步加強對港管制】
* 【港高校調查:近90%高中生對政府無信心】香港中文大學日前進行的一場針對當地高中生的調查顯示,近90%受訪者對香港政府沒有信心。學者指出這已經給港府拉響警報,需要設法修補政府與學生之間的關係。
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過255萬的網紅相信音樂BinMusic,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Mayday An influential rock band from Taiwan. With footprints covering Asia, the US, Europe, Australia and other regions, Mayday occupies an unshakable...
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I have recently perused Nicholas Kristof’s NYT piece “China’s Man in Washington, Named Trump”(https://nyti.ms/3h2JXh8). One paragraph in particular caught my attention: “A joke in China suggests that Trump’s Chinese name is Chuan Jianguo, or “Build-the-Country Trump.” That’s because Build-the-Country is a common revolutionary name among Communist patriots, and it’s mockingly suggested that Trump’s misrule of the United States is actually bolstering Xi’s regime.”
Kristoff also avows that since Trump’s ascension to presidency, the American nation became highly polarized. This is reflected in the current administration’s policies on climate change, foreign relations with established U.S. allies, and COVID-19 prevention, all of which are rather ineffective. It also seems like Mr. Trump and his team diverged from the traditional priorities, including promoting free trade, human rights, and other quintessentially American values. As described thoroughly by John Bolton, all these factors contributed to the declining standing of the U.S. in global politics.
What is more, many people fall prey to CCP’s propaganda and its interpretations of Trump’s actions, which only enhances China’s reputation.
But that might not exactly be the case.
The CCP apparently failed to utilize the window of opportunity created by the ineptness of the Trump administration, as China could have grown to the position of a leader by filling in the void left by the U.S.
During the 2016 APEC Ministerial Meeting in Lima, Peru, Xi Jinping and his team actively supported the plans to establish the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific, or FTAAP. In contrast, the United States withdrew its signature from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in early 2017. Coupled with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB), this move bolstered China’s capacity to influence global investments and trade, high-tech mergers and acquisitions, and, overall, expand its geostrategic influence on the entire globe.
At the same time, various propaganda films about great power competition, military industry, and science and technology surged all at once, and gained remarkable following around the world.
All this provided a window of opportunity for the CCP to slowly change its course. Around the same time, the distrust for POTUS among U.S. allies’ reached its apex. According to polls conducted by the Pew Research Center, the distrust for the U.S. president in the U.K. reached 75%, 72% in Japan, 70% in Australia, and stunning 86% in France.
Had the C.C.P,. begun to open up at that time, or at least resumed the governance style of the Hu-Wen administration, it could have reaped the benefits of promoting liberalism where the U.S. failed to deliver. It was the time for Beijing to gradually enhance freedom of speech domestically, pursue sustainable infrastructural projects, gradually reform unfair barriers to trade, transform its S.O.E.s, strengthen protections for private ownership, and vitalize its start-ups and enterprises.
Moreover, were China to cease the genocide in East Turkestan and refrain from cracking down on Hong Kong's semi-autonomy, it would have greatly enhanced its global international image. Additionally, if paired with slow but steady reforms, Beijing’s respect for sovereignty of its peoples would have attracted a large amount of foreign investment, which in turn would have continued to buttress the country’s growth.
It is China prerogative to remain idle.
It might still be possible for Chinese “Dream” to come true.
Yet, a historic window of opportunity is now closed.
Xi assumed the tools of proscribing and stalling, which are completely antithetical to the aforementioned window of opportunity.
Today, China is more authoritarian, less flexible, and fully deprived of horizontal accountability. Its reliance on wolf warrior diplomacy backfired: for example, the Swedish parliament sought to expel the Chinese ambassador to Stockholm. Also, Prague, the capital of Czechia, terminated its sister-city agreement with Shanghai and instead signed a new one with Taipei. Last but not least, we ought not to forget about the recent fiasco in the relations with the United States who ordered the shutdown of China’s consulate in Houston. All of this took its toll on China’s reputation.
Its international standing and inability to replace the U.S. as the major global power are not the only issues China is currently facing.
As it experiences multiple domestic and international shocks, China struggles to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and tame the disastrous floods of Yangtze River. The swarm of locusts of biblical proportions is also crippling Beijing’s institutional capacity and may soon lead to food shortages. In fact, the precarity of food supply further diminishes the level of trust for Chinese authorities.
In 2019, the Pew Research Center conducted a public opinion survey to examine the international views of China. In the U.S., Argentina, the U.K., Canada, Germany, and Ukraine, only about 30% of respondents claim a favorable view of China.
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages in the U.S., as many as 73% of U.S. respondents view China unfavorably.
Recently, the C.C.P. is losing its focus by continuously shifting targets. In fact, I believe there is no need for the C.C.P.to rely on nationalistic appeals, since in this new century values, business relations, and fair competition are all far more important than greater than delusive blood ties.
China lies only 130 kilometers away from us. Of course, we welcome dialogue and seek to avoid misjudgments. But we also distinguish between the C.C.P. and China. While we do welcome dialogue, but we will not be coerced to talk under unjust preconditions or in fear.
The only fair prerequisites are those of reciprocity, mutual respect as well as fairness and openness with respect for the rule of law.
Source: Pew Research Center
這曾經是中共慢慢轉向的一個機會之窗。彼時(2017)美國盟友對美國總統的不信任度達到歷史新高,根據皮尤研究中心的資訊,英國對於美國總統的不信任度達到75%、日本72% 澳洲70% 法國更高達86%
根據皮尤研究中心:Pew Research Center2019調查各國對中國的喜好度,美國、阿根廷、英國、加拿大、德國、烏克蘭等,對於中國的喜好度都在30%上下
資料來源:皮尤研究中心:Pew Research Center
greater china中文 在 千錯萬錯,柯神不會有錯!爹親娘親,不如小英主席親! Facebook 的最佳解答
Eli Clifton 挖挖挖。
以下中文新聞內容轉自 旺報:
華府智庫昆西治安研究所(Quincy Institute)民主外交政策計畫執行人克里夫頓(Eli Clifton)於17日發表《台灣金援智庫:無所不在但很少揭露》(Taiwan funding of think tanks: Omnipresent and rarely disclosed)一文指出,台灣金援了美國五大智庫,促使這些智庫向美國執政者建言,做出有利於台灣綠營執政政府的美國政策。該文發出後,台北經濟文化代表處政治組組長趙怡翔緊急在推特上指出,該文有錯失之處,且並未向台北經濟文化代表處查證置評。
而新美國安全中心向華盛頓提供有關2020年《中國崛起的挑戰》報告時,敦促美國決策者優先考慮與台灣的雙邊投資和貿易協定;CSIS在5月發表前美國駐港澳總領事唐偉康(Kurt Tong)的文章,其中主張美台達成貿易協定,將能加強美國在亞洲領導地位。
Taiwan funding of think tanks: Omnipresent and rarely disclosed
Why not disclose?
Hudson may be the most extreme in its policy proposals, but the consistent behavior from the five think tanks is unmistakable: General support funding from Taiwan’s government is never disclosed when experts, whose salaries may well be partially funded by TECRO dollars, offer policy recommendations regarding U.S.-Taiwan relations.
“My philosophy is that if you’re producing any report, you should put right up front in an acknowledgment section that lists the specific funders, including general-support funders, that helped make this report possible and list any potential conflict of interest with the funders,” said Freeman of the Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative. “Let the reader judge for themself whether there’s a conflict of interest.”
Though the appearance or possibility of a conflict of interest does not mean that the funding flows from Taiwan influenced the work products produced by the think tanks, the decision not to prominently disclose the funding may undermine otherwise valuable analysis and policy proposals.
“It seems like because they hid it, they have something to hide,” said Freeman. “When the public trust in government is at all-time lows and people think D.C. is so corrupt, it’s even more important for think tanks and think tank scholars to put this information out there and try and restore the trust of the American public.”
Indeed, as acceptance of a cold war posture toward China becomes ever more accepted as a foregone conclusion by Washington influencers, one of them actually highlighted the danger of foreign funding going largely undisclosed.
CNAS’s 2020 report that advocated for a U.S.-Taiwan trade agreement warned of think tanks receiving “substantial funding from Beijing that is often targeted at shaping views and discourse on China.” CNAS recommended “higher degrees of transparency” to help “ensure that this funding is not generating hidden forms of foreign lobbying, self-censorship, or other activities that undermine core U.S. democratic principles.”
That self-awareness about the potential influence of foreign funding, and the ethical arguments for greater transparency, does not appear to extend to the omnipresent funding stream from Taipei to think tanks across the Beltway.
greater china中文 在 相信音樂BinMusic Youtube 的最讚貼文
An influential rock band from Taiwan.
With footprints covering Asia, the US, Europe, Australia and other regions, Mayday occupies an unshakable star position in the heart of Asian music fans.
In the 13 years since their first public appearance, Mayday has released eight studio albums. Mayday's music truthfully voices the heartfelt wishes of young Chinese about their life, relationship and work, and reflections. The pursuit of dreams expressed through their songs have touched the hearts of countless souls!
MAYDAY has won countless awards for music achievements. They received more than 150 domestic and oversea music awards, including the MTV Video Music Awards Japan and Best Buzz Asia Greater China Artist Award, and records they created are unsuppressed in the history of popular music in Taiwan -- four-time winner of the Best Band Award, Golden Melody Awards (highest honor in the music field in Taiwan). This year, they were chosen to receive the Best Mandarin Album, Best Musical Arranger, Best Composer, Best Producer, and Award for Song of the Year and are the champion band for 2012.
MAYDAY never fails to create miracles in their concerts and has never ceased to challenge themselves. In over 200 concerts in their world tour, more than 10 millions of fans attended their concerts. For the two consecutive concerts held in Beijing Bird's Nest in 2012, the 200,000 tickets were sold out in one day. Media in Asia praised MAYDAY as the "King of Concert." UK media even dubbed MAYDAY the "Chinese Beatles."
For over one year, the courageous MAYDAY has been the vanguard in the industry and spent over NTD220 millions on their MAYDAY: 3DNA, the first 3D concert movie in the Chinese world.
Currently, MAYDAY is going on their 2012 -- 2013 world tour "NOWHERE."
五月天在音樂成就上獲獎無數,總計榮獲超過一百五十項海內外音樂重要獎項,其中包括MTV日本音樂錄影帶大獎, 最佳Buzz Asia大中華藝人獎,並創下台灣樂壇紀錄,四度拿下台灣樂壇最高榮譽金曲奬『最佳樂團』殊榮,更於今年包辦了最佳國語專輯獎、編曲人獎、作曲人獎、專輯製作人獎和年度最佳歌曲,成為2012年大獲全勝的冠軍樂團。
勇於突破的五月天,耗時一年,斥資台幣2.2億元製作華人第一部3D演唱會電影『五月天:追夢3DNA』,為業界先驅 。
五月天「華人搖滾 全球發聲」演唱會 直播時間預告
★YouTube 演唱會★
Nov.28 (Wed) 7PM PST
Nov.29 (Thu) 11AM (Taiwan Time)
★Hangouts 視訊聚會★
Nov.28 (Wed) 8:30 PM PST
Nov.29 (Thu) 12:30 PM (Taiwan Time)
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●Bin Music
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greater china中文 在 相信音樂BinMusic Youtube 的最佳解答
An influential rock band from Taiwan.
With footprints covering Asia, the US, Europe, Australia and other regions, Mayday occupies an unshakable star position in the heart of Asian music fans.
In the 13 years since their first public appearance, Mayday has released eight studio albums. Mayday's music truthfully voices the heartfelt wishes of young Chinese about their life, relationship and work, and reflections. The pursuit of dreams expressed through their songs have touched the hearts of countless souls!
MAYDAY has won countless awards for music achievements. They received more than 150 domestic and oversea music awards, including the MTV Video Music Awards Japan and Best Buzz Asia Greater China Artist Award, and records they created are unsuppressed in the history of popular music in Taiwan -- four-time winner of the Best Band Award, Golden Melody Awards (highest honor in the music field in Taiwan). This year, they were chosen to receive the Best Mandarin Album, Best Musical Arranger, Best Composer, Best Producer, and Award for Song of the Year and are the champion band for 2012.
MAYDAY never fails to create miracles in their concerts and has never ceased to challenge themselves. In over 200 concerts in their world tour, more than 10 millions of fans attended their concerts. For the two consecutive concerts held in Beijing Bird's Nest in 2012, the 200,000 tickets were sold out in one day. Media in Asia praised MAYDAY as the "King of Concert." UK media even dubbed MAYDAY the "Chinese Beatles."
For over one year, the courageous MAYDAY has been the vanguard in the industry and spent over NTD220 millions on their MAYDAY: 3DNA, the first 3D concert movie in the Chinese world.
Currently, MAYDAY is going on their 2012 -- 2013 world tour "NOWHERE."
五月天在音樂成就上獲獎無數,總計榮獲超過一百五十項海內外音樂重要獎項,其中包括MTV日本音樂錄影帶大獎, 最佳Buzz Asia大中華藝人獎,並創下台灣樂壇紀錄,四度拿下台灣樂壇最高榮譽金曲奬『最佳樂團』殊榮,更於今年包辦了最佳國語專輯獎、編曲人獎、作曲人獎、專輯製作人獎和年度最佳歌曲,成為2012年大獲全勝的冠軍樂團。
勇於突破的五月天,耗時一年,斥資台幣2.2億元製作華人第一部3D演唱會電影『五月天:追夢3DNA』,為業界先驅 。
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official FB ...............................http://www.facebook.com/imayday555
official G+ ...............................http://goo.gl/HXhmA
2012 NOWHERE world tour official web 「諾亞方舟」世界巡迴演唱會
play list《第二人生Second Round》official HD MV全集:
●相信音樂Bin Music
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greater china中文 在 相信音樂BinMusic Youtube 的最佳解答
An influential rock band from Taiwan.
With footprints covering Asia, the US, Europe, Australia and other regions, Mayday occupies an unshakable star position in the heart of Asian music fans.
In the 13 years since their first public appearance, Mayday has released eight studio albums. Mayday's music truthfully voices the heartfelt wishes of young Chinese about their life, relationship and work, and reflections. The pursuit of dreams expressed through their songs have touched the hearts of countless souls!
MAYDAY has won countless awards for music achievements. They received more than 150 domestic and oversea music awards, including the MTV Video Music Awards Japan and Best Buzz Asia Greater China Artist Award, and records they created are unsuppressed in the history of popular music in Taiwan -- four-time winner of the Best Band Award, Golden Melody Awards (highest honor in the music field in Taiwan). This year, they were chosen to receive the Best Mandarin Album, Best Musical Arranger, Best Composer, Best Producer, and Award for Song of the Year and are the champion band for 2012.
MAYDAY never fails to create miracles in their concerts and has never ceased to challenge themselves. In over 200 concerts in their world tour, more than 10 millions of fans attended their concerts. For the two consecutive concerts held in Beijing Bird's Nest in 2012, the 200,000 tickets were sold out in one day. Media in Asia praised MAYDAY as the "King of Concert." UK media even dubbed MAYDAY the "Chinese Beatles."
For over one year, the courageous MAYDAY has been the vanguard in the industry and spent over NTD220 millions on their MAYDAY: 3DNA, the first 3D concert movie in the Chinese world.
Currently, MAYDAY is going on their 2012 -- 2013 world tour "NOWHERE."
五月天在音樂成就上獲獎無數,總計榮獲超過一百五十項海內外音樂重要獎項,其中包括MTV日本音樂錄影帶大獎, 最佳Buzz Asia大中華藝人獎,並創下台灣樂壇紀錄,四度拿下台灣樂壇最高榮譽金曲奬『最佳樂團』殊榮,更於今年包辦了最佳國語專輯獎、編曲人獎、作曲人獎、專輯製作人獎和年度最佳歌曲,成為2012年大獲全勝的冠軍樂團。
勇於突破的五月天,耗時一年,斥資台幣2.2億元製作華人第一部3D演唱會電影『五月天:追夢3DNA』,為業界先驅 。
follow us on
official FB ...............................http://www.facebook.com/imayday555
official G+ ...............................http://goo.gl/HXhmA
2012 NOWHERE world tour official web:
Newest Album《Second Round》official HD MV:
●Bin Music
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LIKE ON FB .........................http://www.facebook.com/ibinmusic
SUBSCRIBE ON YouTube .....http://www.youtube.com/binmusictaipei
OFFICIAL WEB.....................http://www.bin-music.com